Example 14.1 pg : 662

In [1]:
import math 

#design irrigation channel on Kennedy's theory

Q = 45;        				#discharge
N = 0.0225;    				#rogosity coefficient
m = 1.05;      				#critical velocity ratio
S = 1./5000;    				#bed slope

D = 2;  				#assume
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;
A = Q/Vo;
#for a trapezoidal section
B = (A-0.5*D**2)/2;
P = B+D*5**0.5;
R = A/P;
C = (23+1/N+0.00155/S)*(R*S)**0.5/(1+(23+0.00155/S)*N/R**0.5);
V = C*(R*S)**0.5;

#assume D = 2.2
D = 2.2;
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;
A = Q/Vo;
B = (A-0.5*D**2)/D;
P = B+D*5**0.5;
R = A/P;
C = (23+1/N+0.00155/S)*(R*S)**0.5/(1+(23+0.00155/S)*N/R**0.5);
V = C*(R*S)**0.5;

#ratio of V and Vo is almost equal to 1

# Results
B = round(B*10)/10;
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Width of channel section = 20.30 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.20 m.

Example 14.2 pg : 663

In [2]:
import math 
from numpy import roots

#design an irrigation canal for given data

Q = 14;        				#discharge
m = 1;         				#critical velocity ratio
r = 5.7;       				#B/D

D = (Q/(0.55*6.2))**(1/2.64);
B = D*r;
R = (B*D+D**2/2)/(B+D*5**0.5);
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;
#applying kutters formula; V = C(RS)**0.5
#where C = (23+1/N+0.00155/S)*(R*S)**0.5/(1+(23+0.00155/S)*N/R**0.5);
#assuming S**0.5 = y
#y = poly1d([-1.98D-5,1.55D-3,-0.954,67.5],'x','c');
#taking real values of y
S = 0.0139906**2;
B = round(B*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 9.73 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.71 m.
Bed slope = 1.96e-04.

Example 14.3 pg : 668

In [3]:
import math 

#design a channel on Kennedy's theory
Q = 45.;            				#discharge
m = 1.05;          				#critical velocity ratio
N = 0.025;         				#rugosity coefficient
S = 1./5000;        				#bed slope

# Calculations
l = S*Q**0.02/(N**2*m**2.02);
#from fig.14.3 we get r = 10
#solving the equation by trial and error method we get
r = 9.7;
D = (1.818*Q/(m*(r+0.5)))**(1/2.64);
B = r*D;
V = Q/(D**2*(r+0.5));
Vo = 0.55*D**0.64*m;
B = round(B);
D = round(D*100)/100;
V = round(V*1000)/1000;
Vo = round(Vo*1000)/1000;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Velocity through the channel section = %.2f m/s."%(V);
print "Vo = %.2f m/s.Hence Safe"%(Vo);
Width of channel section = 21.00 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.16 m.
Velocity through the channel section = 0.94 m/s.
Vo = 0.94 m/s.Hence Safe

Example 14.4 pg : 668

In [4]:
import math 

#design channel umath.sing method of curve fitting based onKennedy's theory
Q = 45.;         				#discharge
N = 0.0225;     				#rugosity coefficient
m = 1.05;       				#critical velocity ratio
S = 1./5000;     				#Bed slope

r = (1.607*S**1.63*Q**0.033/(N**3.26*m**3.293)-0.258)**(-0.915);
D = (1.818*Q/(m*(r+0.5)))**(1/2.64);
B = r*D;
B = round(B);
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Width of channel section = 21.00 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.16 m.

Example 14.5 pg : 668

In [5]:
import math 

#design channel umath.sing curve of CWPC for B/D ratio
Q = 45.;         				#discharge
N = 0.0225;     				#rugosity coefficient
m = 1.05;       				#critical velocity ratio

r = (15+6.44*Q)**0.382;
S = (N**2/1.338*Q**0.02)*(0.258+(15+6.44*Q)**(-0.417))**0.6135;
D = (1.818*Q/(m*(r+0.5)))**(1/2.64);
B = r*D;
B = round(B);
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Bed slope = 2.14e-04.
Width of channel section = 20.00 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.23 m.

