Example 7.01, page: 149

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
T1 = 100 #degC

#from Table T-2
vg = 1.673 #m3/kg
vf = 1.0435E-3 #m3/kg
P = 1.014 #bar
#Work done per unit mass
Wm = P*(vg - vf)*100

#from Table T-2
sg = 7.3549 #kJ/kg-K
sf = 1.3069 #kJ/kg-K
T = T1 + 273.15
#Heat per unit mass
Qm = T*(sg-sf)


print  "the work and heat transfer per unit mass are", Wm,"kJ/kg and", Qm,"kJ/kg respectively"
the work and heat transfer per unit mass are 169.5363891 kJ/kg and 2256.8112 kJ/kg respectively

Example 7.02, page: 154

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
T1 = 100 #degC

#from table T-2
ug = 2506.5 #kJ/kg
uf = 418.94 #kJ/kg
#Work per unit mass
Wm = -1*(ug-uf)

#from table T-2
sg = 7.3549#kJ/kg-K
sf = 1.3069#kJ/kg-K
#entropy per unit mass
Sm = sg - sf

print  "the net work per unit mass is", round(Wm,2),"kJ/kg and the entropy produced per unit mass is",round(Sm,3),"kJ/kg-K"
the net work per unit mass is -2087.56 kJ/kg and the entropy produced per unit mass is 6.048 kJ/kg-K

Example 7.03, page: 156

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
T = 10 #degF
P = 120 #lbf/in2

#from table T-6E
u1 = 94.68 #Btu/lb
u2s = 107.46 #Btu/lb
#minimum work input
Wmmin = u2s - u1

print  "the minimum theoretical work input required per unit of mass is", round(Wmmin,2),"Btu/lb"
the minimum theoretical work input required per unit of mass is 12.78 Btu/lb

Example 7.04, page: 156

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
Tf = 293 #K
h = -0.171;
A = 1;
Tb = 300#temperature

W1dot = -60.0
Qdot = h*A*(Tb-Tf)
W2dot = Qdot-W1dot
#entropy rate
Sdot1 = -1*Qdot/Tb

#entropy rate
Sdot2 = -1*Qdot/Tf

print  "a) the rate of entropy production for 1st system is", round(Sdot1,3),"kW/K"
print  "b) the rate of entropy production for 2nd system is", round(Sdot2,4),"kW/K"
a) the rate of entropy production for 1st system is 0.004 kW/K
b) the rate of entropy production for 2nd system is 0.0041 kW/K

Example 7.05, page: 159

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
P1 = 30 #bar
T1 = 400 #degC
V1 = 160 #m/s
T2 = 100 #degC
V2 = 100 #m/s
Tb = 350 #K
Wmdot  = 540 #kJ/kg

#from Table T-4
h1 = 3230.9 #kJ/kg
#from Table T-2
h2 = 2676.1 #kJ/kg
#heat tranfer rate
Qmdot = Wmdot + (h2 - h1) + (V2**2 - V1**2)/2000

#from Table T-4
s1 = 6.9212 #kJ/kg-K
#from Table T-2
s2 = 7.3549 #kJ/kg-K
#Entropy rate
Smdot = Qmdot/Tb + (s2 - s1)

print  "heat tranfer rate is", round(Qmdot,1),"kJ/kg"
print  "Entropy rate is", round(Smdot,4),"kJ/kg-K"
#answer wrong in book
heat tranfer rate is -22.6 kJ/kg
Entropy rate is 0.3691 kJ/kg-K

