Chapter 22: Design Principles and Industrial Applications

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.6, Page number: 471

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import symbols,solve

#Variable declaration:
#From steam tables:
h1 = 1572                           #Enthalpy for super heated steam at (P = 40 atm, T = 1000°F) (Btu/lb)
h2 = 1316                           #Enthalpy for super heated steam at (P = 20 atm, T = 600°F) (Btu/lb)
h3 = 1151                           #Enthalpy for saturated steam (Btu/lb)
h4 = 28.1                           #Enthalpy for saturated water (Btu/lb)
m1 = 1000                           #Mass flowrate of  steam (lb/h)
m = symbols('m')                    #Mass flow rate of steam (lb/h)

Dh1 = m1*(h3-h4)                    #The change in enthalpy for the vaporization of the water stream (Btu/h)
Dh2 = m*(h1-h2)                     #The change in enthalpy for the cooling of the water stream (Btu/h)
x = solve(Dh1-Dh2,m)                #Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)
m2 = x[0];                          #Mass flowrate of steam (lb/h)

print "The mass flowrate of the utility steam required is :",round(m2)," lb/h."
The mass flowrate of the utility steam required is : 4386.0  lb/h.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.7, Page number: 473

In [7]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
#From table 22.1:
QH1 = 12*10**6                  #Heat duty for process unit 1 (Btu/h)
QH2 = 6*10**6                   #Heat duty for process unit 2 (Btu/h)
QH3 = 23.5*10**6                #Heat duty for process unit 3 (Btu/h)
QH4 = 17*10**6                  #Heat duty for process unit 4 (Btu/h)
QH5 = 31*10**6                  #Heat duty for process unit 5 (Btu/h)
T1 = 90                         #Supply water temperature (°F)
T2 = 115                        #Return water temperature (°F)
cP = 1                          #Cooling water heat capacity (Btu/(lb.°F))
p = 62*0.1337                   #Density of water (lb/gal)
BDR = 5/100                     #Blow-down rate

QHL = (QH1+QH2+QH3+QH4+QH5)/60  #Heat load (Btu/min)
DT = T2-T1                      #Change in temperature (°F)
qCW = round(QHL,-5)/(DT*cP*p)   #Required cooling water flowrate (gpm)
qBD = BDR*qCW                   #Blow-down flow (gpm)

print "The total flowrate of cooling water required for the services is :",round(qCW,-1)," gpm."
print "The required blow-down flow is :",round(qBD)," gpm."
The total flowrate of cooling water required for the services is : 7240.0  gpm.
The required blow-down flow is : 362.0  gpm.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.8, Page number: 474

In [8]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
Q1 = 10*10**6                       #Unit heat duty for process unit 1 (Btu/h)
Q2 = 8*10**6                        #Unit heat duty for process unit 2 (Btu/h)
Q3 = 12*10**6                       #Unit heat duty for process unit 3 (Btu/h)
Q4 = 20*10**6                       #Unit heat duty for process unit 4 (Btu/h)
hv = 751                            #Enthalpy of vaporization for pressure 500 psig (Btu/lb)

mB1 = Q1/hv                         #Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 1 (lb/h)
mB2 = Q2/hv                         #Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 2 (lb/h)
mB3 = Q3/hv                         #Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 3 (lb/h)
mB4 = Q4/hv                         #Mass flowrate of 500 psig steam through unit 4 (lb/h)
mBT = mB1+mB2+mB3+mB4               #Total steam required (lb/h)

print "The total steam required is :", round(mBT,-1)," lb/h."
The total steam required is : 66580.0  lb/h.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.9, Page number: 474

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import symbols,solve
from math import log,pi

