#Harpin exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
Di=35.0 #[mm]
Di=Di/1000 #[m]
Do=42.0 #[mm]
Do=Do/1000 #[m]
#for benzene
mb_dot=4450.0 #[kg/h]
Cpb=1.779 #[kJ/(kg.K)]
t2=322.0 #[K]
t1=300.0 #[K]
Q=mb_dot*Cpb*(t2-t1) #for benzene in [kJ/h]
#For toulene
T1=344.0 #[K]
T2=311.0 #[K]
Cpt=1.842 #[kJ/kg.K]
mt_dot=Q/(Cpt*(T1-T2)) #[kg/h]
Q=Q*1000.0/3600 #[W]
#Hot fluid(toluene)
#Cold fluid(benzene)
dT1=22.0 #[K]
dT2=11.0 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/(math.log(dT1/dT2)) #[K]
#Clod fluid:Inner pipe,benzene
Di=0.035 #[m]
Ai=(math.pi/4)*Di**2 #Flow area[sq m]
Gi=mb_dot/Ai #Mass velocity [kg/m**2.h]
Gi=Gi/3600 #[kg/m**2.s]
mu=4.09*10**-4 #[kg/(m.s)]
Nre=Di*Gi/mu #Reynolds number
Cp=Cpb*10**3 #[J/(kg.K)]
k=0.147 #[W/m.K]
Npr=Cp*mu/k #Prandtl number
hi=(k/Di)*0.023*(Nre**0.8)*(Npr**0.4) #[W/sq m.K]
hio=hi*Di/Do #[W/sq m.K]
D1=0.042 #Outside dia of inside pipe[mm]
D2=0.0525 #Inside dia of outside pipe[m]
De=round((D2**2-D1**2)/D1,4) #[m]
aa=math.pi*(D2**2-D1**2)/4 #Flow area[sq m]
Ga=mt_dot/aa #Mass velocity in [kg/m**2.h]
Ga=Ga/3600 #[kg/m**2.s]
mu=5.01*10**-4 #[kg/(m.s)]
Nre=De*Ga/mu #Reynolds number
Npr=Cp*mu/k #Prandtl number
ho=(k/De)*0.023*(Nre**0.8)*(Npr**0.3) #[W/sq m.K]
Uc=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hio) #[W/sq m.K]
Rdi=1.6*10**-4 #Fouling factor [m**2.K/W]
Rdo=1.6*10**-4 #Fouling factor[m**2.K/W]
Rd=Rdi+Rdo #(m**2.K/W)
Ud=1.0/(1.0/Uc+Rd) #[W/sq m.K]
A=Q/(Ud*dTlm) #sq m
ex=0.136 #[sq m]
l=A/ex #m
tl=12 #Total length of one harpin of 6m [m]
print"Required surface is fulfilled by connecting",round(l/tl),"(three) 6m harpins in series"
#Length of pipe
import math
#Variable declaration
ma_dot=300.0*1000.0/24 #Mass flow rate of acid in [kg/h]
mw_dot=500.0*1000.0/24 #Mass flow rate of water in [kg/h]
Cp1=1.465 #[kJ/kg.K]
T1=333.0 #[K]
T2=313.0 #[K]
Q=ma_dot*Cp1*(T1-T2) #[kJ/h]
Q=Q*1000.0/3600.0 #[W]
Cp2=4.187 #[kJ/kg.K]
t1=288.0 #[K]
t2=(Q/(mw_dot*Cp2))+t1 #[K]
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-t1 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
dTlm=32.26 #Approximation in [K]
#Inner pipe
m_dot=12500.0 #[kg/h]
Di=0.075 #[m]
Ai=(math.pi/4.0)*Di**2 #[sq m]
G=ma_dot/Ai #[kg/m**2.h]
G=G/3600 #[kg/m**2.s]
mu=0.0112 #[kg/m.s]
k=0.302 #W/(m.K)
Nre=Di*G/mu #Reynold number
Npr=Cp1*10**3*mu/k #Prandtl number
hi=(k/Di)*0.023*(Nre**0.8)*(Npr**0.3) #W/sq m.K
Do=0.1 #[m]
hio=hi*Di/Do #W/sq m.K
D1=0.1 #[m]
D2=0.125 #[m]
De=(D2**2-D1**2)/D1 #[m]
Aa=(math.pi/4)*(D2**2-D1**2) #[sq m]
Ga=mw_dot/Aa #[kg/m**2.h]
Ga=Ga/3600 #[kg/sq m.s]
mu=0.0011 #[kg/m.s]
Nre=De*Ga/mu #Reynolds number
k=0.669 #for water
Npr=Cp2*10**3*mu/k #Prandtl number
ho=(k/De)*0.023*(Nre**0.8)*Npr**0.4 #[W/sq m.K]
xw=(Do-Di)/2 #[m]
Dw=(Do-Di)/math.log(Do/Di) #[m]
kw=46.52 #thermal conductivity of wall in [W/m.K]
Uc=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hio+xw*Do/(kw*Dw)) #[W/sq m.K]
Ud=Uc #As dirt factor values are not given
#Ud=195.32 #Approximation
A=Q/(Ud*dTlm) #[sq m]
L=A/(math.pi*Do) #[sq m]
print"Area =",round(A,2),"m**2,\nLength fo pipe required =",round(L,2),"m(approx)"
#Double pipe heat exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
me_dot=5500.0 #[kg/h]
me_dot1=me_dot/3600 #[kg/s]
Di=0.037 #I.D of inner pipe in [m]
Ai=(math.pi/4)*Di**2 #[sq m]
G=me_dot1/Ai #[kg/sq m.s]
mu=3.4*10**-3 #[Pa.s] or [kg/(m.s)]
Nre=Di*G/mu #Reynolds number
Cp=2.68 #[kJ/kg.K]
Cp1=Cp*10**3 #[J/kgK]
k=0.248 #[W/m.K]
Npr=Cp1*mu/k #Prandtl number
#Nre is greater than 10,000,Use Dittus-Boelter eqn:
Nnu=0.023*(Nre**0.8)*(Npr**0.3) #Nusselt number