Example 14.6 pg : 667

In [6]:
import math 

#design the channel section umath.sing the following data and calculate math.logitudnal section
Q = 30.;     				#discharge
f = 1.;      				#silt factor
s = 1./2;    				#side slope

V = (Q*f/140)**(1./6);
A = Q/V;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
D = (P-(P**2-6.944*A)**0.5)/3.472;
B = P-2.236*D;

R = 5*V**2/(2*f);
S = f**(5./3)/(3340*Q**(1./6));
B = round(B*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Bed slope = 1.70e-04.
Width of channel section = 22.26 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.68 m.

Example 14.7 pg : 682

In [7]:
import math 
from numpy import roots

#design a channel in alluvial soil umath.sing tractive force approach
Q = 45.;         				#discharge
S = 1./4800;     				#bed slope
N = 0.0225;     				#rogosity coefficient
sigma = 0.0035; 				#permissible tractive stress
s = 1./2;        				#side slope
gamma_w = 9.81;  				#unit weigth of water

# Calculations
R = sigma/(gamma_w*S);
V = R**(2./3)*S**0.5/N;
A = Q/V;
P = A/R;
#y = poly1d([-49,28.61,-1.736],'x','c');
y = [-1.736,28.61,-49]
D = roots(y)[1];
#we get D = 14.539034 and 1.9413812 
#taking D = 1.9413812 
B = 28.61-2.23*D;
B = round(B*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);

Width of channel section = 24.28 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.94 m.

Example 14.8 pg : 687

In [8]:
import math 
from numpy import roots

#designa channel section by Kennedy theory

Q = 28.;        				#discharge
m = 1.;         				#critical velocity ratio
r = 7.6;       				#B/D

D = (Q/4.46)**(1/2.64);
B = r*D;
R = 0.823*D;
V = 0.55*(D)**0.64;

#applying kutters formula; V = C(RS)**0.5
#where C = (23+1/N+0.00155/S)*(R*S)**0.5/(1+(23+0.00155/S)*N/R**0.5);
#we get equation in S
#assuming S**0.5 = y
#y = poly([-1.42D-5,1.55D-3,-0.885,67.4],'x','c');
y = [67.4,-0.885,1.55e-3,-1.42e-5]
d = roots(y)[0];
#taking real values of y
S = d.real**2;
B = round(B*10)/10;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 15.20 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.01 m.
Bed slope = 1.60e-04.

Example 14.9 pg : 688

In [9]:
import math 
#design the channel section and calculate discharge
r = 5.7;       				#B/D
S = 1./5000;    				#bed slope
N = 0.0225;    				#rogosity coefficient
m = 1;         				#critical velocity ratio(assumed)

#applying kutters formula; V = C(RS)**0.5
#where C = (23+1/N+0.00155/S)*(R*S)**0.5/(1+(23+0.00155/S)*N/R**0.5);
#we get equation in d as
#38.88*D**0.64-66.5*D**0.5+30.37*D**0.14 = 0
#solving it by trial and error method
#we get D = 1.7 m.
D = 1.7;
B = r*D;
V = 0.55*m*(D)**0.64;
A = B*D+D**2/2;
Q = A*V;
Q = round(Q*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print " Discharge = %.2f cumecs."%(Q);
Width of channel section = 9.69 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.70 m.
 Discharge = 13.84 cumecs.

Example 14.10 pg : 689

In [10]:
import math 
from numpy import roots

#design irrigation channel  according to Laecy silt theory
Q = 15.;               				#discharge
f = 1.;                				#laecy silt factor
s = 1./2;              				#channel side slope

V = (Q*f**2/140);
A = Q/V;
R = 5*V**2/(2*f);
#umath.sing the value of A in equations we get,
#equation in D as
y = [-1.73,18.336,-21.765]
D = roots(y)[1];

#we get D = 9.2368003 and 1.3620436.
D = 1.3620436;
B = 18.336-D*2.23;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
S = 1/(3340*Q**(1./6));
B = round(B*10)/10;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 15.30 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.36 m.
Bed slope = 1.91e-04.