#Variable declaration:
po = 53*16.0185                     #Density of oil (kg/m^3)
co = 0.46*4186.7                    #Heat capacity of oil (J/kg.°C)
muo = 150/1000                      #Dynamic viscosity of oil (kg/m.s)
ko = 0.11*1.7303                    #Thermal conductivity of oil (W/m.°C)
qo = 28830*4.381*10**-8             #Volumetric flowrate of oil (m^3/s)
pw = 964                            #Density of water (kg/m^3)
cw = 4204                           #Heat capacity of water (J/kg.°C)
muw = 0.7/3600*1.4881               #Dynamic viscosity of water (kg/m.s)
kw = 0.678                          #Thermal conductivity of water (W/m.°C)
qw = 8406*4.381*10**-8              #Volumetric flowrate of water (m^3/s)
t1 = 23.5                           #Initial temperature of oil (°C)
t2 = 27                             #Final temperature of oil (°C)
T1 = 93                             #Water heating temperature of water (°C)
T2 = symbols('T2')                  #Minimum temperature of heating water (°C)
A = symbols('A')                    #Heat transfer area (m^2)
Uc = 35.4                           #Clean heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K)
Rf = 0.0007                         #Thermal resistance (m^2.K/W)
D = 6*0.0254                        #Inside diameter of pipe (m)

vo = muo/po                         #Kinematic viscosity of oil (m^2/s)
mo = po*qo                          #Mass flowrate of oil (kg/s)
vw = muw/pw                         #Kinematic viscosity of  (m^2/s)
mw = pw*qw                          #Masss flow rate of water (kg/s)
Q1 = mo*co*(t2-t1)                  #Duty of exchanger of oil (W)
T2m = t1                            #Lowest possible temperature of the water (°C) (part 1)
Qmw = mw*cw*(T1-T2m)                #Maximum duty of exchanger of water (W) (part 2)
Q2 = mw*cw*(T1-T2)                  #Duty of exchanger of water in terms of T2 (W)
x = solve(Q1-Q2,T2)                 #Solving value for T2 (°C)
T3 = x[0];                          #Minimum temperature of heating water (°C)
DT1 = T3-t1                         #Inlet temperature difference (°C)
DT2 = T1-t2                         #Outlet temperature difference (°C)
DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)       #Log mean temperature difference (°C)
Ud1 = 1/Uc+Rf                       #Dirty heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.K) (part 3)
Ud2 = 34.6                          #Dirty heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.°C)
Q3 = Ud2*A*DTlm                     #Duty of exchanger (W) (part 4)
y = solve(Q1-Q3,A)                  #Heat transfer area (m^2)
A1 = y[0];                          #Required heat transfer area (m^2)
L = A1/(pi*D)                       #Required heat transfer length (m)
Qmo = mo*co*(T1-t1)                 #Maximum duty of exchanger of oil (W) (part 5)
Qm = Qmw                            #Maximum duty of exchanger (W)
E = Q1/Qm*100                       #Effectiveness (%)
NTU = Ud2*A1/(mw*cw)                #Number of transfer units

print "1. The lowest possible temperature of the water is :",T2m," °C ."
print "2. The log mean temperature difference is :",round(DTlm,2)," °C ."
print "3. The overall heat transfer coefficient for the new clean exchanger is :",round(Ud2,1)," (W/m^2.°C ."
print "4. The length of the double pipe heat exchanger is :",round(L,2)," m ."
print "5. The effectiveness of the exchanger is :",round(E,2)," % ."
print "   The NTU of the exchanger is :",round(NTU,4)," ."
1. The lowest possible temperature of the water is : 23.5  °C .
2. The log mean temperature difference is : 65.33  °C .
3. The overall heat transfer coefficient for the new clean exchanger is : 34.6  (W/m^2.°C .
4. The length of the double pipe heat exchanger is : 6.68  m .
5. The effectiveness of the exchanger is : 6.97  % .
   The NTU of the exchanger is : 0.0741  .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.10, Page number: 477