hi=k*Nnu/Di #[W/sq m.K]
T2=358.0 #[K]
T1=341 #[K]
Cp2=1.80 #[kJ/kg.K]
t2=335 #[K]
t1=303.0 #[K]
mt_dot=me_dot*Cp*(T2-T1)/(Cp2*(t2-t1)) #[kg/h]
mt_dot=mt_dot/3600 #[kg/s]
D1=0.043 #[m]
D2=0.064 #Inside dia of outer pipe
De=(D2**2-D1**2)/D1 #Equivalent diameter [m]
Aa=math.pi/4*(D2**2-D1**2) #[sq m]
Ga=mt_dot/Aa #kg/(sq m.s)
mu2=4.4*10**-4 # Viscosity of toluene Pa.s
k2=0.146 #For toluene [W/m.K]
Cp2=1.8*10**3 #J/kg.K
Nre=De*Ga/mu2 #Reynolds number
Npr=Cp2*mu2/k2 #Prandtl number
Nnu=0.023*Nre**0.8*Npr**0.4 #Nusselt number
ho=k2*Nnu/De #W/(sq m.K)
Dw=(D1-Di)/math.log(D1/Di) #[m]
x=0.003 #Wall thickness in [m]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+(1.0/hi)*(D1/Di)+(x*D1/(46.52*Dw))) #[W/sq m.K]
dT1=38.0 #[K]
dT2=23 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
Q=me_dot1*Cp*(T2-T1) #[kJ/s]
Q=Q*1000 #[J/s]
L=Q/(Uo*math.pi*D1*dTlm) #[m]
print"Total lenggth of double pipe heat exchanger is",round(L,1),"m"
#Parallel flow arrangement
import math
#Variable declaration
mc_dot=1000.0 #[kg/h]
mc_dot=mc_dot/3600 #[kg/s]
mh_dot=250.0 #[kg/h]
mh_dot=mh_dot/3600 #[kg/s]
Cpc=4187.0 #[J/(kg.K)]
Cph=3350 #[W/K]
w=mc_dot*Cpc #[W/K]
l=mh_dot*Cph #[W/K]
U=1160.0 #[W/sq m.K]
A=0.25 #Heat transfer surface for exchanger in [sq m]
ntu=U*A/(mh_dot*Cph) #
E=(1-math.exp(-ntu*(1+C)))/(1+C) #Effectiveness of heat exchanger
T1=393.0 #Inlet temperature in [K]
t1=283 #Cooling water [K]
T2=T1-E*(T1-t1) #Outlet T of hot liquid
t2=C*(T1-T2)+t1 #[K]
print"Effectiveness of heat exchanger is ",round(E,3)
print"Outlet temperature of hot liquid is ",round(T2,1),"K(",round(T2,1)-273,"degree C)"
print"Outlet temperature of water is ",round(t2,2),"K(",round(t2,2)-273,"degree C)"
#Counter flow exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
Cpc=4187.0 #Specific heat of water in [J/(kg.K)]
Cph=2000.0 #Sp heat of oil in [J/(kg.K)]
mc_dot=1300.0/3600 #[kg/s]
mh_dot=550.0/3600 #[kg/s]
w=mc_dot*Cpc #[W/K]
o=mh_dot*Cph #[W/K]
#Heat capacity of rate of hot fluid is smaller than water
U=1075.0 #[W/sq m.K]
A=1.0 #[sq m]
E=(1-math.exp(-ntu*(1-C)))/(1-C*math.exp(-ntu*(1-C))) #Effeciency
T1=367.0 #[K]
t1=288.0 #[K]
T2=T1-E*(T1-t1) #Outlet temperature [K]
#T2=291.83 #Approximated in book without precise calculation
t2=C*(T1-T2)+t1 #[K]
Q=mh_dot*Cph*(T1-T2) #[W]
print"Effectiveness of exchanger is",round(E,4)
print"Outlet temperature of oil is",T2,"K(",T2-273,"degree C)"
print"Outlet temperature of water is",round(t2,2),"K(",round(t2,2),"degree C)"
print"Rate of heat transfer is",round(Q,1),"W"
#LMTD approach
import math
#Variable declaration
#LMTD Approach
Cph=4187.0 #[J/(kg.K)]
mh_dot=600.0/3600 #Hot side flow rate [kg/s]
mc_dot=1500.0/3600 #[kg/s]
Cpc=Cph #[J/kg.K]
T1=343.0 #[K]
T2=323.0 #[K]
Q=mh_dot*Cph*(T1-T2) #[W]
t1=298.0 #[K]
t2=(mh_dot*Cph*(T1-T2))/(mc_dot*Cpc)+t1 #[K]
dT1=45.0 #[K]
dT2=17.0 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
hi=1600.0 #Heat transfer coeff in [W/sq m.K]
ho=hi #[W/sq m.K]
U=1.0/(1.0/hi+1.0/ho) #[W/sq m.K]
A=Q/(U*dTlm) #[sq m]
#Effectiveness-NTU approach
#hot water:
h=mh_dot*Cph #[W/K]
c=mc_dot*Cpc #[W/K]
#Heat capacity rate of hot fluid is small
C=mh_dot*Cph/(mc_dot*Cpc) #
E=(T1-T2)/(T1-t1) #Effectiveness
#for paralell flow:
A2=(ntu*mh_dot*Cph)/U #[sq m]
t2=C*(T1-T2)+t1 #[K]
print"By LMTD approach area of heat exchanger is",round(A,3),"m^2"
print"By Ntu approach Area of heat exchanger is",round(A,3),"m^2"
print"Outlet temperature of cold water=",t2,"K(",t2-273,"degree C)"
#Shell and tube exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
