import math
#initialisation of variables
R1=15.0 #in K
R2=100.0 #in K
#R1 and R2 are voltages at base which acts as potential divider
Rc=2.2 #voltage at collector in K
#For vi=0
Vb = (R1/(R1+R2))*(-12) #Voltage at base in V
print("Vb= %.2f V " %Vb)
#A bias of 0V is required to cut off a silicon emitter junction transistor given in table
Vo = 0 #in V
print("Vo = %.2f V " %Vo)
#For vi=12
vi=12 #in V
#Few standard values for silicon transistor
Vbesat=0.8 #in V
Vcesat=0.2 #in V
#Assumption: Q is in saturation region
Ic = (vi-Vcesat)/Rc #Collector Current
print("Ic=%.2f v " %Ic)
Ibmin=(Ic/hfe) #Mininmum current at the base
print("Ibmin=%.2f mA" %Ibmin)
I1=(vi-Vbesat)/R1 #Current in R1
I2=(Vbesat-(-12))/100 #Current in R2
Ib = I1-I2 #Base current
print("Ib = %.2f mA " %Ib)
if Ib>Ibmin :
print('Since Ib>Ibmin , The transistor is in saturation region and drop is Vcesat')
print("vo = %.2f V " %vo)
import math
#initialisation of variables
#Caption: To verify given equation
print('NOTE: We will write A with a bar on its top as a ')
print('To verify')
print(' A + aB = A + B')
print('We know that B + 1 = 1 and A1 = A')
print('A + aB = A(B+1) + aB = AB + A + aB =')
print('(A + a)B + A = B + A')
print('which is equal to RHS')
import math
#initialisation of variables
R=15.0 #in K
R1=15.0 #in K
R2=100.0 #in K
R3=2.2 #in K
V0=0 #in V
V1=12.0 #in V
Vcc=12.0 #in V
#If input is at V0=0V
Vb = -Vcc*(R1/(R1+R2)) #The base voltage of the transistor
print("The base voltage of transistor Vb= %.2f v " %Vb)
if Vb<0 :
print('Q is cutoff and Y is at 12V')
print('The result confirms the first three rows of truth table')
#If input is at V1 = 12V
#Assumption:All the diodes are reversed biased and transistor is in saturation
#If Q is in saturation
Vbe=0 #in V
Vp = V1*(R/(R+R1)) #voltage at point P in front of all diodes
print("All diodes are reversed biased by %.2f V " %Vp)
Iq = (V1/(R+R1)-(V1/R2)) #The base current of Q
Ic=V1/R3 #Current in the collector junction
print("Ic= %.2f mA " %Ic)
hFEmin = Ic/Iq
print("hFEmin=%.2f " %hFEmin)
print("When hFE > %.2f " %hFEmin)
print('Under these condition the output is at ground and this satisfies the first three rows of truth table')
import math
#initialisation of variables
R=15.0 #in K
R1=15.0 #in K
R2=100.0 #in K
R3=2.2 #in K
V0=0 #in V
V1=12.0 #in V
Vcc=12.0 #in V
#If input is at V0=0V
Vb = -Vcc*(R1/(R1+R2)) #Base Current in V
#Finding thevenin equivallent fom P to ground
Rd = 1.0 #in K
Vd=0.7 #in v
Vr=1.0 #in K
#Thevenin Equivallent Voltage and resistance from P to ground
v = (Vcc*(Rd/(Rd+R)))+(Vd*(R/(R+Rd)))
rs = Rd*(R/(R+Rd))
#Open Circuit Voltage at base of the transistor
Vb1 = (-Vcc*((R1+rs)/(R1+R2+rs))) + (v*(R2/(R1+R2+rs)))
print("Vb1 = %.2f v " %Vb1)
if Vb1>Vb :
print('The voltage is adequate to reverse bias Q')
import math
#initialisation of variables
R=15.0 #in K
R1=15.0 #in K
R2=100.0 #in K
R3=2.2 #in K
V0=0 #in V
V1=12.0 #in V
Vcc=12.0 #in V
#To find wether with given conditions NANAD gate is satisfied
#Finding thevenin equivallent from P to ground
Rd = 1 #in K
Vd=0.7 #in v
Vr=1.0 #in K
v = (Vcc*(Rd/(Rd+R)))+(Vd*(R/(R+Rd)))
rs = Rd*(R/(R+Rd))
#If the inputs are high
Vcesat = 0.2 #in V
Vb2 = (-Vcc*(R1/(R1+R2)) + ((Vd+Vcesat)*R2/(R1+R2)))
print("Vb2= %.2f V " %Vb2)
print('It cuts off Q Y=1 ')
import math
#initialisation of variables
#Caption: To verify that AND-OR topology is equivallent to NAND-NAND system
print('In digital electronics we have to come across situations where we need to use an inpout with a bar but here we will denote as')
print('X with a bar = Xb and X with two bars = Xbb')
print('We know that X =Xbb')
print('For AND OR logic the output of AND and simultaneously neglecting the input to following OR does not change the logic')