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
from math import log,pi

#Variable declaration:
#From example 22.9:
t1 = 23.5                           #Initial temperature of oil (°C)
t2 = 27                             #Final temperature of oil (°C)
T1 = 93                             #Water heating temperature of water (°C)
T2 = 88.16                          #Minimum temperature of heating water (°C)
U = 34.6                            #Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2.°C)
Q = 7227.2                          #Duty of exchanger (W)
D = 6*0.0254                        #Inside diameter of pipe (m)
l = 6.68                            #Previous heat transfer length (m)

DT1 = T1-t1                         #Inlet temperature difference (°C)
DT2 = T2-t2                         #Outlet temperature difference (°C)
DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)       #Log mean temperature difference (°C)
A = Q/(U*DTlm)                      #Required heat transfer area (m^2)
L = A/(pi*D)                        #Required heat transfer length (m)

print "The length of the parallel pipe heat exchanger is :",round(L,2)," m ."
if L>l:
    print "The tube length would increase slightly."
elif L<l:
    print "The tube length would decrease slightly."
The length of the parallel pipe heat exchanger is : 6.69  m .
The tube length would increase slightly.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.12, Page number: 478

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from math import log

#Variable declaration:
T = 80                                #Pipe surface temperature (°F)
t1 = 10                               #Inlet temperature of brine solution (°F)
m = 1200                              #mass flowrate of solution (kg/s)
c = 0.99                              #Heat capacity of brine solution (Btu/lb.°F)
A = 2.5                               #Heat transfer area (ft^2)
U1 = 150                              #Overall heat transfer coefficient at temperature approach (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
U2 = 140                              #Overall heat transfer coefficient at inlet brine temperature (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

DT1 = T-t1                            #Temperature approach at the pipe entrance (°F)

def equation(DT2):
	Q1 = m*c*(DT1-DT2)               #Energy balance to the brine solution across the full length of the pipe (Btu/h)
	DTlm = (DT1-DT2)*log(DT2/DT1)    #Log mean temperature difference (°F)
	Q2 = A*(U2*DT1-U1*DT2)/log((U2*DT1)/(U1*DT2)) #Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
	return Q2-Q1	
t2 = round(T-fsolve(equation,1),1)	   #The temperature of the brine solution (°F)

print 'The temperature of brine solution is: ',(t2-32)/1.8,'°C'
The temperature of brine solution is:  -2.0 °C

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.13, Page number: 479

In [13]:
from __future__ import division
from math import log

#Variable declaration:
m = 1200                            #mass flowrate of solution (kg/s)
c = 0.99                            #Heat capacity of brine solution (Btu/lb.°F)
DT1 = 70                            #Temperature approach at the pipe entrance (°F)
DT2 = 51.6                          #Temperature difference at the pipe exit (°F)

Q = m*c*(DT1-DT2)                   #Heat transfer rate (Btu/h)
DTlm = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)       #Log mean temperature difference (°F)

print "1. The rate of heat transfer is :",round(Q,-1)," Btu/h."
print "Or, the rate of heat transfer is :",round(Q/3.412)," W."
print "2. The log mean temperature difference is :",round(DTlm,1)," °F."
print "Or, the log mean temperature difference is :",round(DTlm/1.8,1)," °C."
1. The rate of heat transfer is : 21860.0  Btu/h.
Or, the rate of heat transfer is : 6407.0  W.
2. The log mean temperature difference is : 60.3  °F.
Or, the log mean temperature difference is : 33.5  °C.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.23, Page number: 484

In [25]:
from __future__ import division
from math import log

#Variable declaration:
Too = 100                           #Steam temperature (°C)
Ti = 18                             #Initial temperature of liquid TCA (°C)
Tf = 74                             #Final temperature of liquid TCA (°C)
t = 180                             #Heating time (s)
p = 87.4                            #Density of TCA (lb/ft^3)
V = 18                              #Kinematic viscosity of TCA (m^2/s)
cp = 0.23                           #Heat capacity of TCA (Btu/lb.°F)
U = 200                             #Overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