mw_dot=10.0 #[kg/s]
Cpw=4.187 #[kJ/(kg.K)]
t2=318.0 #[K]
t1=295 #[K]
Q=mw_dot*Cpw*(t2-t1) #[kJ/s]
Q=Q*1000 #W
dT1=98.0 #[K]
dT2=75 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
hi=850.0 #[W/sq m.K]
id=0.027 #Inside dia[m]
od=0.031 #Outside dia [m]
hio=hi*id/od #[W/sq m.K]
ho=6000.0 #Heat transfer coefficients[W/sq m.K]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hio) #[W/sq m.K]
Ao=Q/(Uo*dTlm) #[sq m]
L=4.0 #Length [m]
n=Ao/(math.pi*od*L) #[No. of tubes]
print"Number of tubes required =",round(n)
#Order of Scale resistance
import math
#Variable declaration
mdot=7250 #Nitrobenzene in shell in [kg/h]
Cp=2.387 #[kJ/(kg.K)]
mu=7*10**-4 #Pa.s
k=0.151 #[W/m.K]
T1=400.0 #[K]
T2=317.0 #[K]
t1=305.0 #[K]
t2=345.0 #[K]
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-t1 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
Q=mdot*Cp*(T1-T2) #[kJ/h]
Q=Q*1000.0/3600 #[W]
n=166.0 #no of tubes
L=5.0 #[m]
Do=0.019 #[m]
Di=0.015 #[m]
Ao=n*math.pi*Do*L #[sq m]
Uo=Q/(Ao*dTlm) #[W/sq m.K]
#Shell side heat transfer coefficient
Pt=0.025 #[m]
#Shell side crossflow area
B=0.15 #[m]
id=0.45 #[m]
ass=id*C_dash*B/Pt #[sq m]
#As there are two shell passes,area per pass is :
as_dash=ass/2 #[sq m]
#Equivalent diameter of shell
De=4*(Pt**2-(math.pi/4)*Do**2)/(math.pi*Do) #[m]
#Mass velocity on shell side
Gs=mdot/as_dash #[kg/m**2.h]
Gs=Gs/3600 #[kg/m**2.s]
mu=7.0*10**-4 #Pa.s
Cp=Cp*1000 #J/kg.K
Nre=De*Gs/mu #Reynold number
Npr=Cp*mu/k #Prandtls number
Nnu=0.36*Nre**0.55*Npr**(1.0/3.0) #Nusselts number
hi=1050.0 #[W/sq m .K]
ho=Nnu*k/De #[W/sq m.K]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+(1.0/hi*(Do/Di))) #[W/sq m K]
Rd=(Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud) #m**2.K/W
print"Fouling factor=Sclae resistance=%.2e" %round(Rd,6),"m^2 K/W"
#Length of tube required
import math
#Variable declaration
k=0.628 #W/(m.K)
rho=980.0 #[kg/m**3]
mu=6*10**-4 #kg/(m.s)
Cpw=4.187 #kJ/(kg.K)
Cp=Cpw*10**3 #J/(kg.K)
Di=25.0 #[mm]
Di=Di/1000 #[m]
mw_dot=1200.0*10**-3*rho #Mass flow rate of water [kg/h]
mw_dot=mw_dot/3600.0 #[kg/s]
Ai=(math.pi*Di**2)/4.0 #Inside area of tube in sq m
G=mw_dot/Ai #kg/m**2.s
Nre=Di*G/mu #Reynolds number
Npr=Cp*mu/k #Pranddtl number
#Inside heat transfer coefficient
Nnu=0.023*Nre**0.8*Npr**0.4 #Nusselt number
hi=Nnu*k/Di #[W/sq m.K]
ho=6000.0 #[W#sq m.K]
Do=0.028 #[m]
Dw=(Do-Di)/math.log(Do/Di) #[m]
x=(Do-Di)/2 #[m]
k2=348.9 #thermal conductivity of metal in [W/m.K]
Uo=1.0/((1.0/ho)+(1.0/hi)*(Do/Di)+(x/k2)*(Do/Dw)) #[W/sq m.K]
t1=303.0 #[K]
t2=343.0 #[K]
Q=mw_dot*Cpw*(t2-t1) #[kJ/h]
Q=Q*1000.0 #[W]
Ts=393.0 #[K]
dT1=Ts-t1 #[K]
dT2=Ts-t2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
Ao=Q/(Uo*dTlm) #[sq m]
L=Ao/(math.pi*Do) #Length
print"Length of tube required is",round(L,2),"m"
#Suitability of Exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
m_dot=7250.0 #[kg/h] of nitrobenzene
Cp=2.387 #[kJ/kg.K]
mu=7*10**-4 #[kg/m.s]
k=0.151 #[W/m.K]
Ft=0.9 #LMTD correction factor
T1=400.0 #[K]
T2=317.0 #[K]
t1=333.0 #[K]
t2=300.0 #[K]
dT1=T1-t1 #[K]
dT2=T2-t2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
#For nitrobenzene
Q=m_dot*Cp*(T1-T2) #[kJ/h]
Q=Q*1000.0/3600 #[W]
n=170.0 #No. of tubes
L=5.0 #[m]
Do=0.019 #[m]
Di=0.015 #[m]
Ao=n*math.pi*Do*L #[sq m]
Uo=Q/(Ao*Ft*dTlm) #[W/sq m.K]
Ud=Uo #[W/sq m.K]
B=0.15 #Baffle spacing [m]
Pt=0.025 #Tube pitch in [m]
C_dash=Pt-Do # ance in [m]
id=0.45 #[m]
#Shell side cross flow area
ass=id*C_dash*B/Pt #[sq m]
#Equivalent diameter of shell
De=4*(Pt**2-(math.pi/4)*(Do**2))/(math.pi*Do) #[m]
