Chapter 5 : Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction

Example 5.1

In [1]:
from scipy.optimize import fsolve 
import math 

# Steady Heat Conduction in a Large Uranium Plate

# Variables
L = 0.04			#Thickness of plate[m]
k = 28			#Thermal conductivity[W/ Celcius]
e_gen = 5*(10**6)			#Rate of heat generation per unit volume[W/m**3]
h = 45			#Heat transfer coefficient[W/m**2]
T_ambient = 30			#Ambient temperature[degree Celcius]

# Calculations
M = 3			#No of nodes
#These nodes are chosen to be at the two surfaces of the plate and the mid point
del_x = L/(M-1)			#Nodal Spacing[m]
#Let the nodes be 0,1 and 2. and temperatures at these nodes are
T0 = 0			#Temperature at node 0[degree Celcius]
#Finding temperatures at other two nodes umath.sing finite difference method
c1 = e_gen*(del_x**2)/k;
c2 = (-h*del_x*T_ambient/k)-(c1/2);
def f1(T):
    temp = [0,0]
    temp[0] = 2*T[0]-T[1]-c1;
    temp[1] = T[0]-1.032*T[1]-c2;
#To find the solution assume an initial value x0 = [a,b]
#then equate [xs,fxs,m] = fsolve(f1,x0')

Example 5.2

In [2]:
import math 
# Heat transfer from triangular fins

# Variables
k = 180 			#Thermal conductivity of aluminium alloy[W/ Celcius]
L = 0.05			#length of fin[m]
b = 0.01			#Base thickness of fin[m]
T_surr = 25			#Temperature of surrounding[degree Celcius
h = 15			#heat transfer coefficient[W/m** Celcius]
M = 6			#No of equally spaced nodes along the fin

# Calculations and Results
del_x = L/(M-1)			#Nodal Spacing[m]
T0 = 200			#Temperature at node 0[degree Celcius]
theta = math.tan(b/2*L);
#sigmaQ_all_sides = kA_left((T_(m-1)-T_m)/del_X)+((T_(m+1)-T_m)/del_x)+(hA_conv(T_surr-T_m)) = 0
#Simplifying above equation we get
print ("((5.5-m)T_(m-1))-((10.008-2m)Tm)+((4.5-m)T_m+1) = -0.29")
#Putting m = 1,2,3,4 we get five equations in five unknowns 
#Solving these five equations we get temperatures at node 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively
def f5(T):
    node1 = -8.008*T[0]+3.5*T[1]+0*T[2]+0*T[3]+0*T[4]+900.209;
    node2 = 3.5*T[0]-6.008*T[1]+2.5*T[2]+0*T[3]+0*T[4]+0.209;
    node3 = 0*T[0]+2.5*T[1]-4.008*T[2]+1.5*T[3]+0*T[4]+0.209;
    node4 = 0*T[0]+0*T[1]+1.5*T[2]-2.008*T[3]+0.5*T[4]+0.209;
    node5 = 0*T[0]+0*T[1]+0*T[2]+1*T[3]-1.008*T[4]+0.209;
    return node1
 #T1 = T[0],T2 = T[1],T3 = T[2],T4 = T[3],T5 = T[4];
 #   w = 1			#width[m]
 #   Q_fin = (h*w*del_x/math.cos(theta))*[(T0+2*(T1+T2+T3+T4)+T5-10*T_surr)]			#[W]
 #   print "The total rate of heat transfer from the fin is",Q_fin,"W"
#    Q_max = (h*2*w*L/math.cos(theta)*(T0-T_surr))			#[W]
#neta = Q_fin/Q_max;
#print "Efficiency of the fin is",neta
((5.5-m)T_(m-1))-((10.008-2m)Tm)+((4.5-m)T_m+1) = -0.29

Example 5.3

In [5]:
import math 
# SteadLy Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction in L-Bars

# Variables
e_gen = 2*(10**6)			#Heat generated per unit volume[W/m**3]
k = 15			#Thermal heat conductivity[W/ Celcius]
T_ambient = 25			#Temperature of ambient air[degree Celcius]
T_surface = 90			#Temperature of the bottom surface[degree Celcius]
h = 80#convection coefficient[W/m**2]
q_R = 5000			#Heat flux to which right surface is subjected[W/m**2]
del_x = 0.012
del_y = 0.012			#Dismath.tance between equally spaced nodes[m]

