Chapter 27: Economics and Finance

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.5, Page number: 575

In [6]:
#Variable declaration:
i = 0.03375                     #Rate of interest (%)
n = 9                           #Years to the end of life (yr)
P = 60000                       #Cost of exchanger ($)
L = 500                         #Salvage value ($)
x = 5                           #Time after 5 years (yr)

SFDF = i/((1+i)**n-1)           #Sinking fund depreciation factor
UAP = (P-L)*SFDF                #Uniform annual payment ($)
B = P-((P-L)/n)*x               #Appraisal value after 5 years ($)

print "1. The uniform annual payment made into the fund at the of the year is : $",round(UAP)," ."
print "2. The appraisal value of the exchanger at the end of the fifth year is : $",round(B)," ."
1. The uniform annual payment made into the fund at the of the year is : $ 5768.0  .
2. The appraisal value of the exchanger at the end of the fifth year is : $ 26945.0  .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.6, Page number: 576

In [7]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
C = 150000                      #Capital cost ($)
i = 7/100                       #Interest rate
n = 5                           #Time (yr)
OC = 15000                      #Operating cost ($)
A = 75000                       #Annual cost for the old process ($)

CRF = (i*(1+i)**n)/((1+i)**n-1) #Capital recovery factor
IC = CRF*C                      #Initial cost ($)
AC = IC+OC                      #Total annualized cost ($)

print "The annualized cost for the new heating system is : $",round(AC)," ."
if (AC<A):
    print "Since this cost is lower than the annual cost of $75,000 for the old process, the proposed plan should be implemented."
else :
    print "Since this cost is higher than the annual cost of $75,000 for the old process, the proposed plan should not be implemented."
The annualized cost for the new heating system is : $ 51584.0  .
Since this cost is lower than the annual cost of $75,000 for the old process, the proposed plan should be implemented.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.7, Page number: 577

In [8]:
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration:
i = 12/100                          #Intersest rate
n = 12                              #Lifetime period (yr)
CC = 2625000                        #Capital cost ($)
IC = 1575000                        #Installation cost ($)
#From table 27.3:
Ic1 = 2000000                       #Income credit for double pipe ($/yr)
Ic2 = 2500000                       #Income credit for Shell-and-tube ($/yr)
AC1 = 1728000                       #Total annual cost for double pipe ($/yr)
AC2 = 2080000                       #Total annual cost for Shell-and-tube ($/yr)

CRF = i/(1-(1+i)**-n)               #Capital recovery factor
DPc = (CC+IC)*CRF                   #Annual capital and installation costs for the DP unit ($/yr)
STc = (CC+IC)*CRF                   #Annual capital and installation costs for the ST unit ($/yr)
DPp = Ic1-AC1                       #Profit for the DP unit ($/yr)
STp = Ic2-AC2                       #Profit for the ST unit ($/yr)

print "The profit for the shell-and-tube unit is : $",round(DPp),"/yr ."
print "The profit for the double pipe unit is : $",round(STp),"/yr ."
if (STp>DPp):
    print "A shell-and-tube heat exchanger should therefore be selected based on the above economic analysis."
else :
    print "A double pipe heat exchanger should therefore be selected based on the above economic analysis."
The profit for the shell-and-tube unit is : $ 272000.0 /yr .
The profit for the double pipe unit is : $ 420000.0 /yr .
A shell-and-tube heat exchanger should therefore be selected based on the above economic analysis.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.8, Page number: 579

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
from math import log

#Variable declaration:
m = 50000                       #Mass flowrate of the organic fluid (lb/h)
cP = 0.6                        #The heat capacity of the organic liquid (Btu/lb.°F)
T1 = 150                        #Initial temperature of organic fluid (°F)
T2 = 330                        #Final temperature of organic fluid (°F)
Ts1 = 358                       #Saturation temperature for 150 psia (°F)
Ts2 = 417                       #Saturation temperature for 300 psia (°F)
L1 = 863.6                      #Latent heat for 150 psia (Btu/lb)
L2 = 809                        #Latent heat for 300 psia (Btu/lb)
c1 = 5.20/1000                  #Cost for 150 psia ($/lb)
c2 = 5.75/1000                  #Cost for 300 psia ($/lb)
CI1 = 230                       #Cost index in 1998 
CI2 = 360                       #Cost index in 2011
IF = 3.29                       #Installation factor
PF1 = 1.15                      #Pressure factors for 100 to 200 psig
PF2 = 1.20                      #Pressure factors for 200 to 300 psig
OP = 90/100                     #Plant on-stream operation factor
h = 365*24                      #Hours in a year (h)

