# Given data
R = 100*10**3
T = 100*10**-3
# Solution
C = T/(1.1*R)
print "The value of C =",round(C*10**6,1),"uF"
# Given Data
Ra = 6.8*10**3
Rb = 3.3*10**3
C = 0.1*10**-6
# Solution
# Solution of part a
tHIGH = round(0.69*(Ra + Rb)*C,5)*10**3
# Solution pf part b
tLOW = round(0.69*(Rb)*C,5)*10**3
# Solution of part c
f = int(1.45/((Ra + 2*Rb)*C))*10**-3
# Solution for part d
D = round(Rb/(Ra + 2*Rb),2)
# Displaying the answers
print "The value of tHIGH =",tHIGH,"ms"
print "The value of tLOW =",tLOW,"ms"
print "The value of frequency f =",f,"kHz"
print "The value of Duty cycle D =",D,"or",D*100,"%"