Example 14.11 pg : 690

In [11]:
import math 
from numpy import roots
#find channel section and discharge
S = 1./5000;            				#bed slope
s = 1./2;               				#side slope
f = 0.9;                 				#laecy silt factor

Q = (f**(5./3)/(3340*S))**6;
R = f**3/(4980*S)**2;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
A = P*R;
#umath.sing the value of A and P in equations we get,
#equation in D as
y = [-1.73,9.41,-6.961]
D = roots(y)[1];

#we get D = 4.5561754 and 0.8831309.
#taking D = 0.8831309;
B = 9.41-D*2.23;
B = round(B*100)*100;
D = round(D*100)/100;
Q = round(Q*1000)/1000;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print " Discharge = %.2f cumecs."%(Q);
Width of channel section = 74400.00 m.
Depth of channel section = 0.88 m.
 Discharge = 3.92 cumecs.

Example 14.12 pg : 691

In [12]:
import math 
gamma_w = 9.81;         				#unit weigth of water
D = 3.;                  				#depth of channel
d = 0.3;                				#grain size
k = 1.5;                				#size of roughness of channel bed
S = 1./4400;             				#bed slope
G = 2.65;              				#specific gravity

# Calculations
tau_b = gamma_w*D*S;
N1 = d**(1./6)/24;
N = k**(1./6)/24;
gamma_s = gamma_w*G;
tau_c = 0.047*(gamma_s-gamma_w)*d/1000;
r = (N1/N)**1.5;
q = 47450*(tau_b*r-tau_c)**1.5;
q = round(q*100)/100;

# Results
print "quantity of bed load moved = %.2f kN/m/hr."%(q);
quantity of bed load moved = 13.12 kN/m/hr.

Example 14.13 pg : 691

In [13]:
import math 
gamma_w = 9.81;         				#unit weigth of water
D = 3.;                  				#depth of channel
d = 0.3;                				#grain size
k = 1.5;                				#size of roughness of channel bed
S = 1./4400;             				#bed slope
G = 2.65;              				#specific gravity

# Calculations
N1 = d**(1./6)/24;
N = k**(1./6)/24;
r = (N1/N)**1.5;
R1 = 3*r;
si = (G-1)*d/(1000*R1*S);
				#hence we get
fi = 7;
q = 3600*fi*G*gamma_w*(G-1)**0.5*(gamma_w)**0.5*(d/1000)**1.5;
q = round(q*10)/10;

# Results
print "quantity of bed load moved = %.2f kN/m/hr."%(q);
quantity of bed load moved = 13.70 kN/m/hr.

Example 14.14 pg : 692

In [14]:
import math 
gamma_w = 9.81;         				#unit weigth of water
D = 3.;                  				#depth of channel
d = 0.3;                				#grain size
k = 1.5;                				#size of roughness of channel bed
S = 1./4400;             				#bed slope
G = 2.65;              				#specific gravity
V = 0.03;              				#fall velocity
c_ = 400;               				#concentration at 0.3 m above bed
a = 0.3;
y = 1.;
k_ = 0.4;             				#van karman's consmath.tant

# Calculations
N1 = d**(1./6)/24;
N = k**(1./6)/24;
r = (N1/N)**1.5;
R1 = 3*r;
V_ = (gamma_w*R1*S)**0.5;
c = c_*((a/y)*(D-y)/(D-a))**(V/(V_*k_));
c = round(c*10)/10;

# Results
print "concentration of suspended load = %.2f ppm."%(c);
concentration of suspended load = 74.10 ppm.

Example 14.15 pg : 692

In [15]:
import math 
from numpy import roots

				#design an irrigation channel by Meyer peter equation
Q = 45;              				#discharge
c = 55;              				#bed load concentraion
d = 0.3;             				#average grain diameter
gamma_w = 9.81;      				#unit weigth of water
G = 2.67;
f = 0.964;

c = c*Q*gamma_w*3600/1000000;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
				#taking channel width as B = 28 m(slightly less than P)
B = 28.;
qs = c/B;
				#assuming effective grain diameter k = 0.4 mm
ks = 0.4e-3;
N1 = ks**(1./6)/24;
sf = 1.76*d**0.5;
N = 0.0225*sf**0.25;
r = N1/N;
tau_c = 0.047*gamma_w*(G-1)*d/1000;
tau_b = r**1.5*((qs/47450)**(2./3)+tau_c);
				#from Manning's formula we get on simplification
R = (0.000992*1000/0.525)**(3./7);
S = 0.525/(1000*R);
				#solving equation of R for trapezoidal section of side slope 1/2 we get
y = [0.5,25.06,-36.792]
D = roots(y)[1];
#we get D =  -51.547499  and 1.4274989  
#taking D = 1.4274989;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %i m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 28 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.43 m.
Bed slope = 4.00e-04.

