Chapter 15: Double Pipe Heat Exchangers

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.2, Page number: 290

In [2]:
#Variable declaration:
Q = 12000.0                     #Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
U = 48.0                        #Overall heat coefficient (Btu/ft^2.h.°F)
DTlm = 50.0                     #Log mean temperature difference (°F)

A = Q/(U*DTlm)                  #Area of exchanger (ft^2)

print "The area of the exchanger is :",round(A)," ft^2 ."
The area of the exchanger is : 5.0  ft^2 .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.3, Page number: 291

In [26]:
from sympy import symbols,solve,log

#Variable declaration:
Q = 56760                           #Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
U = 35.35                           #Overall heat coefficient (Btu/ft.h.°F)
A = 32.1                            #Area of exachanger (ft^2)
t1 = 63.0                           #Outlet cold water temperature (°F)
T1 = 164                            #Outlet hot water temperature (°F)
T2 = 99                             #Inlet hot water temperature (°F)
t2 = symbols('t2')                  #Inlet cold water temperature (°F)

DTlm = Q/(U*A)                      #Log mean temperature difference (°F)
dT1 = T1-t1                         #Temperature approach at pipe outlet (°F)
dT2 = T2-t2                         #Temperature approach at pipe inlet (°F)
Eq = (dT2-dT1)/log(dT2/dT1)-DTlm
R = solve(Eq,t2)                    #Inlet cold water temperature (°F)

print "The inlet cold water temperature is : ",round(R[0])," °F."
The inlet cold water temperature is :  79.0  °F.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.4, Page number: 292

In [8]:
#Variable declaration:
m = 14.6                         #Flow rate of water inside the tube (lb/min)
Cp = 1                           #Heat capacity of water (Btu/lb.°F)
t2 = 79                          #Initial temperature of water (°F)
t1 = 63                          #Final temperature of water (°F)
#From example 15.3:
Q1 = 56760                       #Old heat transfer rate (Btu/h)

Q2 = m*Cp*(t2-t1)                #New heat transfer rate (Btu/min)

print "The new heat transfer rate is :",round(Q2)," Btu/min." 
print "Or, the new heat transfer rate is :",round(Q2*60)," Btu/h."
if (Q1==Q2) :
    print "This result agree with the Q˙ provided in the problem statement. Shakespeare is wrong, nothing is rotten there."
else :
    print "This result does not agree with the Q˙ provided in the problem statement. Shakespeare is right, something is indeed rotten."
The new heat transfer rate is : 234.0  Btu/min.
Or, the new heat transfer rate is : 14016.0  Btu/h.
This result does not agree with the Q˙ provided in the problem statement. Shakespeare is right, something is indeed rotten.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.5, Page number: 292

In [5]:
from math import log

#Variable declaration:
T1 = 210.0                          #Initial temperature of oil (°F)
T2 = 170.0                          #Final temperature of oil (°F)
T3 = 60.0                           #Surface temperature of oil (°F)
m = 8000.0                          #Flow rate of oil inside tube (lb/h)
cp = 0.55                           #Heat capacity of oil (Btu/lb.°F)
U = 63.0                            #Overall heat teansfer coefficient (Btu.h.ft^2.°F)

DT1 = T1-T3                         #Temperature difference 1 (°F)
DT2 = T2-T3                         #Temperature difference 2 (°F)
DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)       #Log mean temerature difference (°F)
Q = m*cp*(T1-T2)                    #Heat transferred (Btu/h)
A = Q/(U*DTlm)                      #Heat transfer area (ft^2)

print "The required heat transfer area is :",round(A,2)," ft^2 ."
The required heat transfer area is : 21.66  ft^2 .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.6, Page number: 293

In [6]:
from math import log

#Variable declaration:
T1 = 140.0                          #Initial temperature of hot water (°F)
T2 = 110.0                          #Final temperature of hot water (°F)
T3 = 60.0                           #Initial temperature of cold water (°F)
T4 = 90.0                           #Initial temperature of cold water (°F)
DTlm2 = 50.0                        #Log mean temerature difference for countercurrent flow, a constant (°F) (part 2)
m = 100.0*60                        #Water flow rate (lb/h)
cp = 1.0                            ##Heat capacity of water (Btu/lb.°F)
U = 750.0                           #Overall heat teansfer coefficient (Btu.h.ft^2.°F)