# Calculations
#After substituing values in equations of all nodal points finally we have nine equation and nine unknowns
def f9(T):
    temp[0] = -2.064*T[0]+1*T[1]+0*T[2]+1*T[3]+0*T[4]+0*T[5]+0*T[6]+0*T[7]+0*T[8]+11.2;
    temp[1] = 1*T[0]-4.128*T[1]+1*T[2]+0*T[3]+2*T[4]+0*T[5]+0*T[6]+0*T[7]+0*T[8]+22.4;
    temp[2] = 0*T[0]+1*T[1]-2.128*T[2]+0*T[3]+0*T[4]+1*T[5]+0*T[6]+0*T[7]+0*T[8]+12.8;
    temp[3] = 1*T[0]+0*T[1]+0*T[2]-4*T[3]+2*T[4]+109.2;
    temp[4] = 0*T[0]+1*T[1]+0*T[2]+1*T[3]-4*T[4]+1*T[5]+0*T[6]+0*T[7]+0*T[8]+109.2;
    temp[5] = 0*T[0]+0*T[1]+1*T[2]+0*T[3]+2*T[4]-6.128*T[5]+1*T[6]+0*T[7]+0*T[8]+212.0;
    temp[6] = 0*T[0]+0*T[1]+0*T[2]+0*T[3]+0*T[4]+1*T[5]-4.128*T[6]+1*T[7]+0*T[8]+202.4;
    temp[7] = 0*T[0]+0*T[1]+0*T[2]+0*T[3]+0*T[4]+0*T[5]+1*T[6]-4.128*T[7]+T[8]+202.4;
    temp[8] = 0*T[0]+0*T[1]+0*T[2]+0*T[3]+0*T[4]+0*T[5]+0*T[6]+1*T[7]-2.064*T[8]+105.2;

Example 5.4

In [7]:
import math 
from numpy import zeros

#  Heat Loss through Chimneys

# Variablesa
k = 1.4			#Thermal conductivity of concrete[W/ Celcius]
A = 0.2*0.2			#Area of flow section[m**2]
t = 0.2			#Thickness of the wall[m]
Ti = 300+273			#Average temperature of gases[K]
hi = 70			#Convection heat transfer coefficient inside the chimney[W/m**2]
ho = 21			#Convection heat transfer coefficient outside the chimney[W/m**2]
To = 20+273			#Temperature od outer air[Kelvin]
e = 0.9			#Emissivity
delx = 0.1
dely = 0.1			#Nodal spacing [m]

# Calculations
#Substituing values in all nodal equations and and solving these equations we get temperature at all nodes
def fu9(T):
    temp = zeros(8)
    temp[0] = 7*T[0]-T[1]-T[2]-2865;
    temp[1] = -T[0]+8*T[1]-2*T[3]-2865;
    temp[2] = -T[0]+4*T[2]-2*T[3]-T[5];
    temp[3] = -T[1]-T[2]+4*T[3]-T[4]-T[6];
    temp[4] = -2*T[3]+4*T[4]-2*T[7];
    temp[5] = -T[1]-T[2]+3.5*T[5]+(0.3645*(10**(-9))*(T[5]**4))-456.2;
    temp[6] = -2*T[3]-T[5]+7*T[6]+(0.729*(10**(-9))*(T[6]**4))-T[7]-912.4;
    temp[7] = -2*T[4]-T[6]+7*T[7]+(0.729*(10**(-9))*(T[7]**4))-912.4;
    temp[8] = -T[7]+2.5*T[8]+(0.3645*(10**(-9))*(T[8]**4))-456.2;
#T1 = T[0],T2 = T[1],T3 = T[2],T4 = T[3],T5 = T[4],T6 = T[5],T7 = T[6],T8 = T[7],T9 = T[8];
#T_wall = (0.5*T6+T7+T8+0.5*T9)/(0.5+1+1+0.5);

# Results
#print "The average temperature at the outer surface of the chimney weighed by the surface area is",T_wall,"Kelvin"
#Q_chimney = (ho*4*0.6*1*(T_wall-To))+(e*5.67*(10**-8)*0.6*1*((T_wall**4)-((260**4))))			#[W]
#print "The heat transfer is",Q_chimney,"W"

Example 5.5

In [10]:
import math 
# Transient Heat Conduction in a Large Uranium Plate

# Variables
k = 28			#[W/ Celcius]
a = 12.5*10**(-6)			#Thermal diffusivity[m**2/s]
T1_0 = 200
T2_0 = 200			#Initial Temperature[degree Celcius]
e_gen = 5*10**6			#Heat generated per unit volume[W/m**3]
h = 45			#heat transfer coefficient[W/m** Celcius]
T0 = 0			#Temperature at node 0[degree Celcius]
L = 0.04			#[m]
M = 3			#No of nodes
t = 15			#[seconds]