Example 14.16 pg : 693

In [16]:
import math 
from numpy import roots

#design an irrigation channel by Einstein equation
Q = 45.;              				#discharge
c = 55.;              				#bed load concentraion
d = 0.3;             				#average grain diameter
gamma_w = 9.81;      				#unit weigth of water
G = 2.67;            				#specific gravity of soil
f = 0.964;           				#silt factor

#taking channel width as B = 28 m(slightly less than P)
B = 28.;
qs = c/B;

fi = (qs/(gamma_w*G))*(1/(G-1))**0.5*(1000000000/(gamma_w*d**3))**0.5;
#from fig. 14.6 we get value of sci
#umath.sing the sci equation and Manning formula and on simplifications we get
R = (2.4296)**(3./7);
S = 0.4083/(1000*1.463);
#solving equation of R for trapezoidal section of side slope 1/2 we get
y = [0.5,24.73,-40.96]
D = roots(y)[1];
#we get D =  -51.064253   and 1.6042534  
#taking D = 1.6042534;
D = round(D*10)/10;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %i m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 28 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.60 m.
Bed slope = 2.79e-04.

Example 14.17 pg : 697

In [17]:
import math 
from numpy import roots
#design a channel for non-alluvial deposites
Q = 45.;               				#discharge
S = 1./4000;           				#bed slope
v = 0.9;              				#permissible velocity
N = 0.025;            				#rogosity coefficient

# Calculations
A = Q/v;
R = (v*N/S**0.5)**1.5;
P = A/R;
				#let us provide a trapezoidal section
				#from equation of Area and Perimeter of trapezoid
y = [1.828,-29.45,50]
D = roots(y)[1];
#from which we get D = 14.181815 and 1.9286881
#taking  D = 1.9286881;
B = P-2*1.41*D;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %i m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Width of channel section = 24 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.93 m.

Example 14.18 pg : 697

In [18]:
import math 
#design non-allvial channel umath.sing Bazin's formula
Q = 15.;               				#discharge
V = 0.75;             				#mean velocity
s = 1.;                				#side slope
K = 1.3;              				#bazin's coefficient
				#width is five times its depth

# Calculations
A = Q/V;
D = (A/6)**0.5;
B = 5*D;
P = B+2*D*1.41;
R = A/P;
C = 87/(1+K/(R)**0.5);
S = (V/C)**2/R;
B = round(B*10)/10;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 9.10 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.83 m.
Bed slope = 2.34e-04.

Example 14.19 pg : 698

In [19]:
import math 

#determine dimension of channel umath.sing chezy's equation

Q = 21.5;          				#discharge
S = 1./2500;        				#slope of bottom
C = 70;
r = 1/1.73;
#taking R = 0.5*D

# Calculations and Results
#and keeping it in Q = V*A;where V = C(RS)**0.5 and A = D**2(2*(4/3)**0.5-1/3**0.5);
D = (21.5/1.7146)**(1/2.5);
B = 2*D*((4./3)**0.5-(1./3)**0.5);
B = round(B*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;
print "side slope = %.2f."%(r);
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);

R = 0.5*D;
V = C*(R*S)**0.5;
n = R**(2./3)*S**0.5/V;
n = round(n*1000)/1000;
print "value of manning n = %.2f."%(n);
side slope = 0.58.
Width of channel section = 3.18 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.75 m.
value of manning n = 0.01.

Example 14.20 pg : 698

In [20]:
import math 

				#design a regime channel
Q = 100;          				#discharge
f = 1.1;          				#silt factor
s = 1./2;          				#side slope

# Calculations
V = (Q*f**2/140)**(1./6);
A = Q/V;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
D = (P-(P**2-6.944*A)**0.5)/3.472;
B = P-2.236*D;
R = 5*V**2/(2*f);
S = f**(5./3)/(3340*Q**(1./6));
B = round(B*10)/10;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 42.20 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.36 m.
Bed slope = 1.63e-04.