Q = m*cP*(T2-T1)                #Overall heta duty (Btu/h)
DT1 = Ts1-T1                    #Temperature driving force 1 for 150 psia (°F)
DT2 = Ts1-T2                    #Temperature driving force 2 for 150 psia (°F)
LMTD1 = (DT1-DT2)/log(DT1/DT2)  #Log-mean temperature difference for 150 psia (°F)
DT3 = Ts2-T1                    #Temperature driving force 1 for 300 psia (°F)
DT4 = Ts2-T2                    #Temperature driving force 2 for 300 psia (°F)
LMTD2 = (DT3-DT4)/log(DT3/DT4)  #Log-mean temperature difference for 1300 psia (°F)
A1 = Q/(138*LMTD1)              #Required heat transfer area for 150 psia (ft^2)
A2 = Q/(138*LMTD2)              #Required heat transfer area for 300 psia (ft^2)
BC1 = 117*A1**0.65              #Base cost for 150 psia ($)
BC2 = 117*A2**0.65              #Base cost for 13000 psia ($)
C1 = BC1*(CI2/CI1)*IF*PF1       #Capital cost for 150 psia ($)
C2 = BC2*(CI2/CI1)*IF*PF2       #Capital cost for 300 psia ($)
S1 = Q*(h*OP)/L1                #Steam requirement for 150 psia (lb/yr)
S2 = Q*(h*OP)/L2                #Steam requirement for 300 psia (lb/yr)
SC1 = S1*c1                     #Annual steam cost for 150 psia ($/yr)
SC2 = S2*c2                     #Annual steam cost for 300 psia ($/yr)

print "1. The capital cost for 150 psia is : $",round(C1,-3)," ."
print "   The capital cost for 300 psia is : $",round(C2,-3)," ."
print "2. The annual steam cost for 150 psia is : $",round(SC1,-3),"/yr ."
print "   The annual steam cost for 300 psia is : $",round(SC2,-3),"/yr ."
if (C1<C2 and SC1>SC2):
    print "The 300-psia exchanger costs less to purchase and install, but it costs more to operate. Choosing the more expensive, 150-psia exchanger is the obvious choice."
elif (C1>C2 and SC1<SC2):
    print "The 150-psia exchanger costs less to purchase and install, but it costs more to operate. Choosing the more expensive, 300-psia exchanger is the obvious choice."
1. The capital cost for 150 psia is : $ 36000.0  .
   The capital cost for 300 psia is : $ 26000.0  .
2. The annual steam cost for 150 psia is : $ 256000.0 /yr .
   The annual steam cost for 300 psia is : $ 303000.0 /yr .
The 150-psia exchanger costs less to purchase and install, but it costs more to operate. Choosing the more expensive, 300-psia exchanger is the obvious choice.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.9, Page number: 581

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
from sympy import symbols,solve
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

#Variable declaration:
TCC_TB = 2500000                   #Total capital cost ($)
R_TB = 3600000                     #R_TBevenue generated from the facility ($)
AOC_TB = 1200000                   #Annual operating costs ($)
TCC_FB = 3500000                   #Total capital cost ($)
R_FB = 5300000                     #R_TBevenue generated from the facility ($)
AOC_FB = 1400000                   #Annual operating costs ($)
n = 10                          	#Time of facility (yr)

D = 0.1*TCC_TB                     #Depriciation ($)
WC = 0.1*TCC_TB                    #Working capital ($)
TI = R_TB-AOC_TB-D                 #Taxable income ($)
IT = 0.5*TI                        #Income tax to be paid ($)
A = R_TB-AOC_TB-IT                 #After-tax cash flow ($)
def eqTB(i):
	x = (((1+i)**n-1)/(i*(1+i)**n))*A + (1/(1+i)**n)*WC    #Equation for computing rate of return for TB unit
	y = WC + 0.5*TCC_TB + 0.5*TCC_TB*(1+i)**1              #Equation for computing rate of return for TB unit
	return x-y
iTB = round(fsolve(eqTB,0.8)*100,1) #Rate of return for TB unit (%)