# Calculations
delx = L/(M-1)			#[m]
#The nodes are 0,1 and 2
tau = (a*t)/(delx**2)			#Fourier no
#Substituing this value of tau in nodal equations
#The nodal temperatures T1_1 and T2_1 at t = 15sec
T1_1 = 0.0625*T1_0+0.46875*T2_0+33.482			#[degree Celcius]
T2_1 = 0.9375*T1_0+0.032366*T2_0+34.386			#[degree Celcius]
#Similarly the nodal themperatures T1_2,T2_2 at t1 = 2*t = 30sec are
T1_2 = 0.0625*T1_1+0.46875*T2_1+33.482			#[degree Celcius]
T2_2 = 0.9375*T1_1+0.032366*T2_1+34.386			#[degree Celcius]

# Results
print "Temperatures at node 1 and 2 are respectively",T1_1,T2_1,"and",T1_2,T2_2,"degree Celcius"
Temperatures at node 1 and 2 are respectively 139.732 228.3592 and 149.258625 172.775823867 degree Celcius

Example 5.6

In [12]:
import math 
# Solar Energy Storage in Trombe Walls

# Variables
hin = 10			#[W/m**2]
A = 3*75			#[m**2]
Tin = 21			#[degree Celcius]
k = 0.69			#[W/ Celcius]
a = 4.44*10**(-7)			#diffusivity[m**2/s]
kappa = 0.77;
delx = 0.06			#The nodal spacing[m]
L = 0.3			#Length of wall[m]
Tout = 0.6
q_solar = 360			#Ambient temperature in degree Celcius and Solar Radiation between 7am to 10 am

# Calculations and Results
M = (L/delx)+1;
print "No of nodes are",M

#Stability Criterion
del_t = (delx**2)/(3.74*a)			#[seconds]
print "The maximum allowable value of the time step is",del_t,"s"

#Therefore any step less than del_t can be used to solve this problem,for convinience let's choose 
delt = 900			#[seconds]
tao = a*delt/(delx**2);
print "The mesh Fourier number is",tao

#Initially at 7am or t = 0,the temperature of the wall is said to vary linearly between 21 degree Celcius at node 0 and -1 at node 5
#Temp between two neighbouring nodes is
temp = (21-(-1))/5.			#[degree Celcius]
T0_0 = Tin;
T1_0 = T0_0-temp;
T2_0 = T1_0-temp;
T3_0 = T2_0-temp;
T4_0 = T3_0-temp;
T5_0 = T4_0-temp;
T0_1 = ((1-3.74*tao)*T0_0)+(tao*(2*T1_0+36.5));
T1_1 = (tao*(T0_0+T2_0))+(T1_0*(1-(2*tao)));
T2_1 = (tao*(T1_0+T3_0))+(T2_0*(1-(2*tao)));
T3_1 = (tao*(T2_0+T4_0))+(T3_0*(1-(2*tao)));
T4_1 = (tao*(T3_0+T5_0))+(T4_0*(1-(2*tao)));
T5_1 = (T5_0*(1-(2.70*tao)))+(tao*((2*T4_0)+(0.70*Tout)+(0.134*q_solar)));

print ("Nodal temperatures at 7:15am are")
print "Node0:",T0_1,"degree Celcius"
print "Node1:",T1_1,"degree Celcius"
print "Node2:",T2_1,"degree Celcius"
print "Node3:",T3_1,"degree Celcius"
print "Node4:",T4_1,"degree Celcius"
print "Node5:",T5_1,"degree Celcius"

Q_wall = hin*A*delt*(((round(T0_1)+T0_0)/2)-Tin)			#[J]
print "The amount of heat transfer during the first time step or during the first 15 min period is",Q_wall,"J"

#Similarly using values from the table given we can find temperature at various nodes after required time interval
No of nodes are 6.0
The maximum allowable value of the time step is 2167.94334441 s
The mesh Fourier number is 0.111
Nodal temperatures at 7:15am are
Node0: 20.01876 degree Celcius
Node1: 16.6 degree Celcius
Node2: 12.2 degree Celcius
Node3: 7.8 degree Celcius
Node4: 3.4 degree Celcius
Node5: 5.45576 degree Celcius
The amount of heat transfer during the first time step or during the first 15 min period is -1012500.0 J