Example 14.21 pg : 699

In [21]:
import math 
from numpy import poly1d,roots
#design a channel umath.sing Laecy theory
Q = 40.;               				#discharge
s = 1.;                				#side slope
md = 0.8;             				#average size of base material

# Calculations
f = 1.76*(md)**0.5;
V = (Q*f**2/140)**(1./6);
A = Q/V;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
#from equations of Area and perimeter of trapezoidal section;we get
y = poly1d([42.41,-30.04,1.828],'x','c');
D = roots(y)[0];
				#we get D = 14.873416 and 1.5598447
D = 1.5598447;
B = A/D-D;
R = 5*V**2/(2*f);
S = f**(5./3)/(3340*Q**(1./6));
B = round(B*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 25.60 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.56 m.
Bed slope = 3.45e-04.

Example 14.22 pg : 700

In [22]:
import math 
Q = 30.;              				#discharge
V = 1.;               				#velocity of flow

# Calculations
A = Q/V;
#perimeter of section = 30/D-D/2
#taking its derivative w.r.t to D
D = 1/((1.914/30)**0.5);
#from equation of area
B = 30/D-D/2;
B = round(B*10)/10;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Width of channel section = 5.60 m.
Depth of channel section = 3.96 m.

Example 14.23 pg : 700

In [23]:
import math 

#determine whether flow is critical or sub-critical
Q = 17.;           				#discharge
B = 6.;            				#base of channel
s = 1./2;          				#side slope
D = 1.5;          				#depth of channel

# Calculations
A = D*((B+B/s)/2);
V = Q/A;
P = B+2*((D/s)**2+D**2)**0.5;
R = A/P;
F = V/(9.81*R)**0.5;      				#froud number
F = round(F*100)/100;

# Results
#math.since F<1;
print "Froud number = %.2f.F<1.Flow is sub-critical"%(F);
Froud number = 0.39.F<1.Flow is sub-critical

Example 14.24 pg : 701

In [24]:
import math 

B = 3.5;          				#bottom width of channel
n = 0.016;        				#manning n
S = 2.6/10000;    				#bed slope
Q = 8;            				#discharge
lfs = 1;          				#left side slope
rhs = 1.5;        				#rigth side slope
gamma_w = 9.81;   				#unit weigth of water

# Calculations
#umath.sing the equation of area and perimeter of trapezoidal section;Manning's formula and V = Q/A we get D as
#Manning formula: V = R**(2/3)*S**0.5/n
#(D*(3.5+1.25*D))**2.5 = 78.281+71.951*D
#solving it by trial and error method;we get
D = 1.5;
R = (D*(3.5+1.25*D))/(3.5+3.217*D);
tau = gamma_w*R*S*1000;
tau = round(tau*100)/100;

# Results
print "Depth of section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Average shear stress at channel bed = %.2f N/square-mm."%(tau);
Depth of section = 1.50 m.
Average shear stress at channel bed = 2.47 N/square-mm.

Example 14.25 pg : 702

In [25]:
import math 
S = 1./5000;          				#bed slope
B = 40.;              				#width of channel
D = 2.6;             				#depth of channel
d = 0.38;            				#mean diameter of bed material
n = 0.021;           				#Manning n
D65 = 0.64e-3;       				#bed material size(m)
w = 1000.;            				#density of water

# Calculations
#B/D as large tau_c = 0.075*d;
tau_c = 0.075*d;
tau_b = w*D*S;
N1 = (D65)**(1./6)/24;
r = N1/n;
qs = 4700*24*(tau_b*r**1.5-tau_c)**1.5/1000;
qs40 = qs*40;

# Results
print "bed load transported by the channel  = %i t/m/day."%(qs40);
bed load transported by the channel  = 411 t/m/day.

Example 14.26 pg : 702

In [26]:
import math 

Q = 5.;              				#discharge
S = 0.2/1000;       				#bed slope
m = 0.8;            				#critical velocity ratio
s = 1./2;            				#side slope of chanel
C = 30.;

# Calculations
D = 1.;
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;
A = Q/Vo;
B = A/D-(s*D);
P = B+2.43*D;
R = A/P;
V = C*(R*S)**0.5;
#hence take second trial
D = 0.8;     				#assume
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;
A = Q/Vo;
B = A/D-(s*D);
P = B+2.43*D;
R = A/P;
V = C*(R*S)**0.5;
#again Vo>V
#hence we take third trial
D = 0.7;
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;
A = Q/Vo;
B = A/D+(s*D);
P = B+2.43*D;
R = A/P;
V = C*(R*S)**0.5;
B = round(B*100)/100;
#Vo is almost equal to V;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Width of channel section = 20.75 m.
Depth of channel section = 0.70 m.