#Mass velocity on shell side
Gs=m_dot/ass #[kg/(m.h)]
Gs=Gs/3600.0 #[kg/m**2.s]
mu=7.0*10**-4 #[kg/m.s]
Cp=Cp*1000.0 #[J/kg.K]
Nre=De*Gs/mu #Reynolds number
Npr=Cp*mu/k #Prandtl number
#From empirical eqn:
mu_w=mu #
ho=Nnu*k/De #[W/sq m.K]
hi=1050.0 #Given [W/sq m.K]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+(1.0/hi)*(Do/Di)) #[W/sq m.K]
Uc=Uo #W/sq m.K
#Suitability of heat exchanger
Rd_given=9*10**-4 #[W/sq m.K]
Rd=(Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud) #[W/sq m.K]
print"Rd calculated(%.2e"%Rd,"W/m^2.K) is maximum allowable scale resistance"
print"As Rd calculated(%.2e"%Rd,"W/m^2K) is more than Rd given %.e("%Rd_given," W/m^2,K),the given heat exchanger is suitable"
#Number of tubes required
import math
#Variable declaration
mw_dot=1720.0 #water in [kg/h]
t1=293.0 #[K]
t2=318.0 #[K]
Cpw=4.28 #[kJ/kg.K]
Q=mw_dot*Cpw*(t2-t1) #[kJ/h]
Q=Q*1000.0/3600 #W
lamda=2230.0 #[kJ/kg]
dT1=90.0 #[K]
dT2=65.0 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
#Calculation of inside heat transfer coefficient
Di=0.0225 #[m]
u=1.2 #[m/s]\
rho=995.7 #[kg/m**3]
v=0.659*10**-6 #[m/s]
mu=v*rho #[kg/m.s]
Nre=Di*u*rho/mu #reynolds number
Cp=Cpw*1000 #[J/kg.K]
k=2.54 #[kJ/h.m.K]
k=k*1000.0/3600 #[W/m.K]
Npr=Cp*mu/k #Prandtl number
Nnu=0.023*Nre**0.8*Npr**0.4 #Nusselt number
hi=k*Nnu/Di #[W/sq m.K]
ho=19200.0 #[kJ/h.m**2.K]
ho=ho*1000.0/3600 #[W/m**2.K]
Do=0.025 #[m]
Dw=(Do-Di)/math.log(Do/Di) #[m]
x=(Do-Di)/2 #[m]
kt=460.0 #For tube wall material [kJ/h.m.K]
kt=kt*1000.0/3600 #[W/m.K]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+(1.0/hi)*(Do/Di)+(x/kt)*(Do/Dw)) #[W/sq m.K]
Ao=Q/(Uo*dTlm) #[sq m]
L=4.0 #Tube length in [m]
n=Ao/(math.pi*Do*L) #[Number of tubes]
print"Number of tubes required=",round(n)
#Shell and tube heat exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
t1=290.0 #Inlet temperature of cooling water [K]
ho=2250.0 #Heat transfer coefficient based on inside area in [W/sq m.K]
lamda=400.0 #[kJ/kg] LAtent heat of benzene
mb_dot=14.4 #[t/h] Condensation rate of benzene vapour
Cpw=4.187 #Specific heat
#With no Scale
Q=mb_dot*1000.0*lamda #Heat duty of condenser in [kJ/h]
Q=(Q/3600.0)*1000.0 #[W]
#Shell and tube type of heat exchanger is used as a single pass surface condenser
Di=0.022 #I.D of tube[m]
L=2.5 #Length of each tube in [m]
n=120.0 #Number of tubes
A=math.pi*Di*L #Area of heat transfer per metre length in [m**2/m]
A=n*A #Total area of heat transfer in [m**2]
Ai=(math.pi/4.0)*Di**2 #Cross-sectional area of each tube in [m**2]
Ai=n*Ai #Total area of flow in [m**2]
u=0.75 #Velocty of water [ms**-1]
V=u*Ai #Volumetric flow of water
rho=1000.0 #[Density of water in [kg/m**3]]
mw_dot=V*rho #Mass flow rate of water in [kg/s]
#Heat balance
t2=Q/(mw_dot*Cpw*1000)+t1 #[K]
T=350.0 #Condensing benzene temperature in [K]
dT1=T-t1 #[K]
dT2=T-t2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #LMTD
U=Q/(A*dTlm) #[W/m**2.K]
#Neglecting resistance,we have:
hi=1/(1/U-1/ho) #[W/m**2.K]
#hi is proportional to u**0.8
C=hi/(u**0.8) #Constant
#With Scale
Rd=2.5*10**-4 #[m**2 K./W]
#mw_dot=rho*u*Ai #[kg/s]
#Let t2 be the outlet temperature of water
#If we assume values of u greater than 0.75 m/s
#For u=3.8 #[ms**-1]
u=3.8 #]ms**-1]
print"Water velocity must be 3.88 m/s"
#Length of pipe in Exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
mh_dot=1.25 #[kg/s]
Cpw=4.187*10**3 #Heat capacity of water in [J/kg.K]
lamda=315.0 #[kJ/kg]
Q=mh_dot*lamda #Rate of heat transfer from vapour [kJ/s]
Q=Q*10**3 #[W]
Ts=345.0 #Temperature of condensing vapour[K]