Example 7.06, page: 160

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
T1 = 70 #degF
P1 = 5.1 #atm
P2 = 1 #atm
T2 = 175 #degF
T3 = 0 #degF
P3 = 1 #atm
R = 1.986/29.87 #Btu/lb-degR

m1dot = 1
m2dot = 0.4
m3dot = 0.6

#temps in Rankine
T1r = ((T1-32)*5/9 + 273)*1.8
T2r = ((T2-32)*5/9 + 273)*1.8
T3r = ((T3-32)*5/9 + 273)*1.8
Wdot = 0
Qdot = 0
Cp = 0.24  #Btu/lb-degR
h1 = Cp*T1r
h2 = Cp*T2r
h3 = Cp*T3r
#Sa = s2 - s1 and Sb = s3 - s1
Sa = Cp*math.log(T2r/T1r) - R*math.log(P2/P1)
Sb = Cp*math.log(T3r/T1r) - R*math.log(P3/P1)
a = m2dot*Cp*(T1 - T2) + m3dot*Cp*(T1 - T3)
#Specific Enthalpy
Sm1dot = m2dot*Sa + m3dot*Sb

if (a == 0):
    print "a)with the given data the conservation of mass and energy principles are satisfied."
    print "a)with the given data the conservation of mass and energy principles are not satisfied."
print "b)changes in specific entropy are", round(Sm1dot,4)," Btu/lb-degR, thus  second  law  of  thermodynamics  is  also  conserved" 
a)with the given data the conservation of mass and energy principles are satisfied.
b)changes in specific entropy are 0.1053  Btu/lb-degR, thus  second  law  of  thermodynamics  is  also  conserved

Example 7.07, page: 162

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
T1 = -5 #degC
P1 = 3.5 #bar
T2 = 75 #degC
P2 = 14 #bar
P3 = 14 #Bar
T3 = 28 #degC
P4 = 3.5 #bar
T5 = 20 #degC
P5 = 1 #bar
AV5 = 0.42 #m3/s
T6 = 50 #degC
P6 = 1 #bar
R = 8.314/28.97 #kJ/kg-K

Cp = 1.005 #kJ/kg-K
#from Table T-14,
s1 = 0.9572 #kJ/kg-K
s2 = 0.98225 #kJ/kg-K
h2 = 294.17 #kJ/kg
#from Table T-12
s3 = 0.2936 #kJ/kg-K
h3 = 79.05 #kJ/kg
#From Table T-14
h4 = h3
hf4 = 33.09 #kJ/kg
hfg4 = 212.91 #kJ/kg
sf4 = 0.1328 #kJ/kg-K
sg4 = 0.9431 #kJ/kg-K
#Quality at 4
x4 = (h4 - hf4)/hfg4
#Specific Entropy at 4
s4 = sf4 + x4*(sg4 - sf4)

#mass flow rate of air
mairdot = AV5*P5*100/(R*(T5 + 273))
#ref mass rate
mrefdot = mairdot*Cp*(T6 - T5)/(h2 - h3)
#change in specific entropy
s6_s5 = Cp*math.log((T6 + 273)/(T5 + 273)) - R*math.log(P6/P5)
#entropy balance for condensor
Sdotcond = mrefdot*(s3 - s2) + mairdot*s6_s5
#entropy balance for Compressor
Sdotcomp = mrefdot*(s2-s1)
#entropy balance for valve
Sdotvalve = mrefdot*(s4-s3)

print  "the entropy production rates for control volumes enclosing the condenser is", round(Sdotcond,6),"kW/K"
print  "the entropy production rates for control volumes enclosing the compressor is", round(Sdotcomp,6),"kW/K"
print  "the entropy production rates for control volumes enclosing the valve is", round(Sdotvalve,6),"kW/K"
#answer wrong in book
the entropy production rates for control volumes enclosing the condenser is 0.000724 kW/K
the entropy production rates for control volumes enclosing the compressor is 0.001754 kW/K
the entropy production rates for control volumes enclosing the valve is 0.000988 kW/K

Example 7.08, page: 165

In [11]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
P1 = 1 #atm
T1 = 540 #degR
T2 = 1160 #degR
Tm = 850 #degR

#from table T-9E, Pr values are
Pr2 = 21.18
Pr1 = 1.3860
P2a = P1*Pr2/Pr1

#from table T-10E
k = 1.39
P2b = P1*(T2/T1)**(k/(k-1))

print "a) Final Pressure using Pr data is", round(P2a,2),"atm"
print "b) Final Pressure using a constant value for the specific heat ratio k is", round(P2b,2),"atm"
a) Final Pressure using Pr data is 15.28 atm
b) Final Pressure using a constant value for the specific heat ratio k is 15.26 atm

