Chapter 1 : Thermometry

Example 1.11 Page No : 7

In [1]:
# Input data
R0 = 5.5  # The resistance of a platinum wire at 0 degree centigrade in ohms
R100 = 7.5  # The resistance of a platinum wire at 100 degree centigrade in ohms
R444 = 14.5  # The resistance of a platinum wire at 444.5 degree centigrade in ohms

# Calculations
# The value of beta in per degree centigrade square
b = ((900 - (2. * 444.6)) / (5.5 * 444.6 * 100 * 344.6))
# The value of alpha in per degree centigrade
a = (2 / (5.5 * 100)) - (100 * (b))

# Output
print 'The values are b = %3.4g degree centigrade square \n   and a = %3g degree centigrade ' % (b, a)
The values are b = 1.282e-07 degree centigrade square 
   and a = 0.00362355 degree centigrade