t1=290.0 #Inlet temperature of water [K]
t2=310.0 #Outlet temperature of water[K]
dT1=Ts-t1 #[K]
dT2=Ts-t2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
#Heat removed from vapour = Heat gained
mw_dot=Q/(Cpw*(t2-t1)) #[kg/s]
hi=2.5 #[kW/sq m.K]
hi=hi*1000 #[W/sq m.K]
Do=0.025 #[m]
Di=0.020 #[m]
hio=hi*(Di/Do) #Inside heat transfer cosfficient referred to outside dia in [W/sq m.K]
ho=0.8 #Outside heat tranbsfer coefficient in [kW/sq m.K]
ho=ho*1000.0 #[W/sq m.K]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hio) #[W/sq m.K]
#Ud is 80% of Uc
Ud=(80.0/100)*Uo #[W/sq m.K]
Ao=Q/(Ud*dTlm) #[sq m]
L=1.0 #[m]
A=math.pi*Do*L #Outside area of pipe per m length of pipe
len=Ao/A #Total length of piping required.
rho=1000.0 #[kg/m**3]
V=mw_dot/rho #[m**3/s]
v=0.6 #[m/s]
a=V/v #Cross-sectional area for flow pass [sq m]
a1=(math.pi*Di**2.0)/4 #[sq m]
#for single pass on tube side fluid(water)
n=round(a/a1) #No. of tubes per pass
l=len/n #Length of each tube in [m]
#For two passes on water side:
tn=2*n #Total no of tubes
l2=len/tn #Length of each tube in [m]
#For four passes on water side/tube side
tn2=4*n #Total no. of tubes
l3=len/tn2 #Length of each tube in [m]
print"No. of tubes=",tn2,"\nLength of tube=",round(l3,2),"m"
#Dirt factor
import math
#Variable declaration
#Properties of crude oil:
Cpc=1.986 #[kJ/(kg.K)]
mu1=2.9*10**-3 #[N.s/sq m]
k1=0.136 #[W/m.K]
rho1=824 #[kg/m**3]
#Properties of bottom product:
Cp2=2.202 #[kJ/kg.K]
rho2=867.0 #[kg/m**3]
mu2=5.2*10**-3 #[N.s/sq m]
k2=0.119 #[W/sq m.K]
mc_dot=135000.0 #Basis: cruid oil flow rate in [kg/h]
m_dot=106000.0 #Bottom product flow rate inn [kg/h]
t1=295.0 #[K]
t2=330.0 #[K]
T1=420.0 #[K]
T2=380.0 #[K]
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-t1 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
Q=mc_dot*Cpc*(t2-t1) #kJ/h
Q=Q*1000.0/3600 #[W]
#Shell side calculations:
Pt=25.0 #[mm]
Pt=Pt/1000 #[m]
B=0.23 #[m]
Do=0.019 #[m]Outside diameter for square pitch
c_dash=Pt-Do # ance in [m]
id=0.6 #[m]
ass=id*c_dash*B/Pt # Cross flow area of shell [sq m]
#since there is a Calculaiton mistake ,we take:
Gs=m_dot/ass #Shell side mass velocity in [kg/sq m.h]
Gs=Gs/3600 #[kg/sq m.s]
De=4*(Pt**2-(math.pi/4)*Do**2)/(math.pi*Do) #[m]
Nre=De*Gs/mu2 #Reynolds number
Npr=Cp2*1000*mu2/k2 #Prandtl number
muw=mu2 #Since mu/muw=1
Nnu=0.36*(Nre**0.55)*Npr**(1.0/3.0)*(mu2/muw)**(0.14) #Nusselt number
ho=Nnu*k2/De #[W/sq m.K]
#Tube side heat transfer coefficient:
n=324.0 #No. of tubes
n_p=324.0/2 #No.of tubes per pass
t=2.1 #Thickness in [mm]
t=t/1000 #[m]
Di=Do-2*t #I.d of tube in [m]
A=(math.pi/4)*(Di**2) #Cross-sectional area of one tube in [sq m]
A_p=n_p*A #Total area for flow per pass in [sq m]
G=mc_dot/A_p #[kg/sq m h]
G=G/3600.0 #[kg/sq m.s]
Nre=Di*G/mu1 #Reynolods number
Npr=42.35 #Prandtl number
Nnu=0.023*(Nre**0.8)*(Npr**0.4) #Nusselt number
hi=Nnu*k1/Di #[W/sq m.K]
hio=hi*Di/Do #[W/sq m.K]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hio) #[W/sq m.K]
L=4.88 #Length of tube in [m]
Ao=n*math.pi*Do*L #[sq m]
Ud=Q/(Ao*dTlm) #[W/sq m.K]
Rd=(Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud) #[m**2.K/W]
print"NOTE:The calculation of line no.36 to calculate 'ass' is wrongly done in Book by printing 0.0353,,..which is wrong"
print"\nRd=%.2e"%Rd,"K/W,\nwhich is less than the provided,so this if installed will not give required temperatures without frequent cleaning"
#Heat transfer area
import math
#Variable declaration
Cp=4*10**3 #[J/kg.K]
t1=295 #[K]
t2=375 #[K]
sp=1.1 #Specific gravity of liquid