Example 14.27 pg : 703

In [27]:
import math 

#design irrigation channel by Kennedy method

Q = 50.;          				#discharge
r = 2.5;         				#B/D ratio
m = 1.1;         				#critical velocity ratio
N = 0.025;       				#rogosity coefficient
s = 0.5;         				#side slope of channel

# Calculations
#umath.sing the equation of Vo and Q = A*V;we get
D = (Q/1.815)**(1/2.64);
B = r*D;
R = (B*D+0.5*D**2)/(B+2.236*D);
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;

#applying kutters formula; V = C(RS)**0.5
#where C = (23+1/N+0.00155/S)*(R*S)**0.5/(1+(23+0.00155/S)*N/R**0.5);
#assuming S**0.5 = y
#taking real values of y
S = 0.0196171 **2;
B = round(B*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 8.78 m.
Depth of channel section = 3.51 m.
Bed slope = 3.85e-04.

Example 14.28 pg : 704

In [28]:
import math 

#design a regime channel umath.sing Laecy's theory
Q = 35;           				#discharge
f = 0.9;          				#silt factor
s = 1./2;          				#side slope

# Calculations
V = (Q*f/140)**(1./6);
A = Q/V;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
D = (P-(P**2-6.944*A)**0.5)/3.472;
B = P-2.236*D;

R = 5*V**2/(2*f);
S = f**(5./3)/(3340*Q**(1./6));
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
print "Width of channel section = %i m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Bed slope = 1.39e-04.
Width of channel section = 24 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.80 m.

Example 14.29 pg : 705

In [29]:
import math 
from numpy import roots

#design an irrigation canal for given data
Q = 15.;        				#discharge
m = 1.;         				#critical velocity ratio
r = 5.7;       				#B/D

D = (Q/(0.55*6.2))**(1/2.64);
B = D*r;
R = (B*D+D**2/2)/(B+D*5**0.5);
Vo = 0.55*m*D**0.64;
#applying kutters formula; V = C(RS)**0.5
#where C = (23+1/N+0.00155/S)*(R*S)**0.5/(1+(23+0.00155/S)*N/R**0.5);
#assuming S**0.5 = y
y = [67.5,-0.968,1.55e-3,-2e-5]
d = roots(y)[0];
				#taking real values of y
S = d.real**2;
B = round(B*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 9.99 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.75 m.
Bed slope = 2.01e-04.

Example 14.30 pg : 705

In [30]:
import math 
#Design a section of unlined canal in a loomy soil
Q = 50.;             				#discharge
V = 1.;              				#permissible velocity
s = 2.;              				#side slope
r = 6.;              				#B/D ratio
N = 0.0225;         				#rogosity coefficient

# Calculations
A = Q/V;
D = (A/(r+2))**0.5;
B = r*D;
P = B+2*(5*D**2)**0.5;
R = A/P;
S = (V*N/R**(2/3))**2;

# Results
print "Width of channel section = %i m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
Width of channel section = 15 m.
Depth of channel section = 2.50 m.
Bed slope = 5.06e-04.

Example 14.31 pg : 705

In [31]:
import math 
gamma_w = 9.81;         				#unit weigth of water
D = 5.;                  				#depth of channel
d = 0.3;                				#grain size
k = 1.5;                				#size of roughness of channel bed
S = 1./4000;             				#bed slope
G = 2.65;              				#specific gravity
V = 0.02;              				#fall velocity
c_ = 1000.;               				#concentration at 0.3 m above bed
a = 0.3;
y = 2.5;
k_ = 0.4;             				#van karman's consmath.tant

# Calculations
R = 5;                				#R = D for wide channel
V_ = (gamma_w*R*S)**0.5;
c = c_*((a/y)*(D-y)/(D-a))**(V/(V_*k_));