ui = Too-Ti                         #Initial excess temperature (°C)
uf = Too-Tf                         #Final excess temperature (°C)
R = log(ui/uf)                      #Ratio t/r
r = t/R                             #Thermal time constant (s)
A = p*V*cp/(3600*U*r)               #Required heating area (ft^3)
Ti_F = Ti*9/5+32                    #Initial temperature in fahrenheit scale (°F)
Tf_F = Tf*9/5+32                    #Final temperature in fahrenheit scale (°F)
Q = p*V*cp*(Tf_F-Ti_F)              #Total amount of heat added (Btu)

print "1. The required surface area of the heating coil is :",(A,1)," ft^3 ."
print "2. The total heat added to the liquid TCA is :",round(Q)," Btu ."
1. The required surface area of the heating coil is : (3.2068907918330814e-06, 1)  ft^3 .
2. The total heat added to the liquid TCA is : 36473.0  Btu .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 22.24, Page number: 486

In [27]:
#Variable declaration:
m1 = 62000                      #Mass flowrate of alcohol (lb/h)
h1 = 365                        #Enthalpy of vapour (Btu/lb)
cp = 1                          #Heat capacity of water (Btu/lb.°F)
T1 = 85                         #Entering temperature of water (°F)
T2 = 120                        #Exit temperature of water (°F)
a1 = 2.11                       #Flow area for the shell side (ft^2)
N = 700                         #Total number of tubes
a2 = 0.546                      #Flow area per tube (in^2/tube)
n = 4                           #Number of tube passes
p = 62.5                        #Density of water (lb/ft^3)
L = 16                          #Length of condenser (ft)
hio = 862.4                     #Cooling water inside film coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
g = 9.8                         #Gravitational accleration (m^2/s)
Rf = 0.003                      #Fouling factor (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

Q1 = m1*h1                      #Heat loss from alcohol (Btu/h)
Q2 = Q1                         #Heat gained by water (Btu/h)
DT = T2-T1                      #Temperature difference (°F)
m2 = Q2/(cp*DT)                 #Water mass flow rate (lb/h)
LMTD = ((T2-32)-(T1-32))/log((T2-32)/(T1-32))   #Log mean temperature difference (°F)
at = (N*a2)/(144*n)             #Total flow area for tube side (ft^2)
G1 = m1/a1                      #Mass velocity of flow in shell side (lb/h.ft^2)
G2 = m2/at                      #Mass velocity of flow in tube side (lb/h.ft^2)
V = G2/(3600*p)                 #Velocity of water (ft/s)
G3 = m1/(L*N)**(2/3)            #Loading G (lb/h.ft)
#For alcohol:
kf = 0.105                      #Thermal conductivity (Btu/h.ft.°F)
muf = 0.55*2.42                 #Dynamic viscosity (lb/ft.h)
sf = 0.79                       #
pf = sf*p                       #Density (lb/ft^3)
h = 151*(((kf**3)*(pf**2)*g*muf)/((muf**2)*n*G3))**(1/3)   #Heat transfer coefficient for the shell side (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
ho = h                          #Outside heat transfer coefficient of the tube bundle (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
Uc = (hio*ho)/(hio+ho)          #Overall heat transfer coefficient for a new (clean) heat exchanger (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
A = N*L*0.2618                  #Area for heat transfer (ft^2)
Ud = Q1/(A*DT)                  #Design (D) overall heat transfer coefficient (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)
Rd = (Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud)            #Dirt (d) factor (Btu/h.ft^2.°F)

print "The dirt (d) factor is :",round(Rd,4)," Btu/h.ft^2.°F ."
if (Rd>Rd):
    print "Therefore, the exchanger as specified is unsuitable for these process conditions since the fouling factor is above the recommended value. Cleaning is recommended."
    print "Therefore, the exchanger as specified is suitable for these process conditions since the fouling factor is below the recommended value. Cleaning is not recommended."
The dirt (d) factor is : -0.0157  Btu/h.ft^2.°F .
Therefore, the exchanger as specified is suitable for these process conditions since the fouling factor is below the recommended value. Cleaning is not recommended.