v1=1.75*10**-4 #Flow of liquid in [m**3/s]
rho=sp*1000 #[kg/m**3]
m_dot=v1*rho #[kg/s]
Q=m_dot*Cp*(t2-t1) #[W]
T=395 #[K]
dT1=T-t1 #[K]
dT2=T-t2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
U1A=Q/dTlm #[W/K]
v2=3.25*10**-4 #Flow in [m**3/s]
T2=370 #[K]
m_dot=v2*rho #[kg/s]
Q=m_dot*Cp*(T2-t1) #[W]
dT1=T-t1 #[K]
dT2=T-T2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
U2A=Q/dTlm #[W/K]
#since u is propn to v
#hi =C*v**0.8
ho=3400 #Heat transfer coeff for condensing steam in [W/sq m.K]
#Let C=1 and v=v1
v=v1 #=1.75*10**-4 m**3/s
U1=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hi) #
#When v=v2
U2=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hi) #
#Since U2=1.6U1
#On solving we get:
U1=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hi) #
A=U1A/U1 #Heat transfer area in [sq m]
print"Overall heat transfer coefficient is",round(U1,1),"W/m^2.K and\n\nHeat transfer area is",round(A,2),"m^2"
#Oil Cooler
import math
#Variable declaration
mo_dot=6*10**-2 #[kg/s]
Cpo=2*10**3 #Specific heat of oil in [J/kg.K]
Cpw=4.18*10**3 #Specific heat of water in [J/kg.K]
T1=420 #[K]
T2=320 #[K]
T=290 #[K] Water entering temperature
Q=mo_dot*Cpo*(T1-T2) #[J/s]=[W]
#Heat given out =Heat gained
t2=Q/(mo_dot*Cpw)+T #[K]
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-T #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
hi=1.6*1000 #[W/sq m.K]
ho=3.6*1000 #[W/sq m.K]
U=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hi) #[W/sq m.K]
A=Q/(U*dTlm) #[sq m]
D=0.025 #[m]
L=A/(math.pi*D) #[m]
print"Length of tube required =",round(L,2),"m"
#Countercurrent flow heat exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
mb_dot=1.25 #Benzene in [kg/s]
Cpb=1.9*10**3 #For benzene in [J/kg.K]
Cpw=4.187*10**3 #in [J/kg.K]
T1=350 #[K]
T2=300 #[K]
Q=mb_dot*Cpb*(T1-T2) #[W]
t1=290 #[K]
t2=320 #[K]
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-t1 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
mw_dot=Q/(Cpw*(t2-t1)) #Minimum flow rate of water in [kg/s]
hi=850 #[W/sq m.K]
ho=1700 #[W/sq m.K]
Do=0.025 #[m]
Di=0.022 #[m]
x=(Do-Di) /2 #Thickness in [m]
hio=hi*(Di/Do) #[W/sq m.K]
Dw=(Do-Di)/math.log(Do/Di) #[m]
k=45.0 #[W/m.K]
Uo=1.0/((1.0/ho)+(1.0/hio)+(x/k)*(Do/Dw)) #[W/sq m.K]
Ao=Q/(Uo*dTlm) #[sq m]
L=1.0 #Length in [m]
area=math.pi*Do*L # Outside surface area of tube per i m length
Tl=Ao/area #Total length of tubing required in [m]
print"Total length of tubing required=",round(Tl),"m"
#Vertical Exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
m_dot=4500.0 #Benzene condensation rate in [kg/h]
lamda=394.0 #Latent heat of condensation of benzene in [kJ/kg]
Q=m_dot*lamda #[kJ/h]
Q=Q*1000.0/3600 #[W]
Cpw=4.18 #[kJ/kg.K]
t1=295.0 #[K]
t2=300.0 #[K]
#For water :
mw_dot=Q/(Cpw*1000*(t2-t1)) #[kg/s]
rho=1000.0 #[kg/m**3
V=mw_dot/rho #Volumetric flow rate in [m**3/s]
u=1.05 #[m/s]
A=V/u #Cross-sectional area required in [sq m]
#For tube:
x=1.6 #thickness in [mm]
x=x/1000 #[m]
Do=0.025 #[m]
Di=Do-2*x #[m]
A1=(math.pi*Di**2)/4 #Of one tube [sq m]
n=A/A1 #No. of tubes reuired
L=2.5 #Length of tube in [m]
Ao=n*math.pi*Do*L #Surface area for heat transfer in [sq m]
Ts=353.0 #Condensing temp of benzene in [K]
T1=295.0 #Inlet temperature in [K]
T2=300.0 #Outlet temperature in [K]
dT1=Ts-T1 #[K]
dT2=Ts-T2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
Uo=Q/(Ao*dTlm) #[W/sq mK]
Ud=Uo #[W/sq m.K]
#Inside side:
T=(T2+T1)/2 #[K]
hi=1063*((1+0.00293*T)*u**0.8)/(Di**0.2) #[W/sq m.K]
hio=hi*(Di/Do) #[W/sq m.K]
Dw=(Do-Di)/math.log(Do/Di) #[m]
k=45.0 #For tube in [W/(m.)]