DT1 = T1-T3                         #Temperature difference 1 (°F) (part 1)
DT2 = T2-T4                         #Temperature difference 2 (°F)
DTlm1 = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)      #Log mean temerature difference (°F)
Q = m*cp*(T1-T2)                    #Heat transferred (Btu/h)
Ap = Q/(U*DTlm1)                     #Heat transfer area for parallel flow (ft^2)
Ac = Q/(U*DTlm2)                    #Heat transfer area for counter flow (ft^2)

print "1. The double pipe co-current flow is :",round(Ap,2)," ft^2 ."
print "1. The double pipe countercurrent flow is :",round(Ac,2)," ft^2 ."
1. The double pipe co-current flow is : 5.55  ft^2 .
1. The double pipe countercurrent flow is : 4.8  ft^2 .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.8, Page number: 294

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
from math import pi,log

#Variable declaration:
uC = 3.7*10**-4                            	    #Viscosity of benzene (lb/ft.s)
uH = 2.05*10**-4                          	    #Viscosity of water @200 °F (lb/ft.s)
u2 = 2.16*10**-4 				                 #Viscosity of water @192 °F (lb/ft.s)
pC = 54.8                                       #Density of benzene (lb/ft^3)
pH = 60.13                                      #Density of water (lb/ft^3)
cpC = 0.415                                     #Specific heat capacity of benzene (Btu/lb.°F)
cpH = 1                                         #Specific heat capacity of water (Btu/lb.°F)
sgC = 0.879                                     
kC = 0.092                                      #Thermal conductivity of benzene (Btu/h.ft.°F)
kH = 0.392                                      #Thermal conductivity of water @200 °F  (Btu/h.ft.°F)
k2 = 0.390					                 #Thermal conductivity of water @192 °F  (Btu/h.ft.°F)
mC = 2500	 			                     #Flow rate of benzene (lb/s)
mH = 4000                                       #Flow rate of water (lb/s)
Re = 13000                                      #Reynolds number
dTc = 120-60					                 #Difference in temperature heating for benzene
Tw = 200				                          #Temperatperature of hot water (°F)
#For 2-inch schedule 40 pipe
Ai = 0.541                                      #Inside area of pipe (ft^2/ft)
Ao = 0.622                                      #Outside area of pipe (ft^2/ft)
Di = 2.067                                      #Inside diameter of pipe (inch)
Do =  2.375                                     #Outside diameter of pipe (inch)
Si = 0.0233                                     #Inside surface area of pipe (ft^2)
dXw = 0.128                                     #Width of pipe (ft)

#For 4-inch schedule 40 pipe
Dio = 4.026                                     #Inside diameter of pipe (inch)
Doi = Do                                        #Outside diameter of pipe (inch)
kw = 26                                         

def St(Re,Pr):				                 #Dittus Boelter equation
	return 0.023*Re**-0.2*Pr**-0.667
#For inside tubes:
Dicalc = 4*mC/(Re*pi*uC)/3600                   #Inside diameter (ft)
mHcalc = Re*pi*uH*(Doi+Dio)/4*3600/12           #Mass flow rate of water (lb/h)
Q = mC*cpC*dTc					             #Heat in water (Btu/h)
dTH = Q/mH                                      #Temperature difference of water (°F)
THo = Tw - dTH                                  #Outlet temperature of water (°F)
THav = (Tw+THo)/2                               #Average temperature of water (°F) 
#For benzene:
PrC = cpC*uC/kC*3600                            #Prandtl number
StC = round(St(13000, PrC),5)                   #Stanton number
hi = StC*cpC*mC/Si                              #Heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
#For water:
ReH = 4*mH/3600/(pi*u2*(Doi+Dio)/12)            #Reynolds number
PrH = round(cpH*(u2)/k2*3600 ,2)                #Prandtl number
StH = round(St(ReH, PrH),5)                     #Stanton number
Sann = round(pi/4*(Dio**2-Doi**2)/144,4)        #Surface area of annulus (ft^2)
ho = round(StH*cpH*mH/Sann)                     #Heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
#For pipe:
Dlm = round((Do-Di)/log(Do/Di)*12,3)            #Log mean difference in diameter (ft)
Uo = 1/(Do/Di/hi + dXw*Do/kw/Dlm + 1/ho)        #Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
dTlm = (124.4-80)/log(124.4/80)                 #Log mean temperature difference (°F)
L = Q/(Uo*0.622*dTlm)                           #Length of pipe (ft)

print 'The required length of pipe: ',round(L,1), 'ft'
The required length of pipe:  31.4 ft

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.10, Page number: 300

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
from math import e

#Variable declaration:
MC = 2000.0     
mc = 1000.0
U = 2000.0
A = 10.0
T1 = 300.0
t1 = 60.0

B = 1.0/mc 
b = 1.0/MC
x = B/b
y = U*(B-b)
T2 = ((x-y)*T1 + x*(e-y)*t1)/(2*e-1)
t2 = t1+(T1-T2)/x

print "T2 = :",round(T2)," °F"
print "t2 = :",round(t2)," °F"
T2 = : 114.0  °F
t2 = : 153.0  °F

