Chapter 7 : Applications Of Thermodynamics To Flow Process

Example 7.2 page no : 103

In [7]:
from numpy import ones,array,sqrt,round
import math 

# Variables
T = 573.15;			#[K]
P = array([700,600,500,400,300,200]);			#[KPa]
#values for H,V,S for various P from steam tables
H = array([3059.8,3020.4,2975.71,2923.5,2859.9,2777.35]);			#[KJ/Kg]
V = array([371.39,418.25,481.26,571.23,711.93,970.04]);			#[cm**3/g]
S = 7.29997*ones(6);			#[KJ/Kg/K]  Isentropic
u0 = 30.;			#[m/s]

# Calculations
#u**2 = u1**2-2(H-H1)
u = round(sqrt((u0**2-2*(H-H[0])*10.**3)),1)

#Umath.sing Eq(2.27)
#A/A1 = u1*V/V1*u;
c = u[0]/V[0];
K = round((c*V/u),3);			#K = A/A1  c = u1/V1

Ans = [P,V,u,K];
print ' P/[KPa] V/[cm**3/g]  u/[m/s]  A/A1 \n',Ans
 P/[KPa] V/[cm**3/g]  u/[m/s]  A/A1 
[array([700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200]), array([ 371.39,  418.25,  481.26,  571.23,  711.93,  970.04]), array([  30. ,  282.3,  411.2,  523. ,  633. ,  752.2]), array([ 1.   ,  0.12 ,  0.095,  0.088,  0.091,  0.104])]

Example 7.3 page no : 104

In [8]:
import math 

# Variables
T1 = 573.15;			#[K]
R = 8314;
P1 = 700;			#[KPa]
M = 18.015;
Gamma = 1.3;
u0 = 30;			#[m/s]

# Calculations and Results
#Umath.sing Eqn(7.12)
#K = P2/P1 = (2/(Gamma+1))**(Gamma/(Gamma-1))
K = round((2/(Gamma+1))**(Gamma/(Gamma-1)),2);			#rounding to 2 decimal places

P1V1 = round(R*T1/M);			#m**2/s**2
#Umath.sing Eqn(7.11)
#u_throat**2 = u**2+2(Gamma)(P1V1)/(Gamma-1)[1-(P2/P1)**((Gamma-1)/Gamma))]
u_throat = round(math.sqrt(u0**2+((2*Gamma*P1V1/(Gamma-1))*(1-(K**((Gamma-1)/Gamma))))),2);

print '(a)Critical Pressure ratio(P2/P1)',K
print '  Velocity at the throat',u_throat,'  m/s'

#(b)Mach No 2.0
u = 2*u_throat;
K = (1-((u**2-u0**2)*(Gamma-1)/(2*Gamma*P1V1)))**(Gamma/(Gamma-1));			#K = P2/P1
P2 = round(K*P1);

print '(b)Discharge Pressure for Mach Number of 2.0',P2,'KPa'
(a)Critical Pressure ratio(P2/P1) 0.55
  Velocity at the throat 544.35   m/s
(b)Discharge Pressure for Mach Number of 2.0 30.0 KPa

Example 7.4 page no : 106

In [9]:
import math 

def HRB(Tr,Pr,omega):
    B0 = 0.083-(0.422/(Tr**1.6));
    diffr_B0 = 0.675/(Tr**2.6);			#dB0/dTr
    B1 = 0.139-(0.172/(Tr**4.2));
    diffr_B1 = 0.722/(Tr**5.2);			#dB0/dTr
    return Pr*(B0-(Tr*diffr_B0)+(omega*(B1-(Tr*diffr_B1))));

def SRB(Tr,Pr,omega):
    B0 = 0.083-(0.422/(Tr**1.6));
    diffr_B0 = 0.675/(Tr**2.6);			#dB0/dTr
    B1 = 0.139-(0.172/(Tr**4.2));
    diffr_B1 = 0.722/(Tr**5.2);			#dB0/dTr
    return -Pr*(diffr_B0+(omega*diffr_B1));