#Outside of tube:
mdot_dash=1.25/n #[kg/s]
M=mdot_dash/(math.pi*Do) #[kg/(m.s)]
k=0.15 #[W/(m.K)]
rho=880.0 #[kg/m**3]
mu=0.35*10**-3 #[N.s/sq m]
g=9.81 #[m/s**2] Acceleration due to gravity
hm=(1.47*((4*mdot_dash)/mu)**(-1.0/3.0))/(mu**2/(k**3*rho**2*g))**(1.0/3.0) #[W/sq m.K]
ho=hm #[W/sq m.K]
k=45 #[W/m]
#Uo=1/(1/ho+1/hio+(x*Do/(k*Dw))) #Overall heat transfer coefficient in [W/sq m.K]
Uc=Uo #[W/sq m.K]
Rd=(Uc-Ud)/(Uc*Ud) #Maximum allowable sclae resistance in [K/W]
print"Uc(",round(Uc),"W/m^2.K) is in excess of Ud(",round(Ud),"W/m^2.K),therefore we allow for reasonable scale resistance,\nRd=%.1e"%Rd,"K/W\n"
print"No.of tubes =",n
#Countercurrent Heat Exchanger
import math
#Variable declaration
mw_dot=5 #Water flow rate in [kg/s]
Cpw=4.18 #Heat capacity of water [kJ/kg.K]
t1=303 #[K]
t2=343 #[K]
Q=mw_dot*Cpw*(t2-t1) #[kJ/s]
Q=Q*1000 #[W]
T1=413 #[K]
T2=373 #[K]
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-t1 #[K]
dTlm=dT1 #/[K]
hi=1000 #[W/sq m.K]
ho=2500 #[W/sq m.K]
Rd=1.0/(0.714*1000) #Fouling factor[m**2.K/KW]
U=1.0/(1.0/hi+1.0/ho+Rd) #[W/sq m.K]
A=Q/(U*dTlm) #[sq m]
print"Heat transfer area is",round(A,2),"m^2"
#Number of tube side pass
import math
#Variable declaration
Cpo=1.9 #Heat capacity for oil[kJ/kg.K]
Cps=1.86 #Heat capacity for steam [kJ/kg.K]
ms_dot=5.2 #Mass flow rate in [kg/s]
T1=403.0 #[K]
T2=383.0 #[K]
Q=ms_dot*Cps*(T1-T2) #[kJ/s]
Q=Q*1000.0 #[W]
t1=288.0 #[K]
t2=358.0 #[K]
dT2=T1-t2 #[K]
dT1=T2-t1 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #LMTD in [K]
U=275.0 #Overall heat transfer coeffcient in [W#sq m.K]
Ft=0.97 #LMTD correction factor
A=Q/(U*Ft*dTlm) #[sq m]
print"Heat exchanger surface area is",round(A,2),"m^2"
#Number of tubes passes
import math
#Variable declaration
mc_dot=3.783 #Cold water flow rate[kg/s]
mh_dot=1.892 #Hot water flow rate [kg/s]
Cpc=4.18 #Sp heat of cold water [kJ/(kg.K)]
T1=367.0 #[K]
t2=328.0 #[K]
t1=311.0 #[K]
Cph=4.18 #Specific heat of hot water [kJ/(kg.K)]
rho=1000.0 #Density [kg/m**3]
D=0.019 #Diameter of tube in [m]
U=1450.0 #Overal heat transfer coefficient in [W/sq m.K]
T2=T1-mc_dot*Cpc*(t2-t1)/(mh_dot*Cph) #[K]
Q=mc_dot*Cpc*(t2-t1) #[kJ/s]
Q=Q*1000.0 #[W]
#For counterflow heat exchanger
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=17.0 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
lmtd=dTlm #LMTD
Ft=0.88 #LMTD correction factor
A=Q/(U*dTlm) #[sq m]
u=0.366 #Velocity through tubes[ms**-1]
Ai=mc_dot/(rho*u) #Total flow Area in [sq m]
n=Ai/((math.pi/4)*(D**2)) #No. of tubes
L=1.0 #Per m length[m]
sa=math.pi*D*L #S.S per tube per 1 m length
L=A/(n*math.pi*D) #Length of tubes in [m]
print"The length is more than allowable 2.44 m length,so we must use more than one tube"
#For 2passes on the tube side
A=Q/(U*Ft*lmtd) #[sq m]
L=A/(2*n*math.pi*D) #Length in [m]
print"This length is within 2.44 m requirement,so the design choice is:\n"
print"--Type of heat exchanger : \t1-2 Shell and tube heat exchanger"
print"--No of tubes per pass=\t\t",round(n)
print"--Length of tube per pass=\t",round(L,2),"m"
#Outlet temperature for hot and cold fluids
import math
#Variable declaration
mh_dot=16.67 #Mass flow rate of hot fluid in [kg/s]
mc_dot=20.0 #Mass flow rate of cold fluid in [kg/s]
Cph=3.6 #Sp heat of hot fluid in [kJ/kg.K]
Cph=Cph*1000 #Sp heat of hot fluid in [J/kg.K]
Cpc=4.2 #Sp heat of cold fluid in [kJ/(kg.K)]
Cpc=Cpc*1000 #Sp heat of cold fluid in [J/(kg.K)]
U=400.0 #Overall heat transfer coefficient in [W/sq m.K]
A=100.0 #Surface area in [sq m]
mCp_h=mh_dot*Cph #[J/s] or [W/K]
mCp_c=mc_dot*Cpc #[J/s] or [W/K]
mCp_small=mCp_h #[W/K]
C=mCp_small/mCp_c #Capacity ratio
ntu=U*A/mCp_small #NTU
T1=973.0 #Hot fluid inlet temperature in [K]
