import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
print laplace_transform(sympy.sin(2*t)*sympy.sin(3*t),t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
print laplace_transform(sympy.cos(t**2),t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
print laplace_transform((sympy.sin(t**3)),t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = sympy.exp(-3*t)*(2*sympy.cos(5*t)-3*sympy.sin(5*t))
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = sympy.exp(3*t)*(sympy.sin(t))**2
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = sympy.exp(4*t)*(sympy.cos(t)*sympy.sin(2*t))
print inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = t*sympy.sin(a*t)
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = t*sympy.cos(a*t)
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
t = sympy.Symbol('t')
s = sympy.Symbol('s')
u = sympy.Symbol('u')
f = sympy.integrate(sympy.exp(-s*t)*t/u,(t,0,u))+sympy.integrate(sympy.exp(-s*t),(t,u,sympy.oo))
print f
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = sympy.sin(a*t)/t
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = t*sympy.cos(a*t)
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = (t**2)*sympy.sin(a*t)
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = sympy.exp(-3*t)*t**3;
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = sympy.exp(-t)*t*sympy.sin(3*t)
print laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import mellin_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = (1-t)/t
print mellin_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import mellin_transform
from import t, s, a, b
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =(sympy.cos(a*t)-sympy.cos(b*t))/t
print mellin_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the given integral find the laplace of tsin(t) and put s=2'
f = sympy.sin(t)*t
l = laplace_transform(f,t,s)
s = 2
print sympy.integrals.Integral(l)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = sympy.integrate(sympy.exp(t)*sympy.sin(t)/t,(t,0,t))
l = laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print l
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =(s**2-3*s+4)/s**3
print inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =(s+2)/(2*s**2-4*s+13)
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =((2*s**2-6*s+5)/(s**3-6*s**2+11*s-6))
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =(4*s+5)/((s-1)**2*(s+2))
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =(5*s+3)/((s-1)*(s**2+2*s+5))
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = s/(s**4+4*a**4)
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = s**2/(s-2)**3
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =(s+3)/((s**2-4*s+13))
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =1/(s*(s**2+a**2))
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =1/(s*(s+a)**3)
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = s/((s**2+a**2)**2)
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = s**2/((s**2+a**2)**2) ;
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = 1/((s**2+a**2)**2) ;
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = (s+2)/(s**2*(s+1)*(s-2))
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f =(s+2)/(s**2+4*s+5)**2
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = s/(s**2+a**2)**2
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
print 'To find the laplace of given function in t'
f = s**2/((s**2+a**2)*(s**2+b**2))
il = inverse_laplace_transform(f,t,s)
print il
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
f = sympy.integrate(sympy.exp(-s*t)*(t-1),(t ,1 ,2))+sympy.integrate(sympy.exp(-s*t)*(3-t),(t ,2 ,3))
print 'Laplace of the given funtion is: '
print f
import sympy
from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform
from import t, s, a
f = sympy.integrate(sympy.exp(-s*t)*sympy.exp(-t),(t ,0 ,2))
print 'Laplace of the given funtion is: '
print f
import sympy, math
print 'To find the laplace transform of periodic funtion'
w = sympy.Symbol('w')
t = sympy.Symbol('t')
s = sympy.Symbol('s')
f = 1/(1-sympy.exp(-2*math.pi*s/w))*sympy.integrate(sympy.exp(-1*s*t)*sympy.sin(w*t),(t,0,math.pi))/w
print f