D = 0.1*TCC_FB                     #Depriciation ($)
WC = 0.1*TCC_FB                    #Working capital ($)
TI = R_FB-AOC_FB-D                 #Taxable income ($)
IT = 0.5*TI                        #Income tax to be paid ($)
A = R_FB-AOC_FB-IT                 #After-tax cash flow ($)

def eqFB(i):
	x = (((1+i)**n-1)/(i*(1+i)**n))*A + (1/(1+i)**n)*WC    #Equation for computing rate of return for FB unit
	y = WC + 0.5*TCC_FB + 0.5*TCC_FB*(1+i)**1              #Equation for computing rate of return for FB unit
	return x-y
iFB = round(fsolve(eqFB,0.8)*100,1) #Rate of return for FB unit (%)

print "The rate of return for TB unit is:",round(iTB)," %."
print "The rate of return for FB unit is:",round(iFB,1)," %."
The rate of return for TB unit is: 40.0  %.
The rate of return for FB unit is: 44.8  %.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.10, Page number: 582

In [11]:
#Variable declaration:
f = 100000                        #Flow rate of flue gas (acfm)
i = 0.1                           #Interest rate
#From table 27.4:
#For finned preheater:
ac1 = 3.1                         #Equipment cost ($/acfm)
ac2 = 0.8                         #Installation cost ($/acfm)
ac3 = 0.06                        #Operating cost ($/acfm-yr)
ac4 = 14000                       #Maintenance cost ($/yr)
an = 20                           #Lifetime (yr)
#For 4-pass preheater:
bc1 = 1.9                         #Equipment cost ($/acfm)
bc2 = 1.4                         #Installation cost ($/acfm)
bc3 = 0.06                        #Operating cost for ($/acfm-yr)
bc4 = 28000                       #Maintenance cost ($/yr)
bn = 15                           #Lifetime of (yr)
#For 2-pass preheater:
cc1 = 2.5                         #Equipment cost ($/acfm)
cc2 = 1.0                         #Installation cost ($/acfm)
cc3 = 0.095                       #Operating cost for ($/acfm-yr)
cc4 = 9500                        #Maintenance cost for ($/yr)
cn = 20                           #Lifetime of (yr)

#For Finned preheater:
aEC = f*ac1                        #Total equipment cost ($)
aIC = f*ac2                        #Total installation cost ($)
aOC = f*ac3                        #Total operating cost ($)
aMC = f*ac4                        #Total maintenance cost ($)
aCRF = (i*(1+i)**an)/((1+i)**an-1) #Capital recovery factor
aAEC = aEC*aCRF                    #Equipment annual cost ($/yr)
aAIC = aIC*aCRF                    #Installation annual cost($/yr)
aAOC = ac3*f                       #Annual operating cost ($)
aAMC = ac4                         #Annual maintenance cost ($)
aTAC = aAEC+aAIC+aAOC+aAMC         #Total annual cost ($)

#For 4-pass preheater:
bEC = f*bc1                        #Total equipment cost ($)
bIC = f*bc2                        #Total installation cost ($)
bOC = f*bc3                        #Total operating cost ($)
bMC = f*bc4                        #Total maintenance cost ($)
bCRF = (i*(1+i)**bn)/((1+i)**bn-1) #Capital recovery factor
bAEC = bEC*bCRF                    #Equipment annual cost ($/yr)
bAIC = bIC*bCRF                    #Installation annual cost($/yr)
bAOC = bc3*f                       #Annual operating cost ($)
bAMC = bc4                         #Annual maintenance cost ($)
bTAC = bAEC+bAIC+bAOC+bAMC         #Total annual cost ($)
#For 2-pass preheater:
cEC = f*cc1                        #Total equipment cost ($)
cIC = f*cc2                        #Total installation cost ($)
cOC = f*cc3                        #Total operating cost ($)
cMC = f*cc4                        #Total maintenance cost ($)
cCRF = (i*(1+i)**cn)/((1+i)**cn-1) #Capital recovery factor
cAEC = cEC*cCRF                    #Equipment annual cost ($/yr)
cAIC = cIC*cCRF                    #Installation annual cost($/yr)
cAOC = cc3*f                       #Annual operating cost ($)
cAMC = cc4                         #Annual maintenance cost ($)
cTAC = cAEC+cAIC+cAOC+cAMC         #Total annual cost ($)