t1=373.0 #Cold fluid inlet temperature in [K]
#Case 1:Countercurrent flow arrangement
E=(1.0-math.exp(-(1.0-C)*ntu))/(1.0-C*math.exp(-(1.0-C)*ntu)) #Effectiveness
#W=T1-T2/(T1-t1) therefore:
T2=T1-E*(T1-t1) #[K]
print"For countercurrent flow arrangement:"
print"Exit temperature of hot fluid is",T2,"K(",T2-273,"degree C)"
t2=mCp_h*(T1-T2)/(mCp_c)+t1 #[From energy balance eqn in ][K]
print"Exit temperature of cold fluid is",round(t2)," K(",round(t2-273) ,"degree C)\n"
#Case 2:Parallel flow arrangement
T2=T1-E1*(T1-t1) #[K]
t2=mCp_h*(T1-T2)/(mCp_c)+t1 #[From energy balance eqn in ][K]
print"For Parallel flow arrangement:"
print"Exit temperature of Hot water=",T2,"K(",T2-273,"degree C)"
print"Exit temperature of cold water=",round(t2,1),"K(",round(t2-273,1),"degree C)"
#Counter flow concentric heat exchanger
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
#Variable declaration
Cpo=2131.0 #Sp heat of oil in [J/kg.K]
Cpw=4187.0 #Sp heat of water in [J/kg.K]
mo_dot=0.10 #Oil flow rate in [kg/s]
mw_dot=0.20 #Water flow rate in [kg/s]
U=380.0 #Overall heat transfer coeff in [W/sq m.K]
T1=373.0 #Initial temp of oil [K]
T2=333.0 #Final temperature of oil [K]
t1=303.0 #Water enter temperature in [K]
t2=t1+mo_dot*Cpo*(T1-T2)/(mw_dot*Cpw) #[K]
#1.LMTD method
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-t1 #[K]
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
lmtd=dTlm #[K]
Q=mo_dot*Cpo*(T1-T2) #[J/s]
A=Q/(U*dTlm) #[sq m]
Do=0.025 #Inner tubve diameter [m]
L=A/(math.pi*Do) #Length in [m]
#2.NTU method
mCp_c=mw_dot*Cpw #[W/K]
mCp_h=mo_dot*Cpo #[W/K]
print"In textbook value of mCp_h is wrongly calculated as 231.1 so we will take this only for calculation\n"
mCp_h=231.1 #[W/K]
#mCp_h is smaller
E=(T1-T2)/(T1-t1) #Effeciency
#For countercurrent flow
def f(ntu):
A=ntu*mCp_h/U #[sq m]
L1=A/(math.pi*Do) #Length in [m]'
print"From LMTD approach:\nlength=",round(L,2),"m\n"
print"From NTU method:\nlength=",round(L1,2),"m"
#Number of tubes required
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
#Variable declaration
ho=200.0 #[W/sq m.K]
hi=1500.0 #[W/sq m.K]
Cpw=4.2 #Sp heat of Water in [kJ/(kg.K)]
Cpo=2.1 #Sp heat of Oil in [kJ/(kg.K)]
E=0.8 #Effectiveness
k=46.0 #[W/m.K]
m_dot=0.167 #[kg/s]
mCp_oil=2*m_dot*Cpo*1000.0 #For oil [W/K]
#mCp_oil is wrongly calculated as 710.4
mCp_water=m_dot*Cpw*1000.0 #For water [W/K]
#mCp_oil is wrongly calculated as 710.4
#NOTE:The above two values are wrongly calculated in book as 710.4
#so we take here:
mCp_small=710.4 #[W/K]
#Since both mCp_water and mCp_oil are equal ,therefore:
def f(ntu):
id=20.0 #Internal diameter in [mm]
od=25.0 #External diameter in [mm]
hio=hi*id/od #[W/sq m.K]
Dw=(od-id)/math.log(od/id) #[mm]
Dw=Dw/1000.0 #[m]
x=(od-id)/2.0 #[mm]
x=x/1000.0 #[m]
Do=0.025 #External dia in [m]
L=2.5 #Length of tube in [m]
Uo=1.0/(1.0/ho+1.0/hio+(x/k)*(Dw/Do)) #[W/sq m.K]
A=ntu*mCp_small/Uo #Heat transfer area in [sq m]
n=A/(math.pi*Do*L) #No of tubes
print"No. of tubes required =",round(n+1)
#Parallel and Countercurrent flow
import math
#Variable declaration
#(i)Parallel flow
T1=633.0 #[K]
t2=303.0 #[K]
T2=573.0 #[K]
t1=400.0 #[K]
dT1=T1-t2 #[K]
dT2=T2-t1 #[K]
mh_dot=1.2 #[kg/s]
U=500.0 #Overall heat transfer coefficient in [W/sqm.K]
Cp=2083.0 #Sp.heat of oil J/kg.K
dTlm=(dT1-dT2)/math.log(dT1/dT2) #[K]
Q=mh_dot*Cp*(T1-T2) #[W]
A=Q/(U*dTlm) #[sq m]
#(ii)Counter current flow
dT1=T1-t1 #[K]
dT2=T2-t2 #[K]
dTlm=(dT2-dT1)/math.log(dT2/dT1) #[K]
A1=Q/(U*dTlm) #[sq m]
print"For parallel flow,Area =",round(A,3),"m^2\nFor countercurrent flow,Area=",round(A1,3),"m\n"
print"For the same terminal temperatures of the fluid ,\nthe surface area for the counterflow arrangement is less than the required for the parallel flow"