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.11, Page number: 301

In [23]:
from sympy import symbols,solve,log

#Variable declaration:
h1 = 1200.0                         #Hot film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
h2 = 1175.0                         #Cold film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
L = 200.0                           #Length of pipe (ft)
MC = 30000.0
mc = 22300.0
T1 = 300.0                          #Inlet temperature of hot fluid in pipe (°F)
t1 = 60.0                           #Inlet temperature of cold fluid in pipe (°F)
T2 = symbols('T2')                   #Outlet temperature of hot fluid °F
t2 = symbols('t2')                   #Outlet temperature of cold fluid °F
#From table 6.2:
ID = 2.067                          #Inside diameter of pipe (in)
OD = 2.375                          #Outside diameter of pipe (in)
Dx = 0.154                          #Thickness of pipe (in)
Ai = 0.541                          #Inside sectional area of pipe (ft^2/ft)
k = 25.0                            #Thermal conductivity of pipe (Btu/h)

Ui = 1.0/((1.0/h1) +(Dx/(k*12.0))+(1.0/(h2*(OD/ID))))    #Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
Ai1 = Ai*L                          #Inside area of pipe (ft^3/ft)
QH = MC*(T1-T2)                     #Heat transfer rate of hot fluid (Btu/h)
QC = mc*(t2-t1)                     #Heat transfer rate of cold fluid (Btu/h)
t2ht = 195                          #t2 by hit and trial
x = solve(QC-QH,T2)
T2 = x[0]
DTlm = (T1-t1-T2+t2)/log((T1-t1)/(T2-t2))  #Log mean temperature difference (°F)
Q = Ui*Ai1*DTlm.subs(t2,t2ht)       #Total heat transfer rate (Btu/h)

print "T2 :", round(T2.subs(t2,t2ht)),"(°F)"
print "t2 :", t2.subs(t2,t2ht),"(°F)"
print "Qdot :", round(Q/10**6) ,"x 10**6 Btu/h"
T2 : 200.0 (°F)
t2 : 195 (°F)
Qdot : 3.0 x 10**6 Btu/h

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.12, Page number: 302

In [27]:
from __future__ import division
from math import log,e

#Variable declaration:
B = 3.33*10**-5
b = 4.48*10**-5
#From example 15.11:
A = 108.2                           #Inside area of pipe (ft^3/ft)
U = 482                             #Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
MC = 30000.0
mc = 23000.0
T1 = 300.0                          #Inlet temperature of hot fluid in pipe (°F)
t1 = 60.0                           #Inlet temperature of cold fluid in pipe (°F)

#From equation 15.28:
T2 = ((B/b)*(e**(U*A*(B-b))-1)*t1+T1*(B/b-1))/((B/b)*e**(U*A*(B-b))-1) #Outlet temperature of hot fluid (°F)
#From equation 15.32:
t2 = ((b/B)*(e**(U*A*(b-B))-1)*T1+t1*(b/B-1))/((b/B)*e**(U*A*(b-B))-1) #Outlet temperature of cold fluid (°F)
DT = ((T2-t1)-(T1-t2))/(log((T2-t1)/(T1-t2))) #Log mean difference temperature (°F)
Q1 = U*A*DT                         #Heat transfer rate of hot fluid (Btu/h)
Q2 = MC*(T1-T2)                     #Heat transfer rate of cold fluid (Btu/h)

print "The heat load is :",round(Q2,-3)," Btu/h."
The heat load is : 4078000.0  Btu/h.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.14, Page number: 305

In [24]:
from __future__ import division
from math import log,pi

#Variable declaration:
Ts = 100.0                      #Saturation temperature (°C)
t1 = 25.0                       #Initial temperature of water (°C)
t2 = 73.0                       #Final temperature of water (°C)
m = 228.0/3600.0                #Mass flow rate of water (kg/s)
cp = 4174.0                     #Heat capacity of water (J/kg.K)
m_s = 55.0/3600.0               #Mass flow rate of steam (kg/s)
h_vap = 2.26*10**26             #Latent heat of condensation (J/kg)
k = 54.0                        #Thermal conductivity for 0.5% carbon steel (W/m.K)
rii = 0.013                     #Inner radius of inner pipe of the double pipe heat exchanger (m)
roi = 0.019                     #Outer radius of inner pipe of the double pipe heat exchanger (m)
Rf = 0.0002                     #Fouling factor (m^2.K/W)
Uc = 0.00045                    #Clean overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)