# Variables
P1 = 20.;			#[bar]
T = 400.;			#[K]
P2 = 1.;			#[bar]
R = 8.314;

# Calculations
#using Eq(6.84)
#del_H = Cp(T2-T1)+Hr2-Hr1 = 0  but Hr2 = 0
#T2 = Hr1/Cp + T1
Tc = 369.8;			#[K]
Pc = 42.48;			#[bar]
omega = 0.152;
a = T;			#Initial
for i in range(2):
    Tr = a/Tc
    Pr = P1/Pc;
    Hr1 = R*Tc*HRB(Tr,Pr,omega);			#[J/mol]
    Cp = R*(1.213+(28.785*10**-3*a)-(8.824*10**-6*a*a));			#[J/mol/K]
    T2 = (Hr1/Cp)+a;
    Tm = (a+T2)/2;
    i = i+1;
    a = Tm;
Tm = a;
T2 = round(Tm)			#[K]
Tr = T/Tc;
Sr = R*SRB(Tr,Pr,omega);

del_S = round((Cp*math.log(T2/T))-(R*math.log(P2/P1))-Sr,2);

# Results
print 'Entropy',del_S,'J/mol/K'
print ('Positive Entropy represents the irreversibility of Throttling Process')
print 'Final Temperature',T2,'K'
Entropy 23.8 J/mol/K
Positive Entropy represents the irreversibility of Throttling Process
Final Temperature 385.0 K

Example 7.6 page no : 107

In [10]:
# Variables
P1 = 8600.;		    	#[KPa]
T1 = 773.15;			#[K]
#values of Enthalpy and Entropy from Steam tables
H1 = 3391.6;			#[KJ/Kg]
S1 = 6.6858;			#[KJ/Kg/K]
eta = 0.75;
P2 = 10000.;			#[KPa]
rW = 56400.;			#[KW] or [KJ/s]
S2i = S1;	    		#Isentropic

S2_liquid = 0.6493;
S2_vapor = 8.1511;
H2_liquid = 191.8;
H2_vapor = 2584.8;

# Calculations
x2 = (S2i-S2_liquid)/(S2_vapor-S2_liquid);
H2i = H2_liquid+(x2*(H2_vapor-H2_liquid));
del_Hs = H2i-H1;			#[KJ/Kg]
del_H = eta*del_Hs;
H2 = round(H1+del_H,0);			#[KJ/Kg]
x2 = (H2-H2_liquid)/(H2_vapor-H2_liquid);
S2 = round(S2_liquid+(x2*(S2_vapor-S2_liquid)),4);
rm = round(-rW/(H2-H1),2);			#[Kg/s]

# Results
print 'Enthalpy',H2,'KJ/Kg'
print 'Entropy',S2,'KJ/Kg/K'
print 'Rate of mass change',rm,'Kg/s'
Enthalpy 2436.0 KJ/Kg
Entropy 7.6846 KJ/Kg/K
Rate of mass change 59.02 Kg/s

Example 7.7 page no : 108

In [12]:
import math 
#To find Approx Value
def approx(V,n):
    return (V*10**n)/10**n;			#V-Value  n-To what place

def MCPS(T0,T,A,B,C,D):
    t = T/T0;
    if t == 1:
        t = 0.9997383
    return (A)+(((B*T0)+(((C*T0*T0)+(D/(t*t*T0*T0)))*(t+1)/2.))*((t-1)/math.log(t)))
def MCPH(T0,T,A,B,C,D):
    t = T/T0;
    return (A+((B/2)*T0*(t+1))+((C/3)*T0*T0*((t**2)+t+1))+(D/(t*T0*T0)))

def HRB(Tr,Pr,omega):
    B0 = 0.083-(0.422/(Tr**1.6));
    diffr_B0 = 0.675/(Tr**2.6);			#dB0/dTr
    B1 = 0.139-(0.172/(Tr**4.2));
    diffr_B1 = 0.722/(Tr**5.2);			#dB0/dTr
    return Pr*(B0-(Tr*diffr_B0)+(omega*(B1-(Tr*diffr_B1))));

def SRB(Tr,Pr,omega):
    B0 = 0.083-(0.422/(Tr**1.6));
    diffr_B0 = 0.675/(Tr**2.6);			#dB0/dTr
    B1 = 0.139-(0.172/(Tr**4.2));
    diffr_B1 = 0.722/(Tr**5.2);			#dB0/dTr
    return -Pr*(diffr_B0+(omega*diffr_B1));

# Variables
T1 = 573.15;			#[K]
P1 = 45.    			#[bar]
P2 = 2. 		    	#[bar]
Tc = 282.3  			#[K]
Pc = 50.4;	    		#[bar]
omega = 0.087;
A = 1.424;
B = 14.394*10**-3;
C = -4.392*10**-6;
D = 0;
R = 8.314;

