# Make the following conversions: (a) 25,000 Mx to Wb# (b) 0.005 Wb to Mx.
# Given data
A = 25000.0# # A=25000 Maxwell
B = 0.005# # B=0.005 Wabers
C = 1*10**8# # Conversion Factor
Wb = A*(1.0/C)#
print 'The 25000 Maxwell = %0.2e Wabers'%Wb
print 'i.e 250*10**-6 Wb or 250 uWb'
Mx = B*C#
print 'The 0.005 Wabers = %0.2f Maxwell'%Mx
print 'i.e 5.0*10**5 Mx'
# With a flux of 10,000 Mx through a perpendicular area of 5 sqcm, what is the flux density in gauss?
# Given data
A = 5.# # Area=5 sqcm
flux = 10000.0# # Total Flux=10000 Mx
B = flux/A#
print 'The Flux Density = %0.2f Guass (G)'%B
# With a flux of 400 uWb through an area of 0.0005 sqm, what is the flux density B in tesla units?
# Given data
A = 0.0005# # Area=0.0005 sqm
flux = 400*10**-6# # Total Flux=400 uWb
B = flux/A#
print 'The Flux Density = %0.2f Tesla (T)'%B
# Make the following conversions: (a) 0.003 T to G# (b) 15,000 G to T.
# Given data
A = 0.003# # A=0.003 Tesla
B = 15000.# # B=15000 Guass
C = 1.*10**4# # Conversion Factor
G = A*C#
print 'The 0.003 Tesla = %0.2f Guass'%G
T = B*(1/C)#
print 'The 15,000 Guass = %0.2f Tesla'%T