DT1 = Ts-t1                     #Temperature driving force at end 1 (K)
DT2 = Ts-t2                     #Temperature driving force at end 2 (K)
DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/(log(DT1/DT2))   #Log mean difference temperature (°C)
Cw =m*cp                        #Capacitance rate of water (W/K)
Q = Cw*(t2-t1)                  #Heat transfer rate (W)
Qmax1 = Cw*(Ts-t1)              #Maximum heat term from the water stream (W)
Qmax2 = m_s*h_vap               #Maximum heat term from the steam (W)
E = Q/Qmax1                     #Effectiveness
Lmin = (Q*(log(roi/rii)))/(2*pi*k*(Ts-t1))    #Minimum required length of heat exchanger (m)
Ud = 1.0/(1.0/Uc+Rf)            #Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)

print "1. The temperature profile of the water and steam along the length of the exchanger is :",round(DTlm)," °C ."
print "2. Effectiveness of energy from steam to heat the water is :",round(E,3)," ."
print "3. The minimum length of the heat exchanger is :",round(Lmin,3)," m ."
print "4. The dirty overall heat transfer coefficient :",round(Ud,5)," W/m^2.K ."
print "5. U_dirty: ", round(1/Ud,-1)," W/m^2.K"
1. The temperature profile of the water and steam along the length of the exchanger is : 47.0  °C .
2. Effectiveness of energy from steam to heat the water is : 0.64  .
3. The minimum length of the heat exchanger is : 0.189  m .
4. The dirty overall heat transfer coefficient : 0.00045  W/m^2.K .
5. U_dirty:  2220.0  W/m^2.K

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.15, Page number: 308

In [15]:
from math import pi

#Variable declaration:
Q = 12700.0                 #Heat transfer rate (W)
Ud = 2220.0                 #Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
DTlm = 47.0                 #Log mean difference temperature (°C)
rii = 0.013                 #Inner radius of inner pipe of the double pipe heat exchanger (m)
A = Q/(Ud*DTlm)             #Heat transfer area (m^2)
L = A/(2*pi*rii)            #Tube length (m)

print "The heat transfer area is :",round(A,4)," m^2 ."
print "The length of the heat exchanger is :",round(L,2)," m ."
The heat transfer area is : 0.1217  m^2 .
The length of the heat exchanger is : 1.49  m .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.16, Page number: 308

In [16]:
#Variable declaration:
Ud = 2220.0                 #Dirty overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
A = 0.1217                  #Heat transfer area (m^2)
Cw = 264.0                  #Capacitance rate of water (W/K)

NTU = (Ud*A)/Cw             #Number of transfer units of the exchanger

print "The number of transfer units (NTU) of the exchanger is :",round(NTU,2)," ."
The number of transfer units (NTU) of the exchanger is : 1.02  .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.18, Page number: 309

In [18]:
#Variable declaration:
Ao = 1.85                           #Area of heat exchanger (ft^2)

#From figure 15.6:
y = 0.560*10**-3                    #Intercept 1/UoAo (°F.h/Btu)
ho = 1.0/(Ao*y)                     #Thermal conductivity for heat exchanger (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

print "Thermal conductivity for the heat exchanger is :",round(ho)," Btu/h.ft^2.°F ."
Thermal conductivity for the heat exchanger is : 965.0  Btu/h.ft^2.°F .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.19, Page number: 310

In [19]:
#Variable declaration:
#From figure 15.7:
a = 0.00126
b = 0.0276

ho = 1.0/a                          #The value of ho (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

print "Thermal conductivity is :",round(ho)," Btu/h.ft^2.°F ."
Thermal conductivity is : 794.0  Btu/h.ft^2.°F .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.20, Page number: 311

In [20]:
#Variable declaration:
Di = 0.902/12.0                     #Inside diameter of tube (ft)
Do = 1.0/12.0                       #Outside diameter of tube (ft)
k = 60.0                            #Thermal conductivity of tube (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)                         

#From example 15.19:
a = 0.00126
Dr = (Do - Di)/2.0                  #Radial thickness of tube wall  (ft)
Rw = Dr/k                           #Resistance of wall (Btu/h.°F)
ho = 1.0/(a-Rw)                     #The revised ho (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

print "The revised ho is :",round(ho)," Btu/h.ft^2.°F ."
The revised ho is : 839.0  Btu/h.ft^2.°F .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 15.21, Page number: 312

In [21]:
#Variable declaration:
a1 = 0.00044                #Term 'a' for U_clean
a2 = 0.00089                #Term 'a' for U_dirty

Rs = a2 - a1                #Resistance associated with the scale
hs = 1.0/Rs                 #Scale film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

print "The scale film coefficient neglecting the wall resistance is:",round(hs)," Btu/h.ft^2.°F ."
The scale film coefficient neglecting the wall resistance is: 2222.0  Btu/h.ft^2.°F .