# Calculations and Results
#Using Eqn(6.84)
#del_H = <Cp>h (T2-T1)+Hr2-Hr1
#Umath.sing Eqn(6.85))
#del_S = <Cp>s ln(T2/T1) - R*ln(P2/P1)+Sr2-Sr1

#(a) equations for Ideal gas
#No residuals terms, whence

#del_H = <Cp>h(T2-T1)
#del_S = <Cp>s ln(T2/T1) - R*ln(P2/P1)

del_S = 0			#isentropic
#Whence K  =  <Cp>s/R ln(T2/T1)  =  ln(P2/P1)
K = math.log(P2/P1);
#let c  =  <Cp>s/R
#T2 = exp(K/c+ln(T1))
i = -1;
a = (T1);			#Initial
while (i == -1):
    b = MCPS(T1,a,A,B,C,D);
    temp = math.exp((K/b)+math.log(T1));
    flag = a-temp;
    if(flag<= 0.1):
        T2 = a;
        i = 1;
        a = temp-0.1; 
        i = -1;

print ('(a)by Equations for an Ideal gas')
print ('K',approx(T2,1),'Temp  =  ')
Cp_h = R*MCPH(T1,T2,A,B,C,D);
del_Hs = Cp_h*(T2-T1);
Ws_a = approx(del_Hs,0);
print ('J/mol',Ws_a,'Work')

#(b)-Appropriate Generalized correlations

Tr1 = T1/Tc;
Pr1 = P1/Pc;

Hr1 = R*Tc*HRB(Tr1,Pr1,omega);			#[J/mol]
Sr1 = R*SRB(Tr1,Pr1,omega);			#[J/mol/K]

Tr2 = T2/Tc;
Pr2 = P2/Pc;

Sr2 = R*SRB(Tr2,Pr2,omega);

#Using Eqn(6.85))
#del_S = <Cp>s ln(T2/T1) - R*ln(P2/P1)+Sr2-Sr1
#del_S = 0 isentropic
#K = <Cp>s ln(T2/T1) = Rln(P2/P1)-Sr2+Sr1
K = R*math.log(P2/P1)-Sr2+Sr1;
#T2 = exp((K/<Cp>s)+ln T1)
i = -1;
a = (T1);			#Initial
while (i == -1):
    b = R*MCPS(T1,a,A,B,C,D);
    temp = math.exp((K/b)+math.log(T1));
    flag = a-temp;
    if(flag <= 0.1):
        T2 = a;
        i = 1;
        a = temp-0.1; 
        i = -1;

print ('(b)by Appropriate generalized correlations')
print 'Temp  =  ',approx(T2,1),'K'
Tr2 = T2/Tc;

Sr2 = R*SRB(Tr2,Pr2,omega);			#[J/mol/K]
Hr2 = R*Tc*HRB(Tr2,Pr2,omega);			#[J/mol]
Cp_h = R*MCPH(T1,T2,A,B,C,D);
del_Hs = Cp_h*(T2-T1)+Hr2-Hr1;
Ws_b = approx(del_Hs,-1);
print 'Work',Ws_b,'J/mol'
(a)by Equations for an Ideal gas
('K', 370.727376687607, 'Temp  =  ')
('J/mol', -12157.361271562999, 'Work')
(b)by Appropriate generalized correlations
Temp  =   365.734941728 K
Work -11923.4806166 J/mol

Example 7.8 page no : 110

In [20]:
# Program to Find the Work Required and Properties of Discharge Steam

import math 
#To find Approx Value
def approx(V,n):
    return (V*10**n)/10**n;			#V-Value  n-To what place

# Variables
P1 = 100.;			#[KPa]  (Tsat/tsat) = 327.78K/99.63`C)

#From Steam Tables @ 100KPa
S1 = 7.3598;			#[KJ/Kg/K]
H1 = 2675.4;			#[KJ/Kg]

P2 = 300.;			#[KPa]
#From Steam Tables @ 300KPa
S2 = S1;			#Isentropic
H2i = 2888.8;			#[KJ/Kg]

eta = 0.75;			#Efficiency

# Calculations
del_H = H2i-H1;
del_H = del_H/eta;
H2 = approx(H1+del_H,1);			#[KJ/Kg]
#From Steam Tables w.r.t H2
T2 = 519.25;			#[K]
S2 = 7.5019;			#[KJ/Kg/K]
Ws = approx(del_H,1);			#[KJ/Kg]  Work Reqd