# Results
print "concentration of suspended load = %i ppm."%(c);
concentration of suspended load = 288 ppm.

Example 14.32 pg : 706

In [32]:
import math 
Q = 40.;        				#discharge
f = 1.;         				#silt factor

# Calculations and Results
#Laecey's theory
V = (Q*f/140)**(1./6);
A = Q/V;
P = 4.75*Q**0.5;
D = (P-(P**2-6.944*A)**0.5)/3.472;
B = P-2.236*D;

R = 5*V**2/(2*f);
S = f**(5./3)/(3340*Q**(1./6));
B = round(B);
D = round(D*100)/100;
print "By Laecey theory:";
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);

#Kennedy's theory
r = B/D;        
m = 1.;         				#critical velocity ratio
N = 0.0225;   				#rogosity coefficient
#umath.sing equation of area of trapezoidal section;Vo = 0.55mD**0.64 and Q = A*Vo

D = (Q/8.058)**(1/2.64);
B = r*D;
B = round(B);
D = round(D*100)/100;
print "By Kennedy theory:";
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
By Laecey theory:
Bed slope = 1.62e-04.
Width of channel section = 26.00 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.84 m.
By Kennedy theory:
Width of channel section = 26.00 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.83 m.

Example 14.33 pg : 707

In [33]:
import math 
#design Laecey regime channel
A = 100000.;            				#culturable area(hectare)
IR = 0.4;              				#intensity of irrigation in kharif season
IK = 0.3;              				#intensity of irrigation in rabi season
OR = 1800.;             				#outlet discharge factor in kharif season
OK = 800.;              				#outlet discharge factor in kharif season
l = 0.1;              				#conveyance loss
md = 0.328;            				#average diameter of material

# Calculations
AR = A*IR;           				#area under rabi
AK = A*IK;           				#area under kharif  
Qr = AR/OR;
Qk = AK/OK;
Q = 1.1*Qk;
f = 1.76*(md)**0.5;
V = (Q*f**2/144)**(1./6);
A = Q/V;
P = 4.75*(Q)**0.5;
D = (P-(P**2-6.944*A)**0.5)/3.472;
B = P-2.236*D;
S = f**(5/3)/(3340*Q**(1./6));
B = round(B*10)/10;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
print "Width of channel section = %.2f m."%(B);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Bed slope = 1.62e-04.
Width of channel section = 26.40 m.
Depth of channel section = 1.86 m.

Example 14.34 pg : 707

In [34]:
import math 
D = 2.8;         				#depth of flow
c_ = 700;        				#concentration at 30 cm below water surface
y = 0.1;
a = D-0.3;
e = 0.4;         				#exponent in rouse equation;

# Calculations
c = c_*(a*(D-y)/(y*(D-a)))**e;

# Results
print "concentration at point 10 cm above the bed = %i ppm."%(c);
concentration at point 10 cm above the bed = 6109 ppm.

Example 14.35 pg : 708

In [35]:
import math 
#design the distributory umath.sing Laecey theory
f = 0.85;           				#silt factor
AR = 3600.;          				#area for rabi
AK = 1400.;          				#area for kharif
delta_r = 0.135;    				#kor depth for rabi
delta_k = 0.19;     				#kor depth for kharif
tr = 4.;             				#kor period for rabi
tk = 2.5;           				#kor period for kharif

# Calculations
Du_r = 8.64*tr*7/delta_r;     				#duty for rabi
Du_k = 8.64*tk*7/delta_k;    				#duty for kharif
q_r = AR/Du_r;               				#discharge for rabi
q_k = AK/Du_k;               				#discharge for kharif
Q = q_r;                   				#math.since q_r>q_k
V = (Q*f**2/144)**(1./6);
A = Q/V;
P = 4.75*(Q)**0.5;
D = (P-(P**2-6.944*A)**0.5)/3.472;
S = f**(5./3)/(3340*Q**(1./6));
P = round(P*100)/100;
D = round(D*100)/100;

# Results
print "Bed slope = %.2e."%(S);
print "Perimeter of channel section = %.2f m."%(P);
print "Depth of channel section = %.2f m."%(D);
Bed slope = 2.03e-04.
Perimeter of channel section = 6.73 m.
Depth of channel section = 0.81 m.