print "Total annual cost for finned preheater is : $",round(aTAC)," ."
print "Total annual cost for 4-pass preheater is : $",round(bTAC)," ."
print "Total annual cost for 2-pass preheater is : $",round(cTAC)," ."
if (cTAC<aTAC and cTAC<bTAC):
    print "According to the analysis, the 2-pass exchanger is the most economically attractive device since the annual cost is the lowest."
elif (bTAC<aTAC and bTAC<cTAC):
    print "According to the analysis, the 4-pass exchanger is the most economically attractive device since the annual cost is the lowest."
elif (aTAC<cTAC and aTAC<bTAC):
    print "According to the analysis, the finned exchanger is the most economically attractive device since the annual cost is the lowest."
Total annual cost for finned preheater is : $ 65809.0  .
Total annual cost for 4-pass preheater is : $ 77386.0  .
Total annual cost for 2-pass preheater is : $ 60111.0  .
According to the analysis, the 2-pass exchanger is the most economically attractive device since the annual cost is the lowest.

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.12, Page number: 584

In [14]:
from __future__ import division
from numpy import roots
from math import sqrt

#Variable declaration:
TH = 500                        #Hot stream temperature at exchanger 1 (°F)
tc = 100                        #Cold stream temperature at exchanger 2 (°F)
A = 10                          #Constant A
B1 = 100000                     #Constant B1
B2 = 4000                       #Constant B2
B3 = 400000                     #Constant B3

#It forms equation fo form t^2 - t(Th-tc) +tcTH +B/A
t1 = roots([1, -(TH+tc),(tc*TH + B1/A) ]); #Roots
tmax1 = TH - sqrt(B1/A)         #Upon maximising profit
t2 = roots([1, -(TH+tc),(tc*TH + B2/A) ]); #Roots
tmax2 = TH - sqrt(B2/A)         #Upon maximising profit
t3 = roots([1, -(TH+tc),(tc*TH + B3/A) ]); #Roots
tmax3 = TH - sqrt(B3/A)         #Upon maximising profit

print 'tBE for case 1: ',round(t1[0]),'°F',round(t1[1]),'°F'
print 'tmax1:', round(tmax1),'°F'
print 'tBE for case 2: ',round(t2[0]),'°F',round(t2[1]),'°F'
print 'tmax1:', round(tmax2),'°F'
print 'tBE for case 1: ',round(t3[0]),'°F',round(t3[1]),'°F'
print 'tmax1:', round(tmax3),'°F'
tBE for case 1:  473.0 °F 127.0 °F
tmax1: 400.0 °F
tBE for case 2:  499.0 °F 101.0 °F
tmax1: 480.0 °F
tBE for case 1:  300.0 °F 300.0 °F
tmax1: 300.0 °F

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 27.15, Page number: 588

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
from scipy.optimize import fmin_cobyla as optimize

#f(x) : Objective Function
#ci(x)'s : Constraints

#Variable Declaration:
def f(x):	
    return -1.70*x[0] - 2*x[1]

def c1(x):
    return 8000 - x[0]

def c2(x):
    return 6000 - x[1]

def c3(x):
    return 12000 - 0.75*x[0] - 0.40*x[1]

def c4(x):
    return 6000 - 0.60*x[0] - 0.25*x[1]

def c5(x):
    return x[0]

def c6(x):
    return x[1]

X = optimize(f,[7000,6000],[c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6], disp = 0)

print "Maximum Profit is $",-f(X), "/day or $", -365*f(X), "/year"
Maximum Profit is $ 24750.0 /day or $ 9033750.0 /year