#example 2.1
#calculation of breakdown strength of air
#given data
d1=0.1#length(in cm) of the gap
d2=20#length(in cm) of the gap
#from equation of breakdown strength
E1=24.22+(6.08/(d1**(1./2)))#for gap d1
E2=24.22+(6.08/(d2**(1./2)))#for gap d2
print 'the breakdown strength of air for 0.1mm air gap is (kV/cm.) = ',round(E1,2)
print '\nthe breakdown strength of air for 20 cm air gap is (kV/cm.) = ',round(E2,3)
#example 2.2
#calculation of Townsend primary ionization coefficient
from math import log
#given data
d1=0.4#gap distance(in cm)
d2=0.1#gap distance(in cm)
I1=5.5*10**-8#value of current(in A)
I2=5.5*10**-9#value of current(in A)
#from equation of current at anode I=I0*exp(alpha*d)
print 'Townsend primary ioniztion coefficient is (/cm torr) = ',round(alpha,3)
#example 2.3
#calculation of Townsend secondary ionization coefficient
from math import exp
#given data
d=0.9#gap distance(in cm)
alpha=7.676#value of alpha
#from condition of breakdown.....gama*exp(alpha*d)=1
print '%s %.3e' %('the value of Townsend secondary ionization coefficient is ',gama)
#example 2.4
#calculation of breakdown voltage of a spark gap
from math import log
#given data
A=15.#value of A(in per cm)
B=360.#value of B(in per cm)
d=0.1#spark gap(in cm)
gama=1.5*10**-4#value of gama
p=760.#value of pressure of gas(in torr)
#from equation of breakdown voltage
print 'the value of breakdown voltage of the spark gap is (V) = ',round(V)
print 'The answer is a bit different due error in textbook'
#example 2.5
#calculation of minimum spark over voltage
from math import log
#given data
A=15.#value of A(in per cm)
B=360.#value of B(in per cm)
gama=10**-4#value of gama
e=2.178#value of constant
print 'the value of minimum spark over voltage is (V) = ',round(Vbmin)
print 'The answer is a bit different due error in textbook'