print('We have also neglected the output of the OR gate and at the same time have added an INVERTER so that logic is once again unaffected')
print('AN OR gate neglected at each terminal is an an AND circuit')
print('Since AND followed by an inverter is NAND ')
print('Hencee the NAND NAND is equivallent to AND OR')
import math
#initialisation of variables
#Caption:To find hFEmin
#Given Data
#For transistor
Vbesat=0.8#Vgamma of diode in V
Vy=0.5#in V
Vcesat=0.2#in V
R = 5#in K
Rc = 2.2#in K
#For diode
Vyd=0.6#in V
Vdrop=0.7#in V
#The logic levels are Vcesato=0.2V for 0 state
Vcesato=0.2#in V
#The logic levels are Vcc=5V for 1 state
Vcc=5#in V
print('If atleast one input is in 0 state')
Vp = Vcesato + Vy#Potential at point P
print("Vp= %.2f V " %Vp)
#For diodes D1 and D2 to be conducting
v = 2*Vdrop
print('For diodes D1 and D2 to be conducting')
print("required voltage = %.2f V " %v)
#These diodes cutoff
Vbe = 0
if Vbe<Vy :
print('Q is OFF')
print('Output rises to 5V and Y = 1')
print('This confirms first 3 rows of NAND truth table')
#if all inputs are at V(1)=5V , we shall assume all input diodes OFF and D1 and D2 conduct and Q is in saturation
print('When inputs are at 5V')
Vp = Vdrop + Vdrop + Vbesat
print("Vp= %.2f V " %Vp)
print("The voltage across all input diode = %.2f v " %(Vcc-Vp))
#For finding hFEmin
I1 = (Vcc-Vp)/R
I2 = Vbesat/R
Ib = I1-I2
Ic = (Vcc-Vcesat)/Rc
hFEmin = Ic/Ib
print("hFEmin= %.2f " %hFEmin)
import math
#initialisation of variables
#Caption:When atleast one input is at V(0) in NAND gate
#Given Data
#For transistor
Vbesat=0.8#in V
Vy=0.5#in V
Vcesat=0.2#in V
R = 5#in K
Rc = 2.2#in K
#For diode
Vyd=0.6#Vgamma in V
Vdrop=0.7#in V
#The logic levels are Vcesato=0.2V for 0 state
Vcesato=0.2#in V
print('If atleast one input is in 0 state')
Vp = Vcesato + Vdrop #Voltage at point P
print("Vp= %.2f v " %Vp)
Vbe = Vp-Vyd#Voltage at base emitter
print("Vbe = %.2f v " %Vbe)
if Vbe<Vy :
print('Q is cutoff')
if Vbe>Vy :
print('Q is ON')
import math
#initialisation of variables
Vbesat=0.8#in V
Vy=0.5#in V
R = 5#in K
Rc = 2.2#in K
#For diode
Vyd=0.6#in V
Vdrop=0.7#in V
#The logic levels are Vcesato=0.2V for 0 state
Vcesato=0.2#in V
Vp = Vdrop + Vdrop + Vbesat#Voltage at point P
print("Vp= %.2f v " %Vp)
print("Each diode is reversed biased by %.2f v " %(Vcc-Vp))
print("A diode starts to conduct when it is forward bias by %.2f v " %Vyd)
vn = (Vcc-Vp) + Vyd #Noise Spike which will cause the malfunction
print("A noise spike which will cause malfunction is %.2f v " %vn)
import math
#initialisation of variables
#For transistor
Vbesat=0.8#in V
Vy=0.5#in V
R = 5#in K
Rc = 2.2#in K
#The logic levels are Vcesato=0.2V for 0 state
Vcesato=0.2#in V
#For diode
Vyd=0.6#in V
Vdrop=0.7#in V
Vp = Vcesato + Vdrop#Voltage at point P
print("Vp= %.2f v " %Vp)
Vbe = Vy#Voltage at base emitter will be same as Vgamma
vp = Vbe + Vyd +Vyd#The level to which vp should increase
Vn = vp - Vp#Noise Margin
print("Noise Margin = %.2f v " %Vn)
import math
#initialisation of variables
Vbe1active=0.7#in V
Vd2=0.7#in V
Vbe2sat=0.8#in V
Vcc=5#in V
R1=1.75#in K
R2=2#in K
R3=2.2#in K
R4=5#in K
Vp = Vbe1active + Vd2 + Vbe2sat#Voltage at point P
#The current in 2K resistor is Ib1
#In active region
#I1 = Ib1+Ic1=(1+hFE)*Ib1.... Now applying KVL between Vcc and Vp
#Vcc-Vp = R1*(1+hFE)*Ib1 + 2*Ib1
Ib1 = (Vcc-Vp)/(R1*(1+hFE)+2)#Base current in transistor 1
print("Ib1= %.2f mA " %Ib1)
Ic1=hFE*Ib1#Collector Current in transistor 1
print("Ic1= %.2f mA " %Ic1)
I1 = Ib1 + Ic1#in mA
I2=Vbe2sat/R4#in mA
Ib2 = I1-I2#Base Current in Transistor 2
#The unloaded current of Q2
#For each gate which it drive ,Q2 must sink a standard load of
#To Calculate the FAN OUT
#The maximum current is hFE*Ib2
#hFE*Ib2 = (I*N) + Iq2
N=((hFE*Ib2)-Iq2)/I#FAN OUT
print("N = %.2f v " %N)