import math
from numpy import array,zeros,linspace,float64
#design and prepare the longitudnal section;schedule of area statistics and channel dimension of irrigation channel
dl = 157.7; #datum level
fsl = 157.; #full supply level of parent channel
bl = 156.; #bed level of parent channel
kor_r = 4.; #kor period of rabi
kor_k = 2.5; #kor period of kharif
kord_r = 13.4; #kor depth of rabi
kord_k = 19.; #kor depth of kharif
s = 0.5; #side slope
m = 1.; #critical velocity ratio
N = 0.0225; #Kutter n
qo_r = 8.64*7*kor_r*100/kord_r; #outlet discharge for rabi(calculation is wrong in book)
qo_k = 8.64*7*kor_k*100/kord_k; #outlet discharge for kharif(calculation is wrong in book)
ca = 16000.; #culturable commanded area
Ir = 0.3; #intensity of irrigation in rabi
Ik = 0.125; #intensity of irrigation in rabi
# Calculations and Results
Ar = Ir*ca; #area under rabi
Ak = ca*Ik; #area under kharif
q_r = Ar/qo_r;
q_k = Ak/qo_k;
q_r = round(q_r*100)/100;
q_k = round(q_k*100)/100;
print "discharge neede for rabi crop = %.2f cumecs."%(q_r);
print "discharge neede for kharif crop = %.2f cumecs."%(q_k);
print "outlet discharge factor adopted = %i hectares per cumecs."%(qo_r);
#at km 5
ca = 8000; #culturable area
Ar = Ir*ca; #area under rabi
q_r = Ar/qo_r;
l = 0.5 #total loss after 5 km
q = q_r+l; #total discharge
dq = 1.1*q; #desigm discharge
S = 1./4000; #slope
B = array([5.5, 4.9, 4.55]); #Bed width
D = array([0.73, 0.79, 0.84]); #water depth
Vo = array([0.448, 0.472, 0.488]); #critical velocity
A = zeros(3)
V = zeros(3)
m = zeros(3)
print "Bed width water depth area velocity critical velocity C.V.R";
for i in range(3):
A[i] = B[i]*D[i]+D[i]**2/2;
V[i] = dq/A[i];
m[i] = V[i]/Vo[i];
A[i] = round(A[i]*100)/100;
V[i] = round(V[i]*1000)/1000;
m[i] = round(m[i]*100)/100;
print "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f"%(B[i],D[i],A[i],V[i],Vo[i],m[i]);
B = 4.55;
D = 0.84;
print "hence take B = %.2f .; D = %.2f m."%(B,D);
#at km 4
q = round(q*100)/100;
print "discharge at 5 km = %.2f cumecs."%(q);
ca = 10000; #culturable area
Ar = Ir*ca; #area under rabi
q_r = Ar/qo_r;
l = 0.5 #total loss below 5 km
P = B+D*5**0.5; #wetted perimeter
l1 = P*1000*2/1000000; #loss between 5 km and 4km
l2 = l1+l;
q = q_r+l2;
dq = 1.1*q;
q = round(q*1000)/1000;
print "discharge at 4 km = %.2f cumecs"%(q);
print "other discharge are calculated and are tabulated as:";
x = linspace(1,5,6)
A1 = array([4800, 4200, 3600, 3300, 3000, 2400],dtype=float64);
A2 = array([2000, 1750, 1500, 1375, 1250, 1000],dtype=float64);
S = array([22.5, 22.5, 22.5, 24, 24, 25]);
B = array([5.5, 5.2, 4.85, 4.7, 4.55, 4.55]);
D = array([1.04, 1.007, 0.975, 0.945, 0.915, 0.840]);
dq = array([3.56, 3.17, 2.8, 2.6, 2.4, 2.02]);
V = array([0.570, 0.555, 0.538, 0.530, 0.521, 0.484]);
m = array([1.015, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.992]);
print "Below km area to irrigate rabi area to irrigate kharif bed slope bed width water depth design discharge velocity C.V.R";
for i in range(6):
print "%8i %i %i %.2f %.2f %.2f\
%.2f %.2f %.2f"%(x[i],A1[i],A2[i],S[i],B[i],D[i],dq[i],V[i],m[i]);