Example 7.09, page: 169

In [12]:
from __future__ import division
import math

#Initialization  of  Variable
P1 = 5 #bar
T1 = 320 #degC
P2 = 1 #bar
nt = 0.75 #isentropic efficiency

#from table T-4
h1 = 3105.6 #kJ/kg
s1 = 7.5308 #kJ/kg-K
s2s = s1
h2s = 2743.0 #kJ/kg
# work developed perunit mass
Wmdot = nt*(h1-h2s)

print  "work developed per unit mass of steam flowing through the turbine is", round(Wmdot,2),"kJ/kg"
work developed per unit mass of steam flowing through the turbine is 271.95 kJ/kg

Example 7.10, page: 170

In [13]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
P1 = 3 #bar
T1 = 390 #K
P2 = 1 #bar
Wmdot = 74 #kJ/kg

#from table T-9
h1 = 390.88 #kJ/kg
Pr1 = 3.481
PrT2s = P2*Pr1/P1

h2s = 285.27 #kJ/kg
Wmdots = h1 - h2s
nt = Wmdot/Wmdots

print "the turbine efficiency is", round(nt*100,0),"%"
the turbine efficiency is 70.0 %

Example 7.11, page: 171

In [14]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
P1 = 140 #lbf/in2
T1 = 600 #degF
V1 = 100 #ft/s
P2 = 40 #lbf/in2
T2 = 350 #degF

Wdot = 0
#from Table T-4E
h1 = 1326.4 #Btu/lb
s1 = 1.7191 #Btu/lb-degR
h2 = 1211.8 #Btu/lb

#actual specific kinetic energy at the exit
#KE = (V2**2)/2
KE = h1 - h2 + (V1**2)/(2*32.2*778)

#from Table T-4E
S2s = s1
h2s = 1202.3 #Btu/lb-degR
#specific kinetic energy at the exit for an isentropic expansion
#KEs = ((V2**2)/2)s
KEs = h1 - h2s + (V1**2)/(2*32.2*778)

n_nozzle = KE/KEs

print  "the nozzle efficiency",round(n_nozzle*100,1),"%"
the nozzle efficiency 92.4 %

Example 7.12, page: 171

In [15]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
P1 = 3.5 #bar
T1 = -5 #degC
P2 = 14 #bar
T2 = 75 #degC
mdot = 0.07 #kg/s

#from Table T-14
h1 = 249.75 #kJ/kg
h2 = 294.17 #kJ/kg
s1 = 0.9572 #kJ/kg-K
s2s = s1
h2s = 285.58 #kJ/kg

#the compressor power
Wdot = mdot*(h1-h2)

#isentropic compressor efficiency
nc = (h2s - h1)/(h2 - h1)

print  "the compressor power is", round(Wdot,2),"kW and isentropic efficiency is",round(nc*100,0),"%"
the compressor power is -3.11 kW and isentropic efficiency is 81.0 %

Example 7.13, page: 174

In [16]:
from __future__ import division
import math

# Initialization  of  Variable
P1 = 1 #bar
T1 = 20 #degC
P2 = 5 #bar
n = 1.3
R = 8.314/28.97 #kJ/kg-K

T2 = (T1+273)*(P2/P1)**((n-1)/n) - 273
#Work per unit mass
Wmdot = -1*(n*R/(n-1))*(T2-T1)

#from Table T-9
h1 = 293.17 #kJ/kg
h2 = 426.35 #kJ/kg
#heat transfer per unit of mass
Qmdot = Wmdot + h2 - h1

print  "Work Per unit mass is", round(Wmdot,1),"kJ/kg and heat transfer per unit of mass is", round(Qmdot,0),"kJ/kg"
#Answer wrong in book
Work Per unit mass is -163.9 kJ/kg and heat transfer per unit of mass is -31.0 kJ/kg