import math
n = 2. #Number of cylinders
N = 4000. #Angular speed of engine in rpm
eta_v = 0.77 #Volumetric efficiency
eta_m = 0.75 #Mechanical efficiency
V_f = 10. #Fuel consumption in l/hr
s = 0.73 #Specific gravity
h = 10500. #Enthalpy of fuel in kcal/kg
A_F = 18. #Air-fuel ratio
v_p = 600. #Speed of piston in m/min
imep = 5. #Indicated mean effective pressure in atm
T = 298.
P = 1.013 #Smath.radians(numpy.arcmath.tan(ard temperature and pressure in K and bar
R = 0.287 #Specific gas consmath.tant in kJ/kgK
m_f = V_f*s #Fuel consumption in kg/hr
m_a = A_F*m_f #Air consumption in kg/hr
m_c = m_f+m_a #Mass of total charge in kg/hr
m = round(m_c/eta_v) #Mass of charge corresponding to the swept volume in kg/hr
V = (m/2)*R*T/(P*100) #Volume of charge consumed in m**3/hr
V_s = V*10**6/(60*N) #Swept volume by piston per stroke in cc
L = v_p*100/(2*N) #Stroke length of cylinder in cm
d = math.sqrt(4*V_s/(math.pi*L)) #Bore of cylinder in cm
IHP = round(imep*V_s*N*n/450000) #Indicated horse power in metric HP
BHP = IHP*eta_m #Brake horse power in metric HP
eta_t = BHP*736*3600/(V_f*s*h*4187) #Thermal efficiency
print " The engine dimensions\t Stroke length, L = %.1f cm\t Bore, d = %.1f cm"%(L,d)
print " The brake power output, BHP = %.1f metric HP"%(BHP)
print " The thermal efficiency, eta_t = %.1f percent"%(eta_t*100)