# Results
print 'Enthalpy',H2,'KJ/Kg'
print 'Entropy',S2,'KJ/Kg/K'
print 'Temperature',T2,'K'
print 'Work Done',Ws,'KJ/Kg'
Enthalpy 2959.93333333 KJ/Kg
Entropy 7.5019 KJ/Kg/K
Temperature 519.25 K
Work Done 284.533333333 KJ/Kg

Example 7.9 page no : 112

In [25]:
# Program to Find Work Reqiured and Discharge Temperature of Methane

import math 
#To find Approx Value
def approx(V,n):
    return (V*10**n)/10**n;			#V-Value  n-To what place

def MCPH(T0,T,A,B,C,D):
    t = T/T0;    
    return (A+((B/2)*T0*(t+1))+((C/3)*T0*T0*((t**2)+t+1))+(D/(t*T0*T0)))

def MCPS(T0,T,A,B,C,D):
    t = T/T0;
    if t==1:
        t = 0.9997383
    return (A)+(((B*T0)+(((C*T0*T0)+(D/(t*t*T0*T0)))*(t+1)/2))*((t-1)/math.log(t)))

# Variables
R = 8.314;
T1 = 293.15;			#[K]
P1 = 140.;			#[KPa]
P2 = 560.;			#[KPa]
eta = 0.75;			#[Efficiency]
A = 1.702;
B = 9.081*10**-3;
C = -2.164*10**-6;
D = 0;

# Calculations
i = -1;
a = (T1);			#Initial
while (i == -1):
    b = MCPS(T1,a,A,B,C,D);
    b = b**-1;
    c = T1*((P2/P1)**b);
    flag = c-a;
    if(flag <= 0.0001):
        T2i = a;
        i = 1;
        a = a+0.01; 
        i = -1;

Cps = R*MCPS(T1,T2i,A,B,C,D);
Cph = approx(R*MCPH(T1,T2i,A,B,C,D),3);

#from Eqn(7.19)
Ws = approx(Cph*(T2i-T1),0)			#[J/mol]
Ws = approx(Ws/eta,0)			#Actual work
del_H = Ws;

#From eqn(7.21)  Actual discharge Temperature
#T2 = T1+(del_H/Cph)
i = -1;
a = (T2i);			#Initial
chk = 1;
while (i == -1):
    b = R*MCPH(T2i,a,A,B,C,D);
    c = del_H/(a-T1);
    flag = c-b;
    if(flag<= 0.001):
        T2 = a;
        i = 1;
        a = a+0.001; 
        i = -1;
Cph_T2 = approx(R*MCPH(T2i,T2,A,B,C,D),2);

# Results
print 'Temperature',T2,'K'
print 'Enthalpy',Cph_T2,'J/mol/K'
print 'Actual Work',Ws,'J/mol'

print ('Note: The answer in the Book varies with that of this code because the Calculation\
 in the Book does not leads to the answer given')
Temperature 419.148999999 K
Enthalpy 41.9746353847 J/mol/K
Actual Work 5288.86966768 J/mol
Note: The answer in the Book varies with that of this code because the Calculation in the Book does not leads to the answer given

Example 7.10 page no : 113

In [26]:
# Program to Find Work,Temperature Change and Entropy Change in Pump

import math 
#To find Approx Value
def approx(V,n):
    return (V*10**n)/10**n;			#V-Value  n-To what place

# Variables
T1 = 318.15;			#[K]
P1 = 10.;			#[KPa]
P2 = 8600.;			#[KPa]
eta = 0.75;			#Efficiency

#Properties of saturated liquid water @ 318.15K
V = 1010.;			#[cm**3/Kg]
V = 1010.*10**-6;			#[m**3/Kg]
Beta = 425*10**-6;			#[K**-1]
Cp = 4.178;			#[KJ/Kg/K]

# Calculations
#From Eqn(7.24)
Ws = V*(P2-P1);			#[KPa m**3/Kg]
del_H = Ws;
#From Eqn(7.17)
del_H = del_H/eta;
Ws = approx(del_H,2);

#From Eqn(7.25)
del_T = approx((del_H-(V*(1-(Beta*T1))*(P2-P1)))/Cp,2);

#From Eqn(7.26) 
T2 = T1+del_T;
del_S = approx(Cp*math.log(T2/T1)-(Beta*V*(P2-P1)),3);

# Results
print 'Work Done',Ws,'KJ/Kg'
print 'Change in Temperature',del_T,'K'
print 'Change in Entropy',del_S,'KJ/Kg/K'
Work Done 11.5678666667 KJ/Kg
Change in Temperature 0.972969755934 K
Change in Entropy 0.00907044914006 KJ/Kg/K