# Calculation and result
fp = open('12.1.dat', 'w')
for i in range (0, 11) :
fp.write('%d, %d \n' % (i, i*i))
# Calculation and result
fp = open('12.2.dat', 'w')
for i in range (0, 11) :
fp.write('%d, %d \n' % (i, i*i))
# Calculation and result
fp = open('12.2.dat', 'a')
i = 11
fp.write('%d, %d \n' % (i, i*i))
# Calculation and result
with open ('12.2.dat') as fp:
for line in fp :
print line
# Calculation and result
print ('Data input ')
f1 = open('12.5.dat', 'w')
f1.write('You are learning Files in Python language ')
print ('Data output ')
with open ('12.5.dat') as f1:
for line in f1 :
print line
# Calculation and result
print ('Contents of the data file ')
f1 = open('12.6.dat', 'w')
for i in range (0, 10) :
number = int(raw_input())
f1.write('%d\n' % number)
f1 = open('12.6.dat', 'r')
f2 = open('12.6o.dat', 'w')
f3 = open('12.6e.dat', 'w')
num = [0] * 10
with open ('12.6.dat') as f1 :
num = f1.read().splitlines()
for i in range (0, 10) :
if (int(num[i]) % 2) != 0 :
f2.write('%s \n' % (num[i]))
else :
f3.write('%s \n' % (num[i]))
print ('Contents of the odd file ')
with open ('12.6o.dat') as f2:
for line in f2 :
print line
print ('Contents of the even file ')
with open ('12.6e.dat') as f3:
for line in f3 :
print line
# Calculation and result
filename = raw_input('Input filename: ')
fp = open(filename, 'w')
print ('Input inventory data ')
print ('\nItemName number price quantity ')
data = [[0 for y in xrange(5)] for x in xrange(3)]
for i in range (0, 3) :
for j in range (0, 4) :
data[i][j] = raw_input('')
fp.write('%s ' % data[i][j]),
fp = open(filename, 'r')
for i in range (0, 3) :
for j in range (2, 3) :
data[i][j+2] = float(data[i][j]) * int(data[i][j+1])
print ('ItemName number price quantity value ')
for i in range (0, 3) :
for j in range (0, 5) :
print ('%8s' % data[i][j]),
# Calculation and result
with open ('12.5.dat') as fp:
for line in fp :
print line
from sys import argv
# Calculation and result
script, filename = argv
file = open(filename)
print file.read()
print ('\nFile displayed successfully.....')
%run 12.9.py 12.1.dat
# Calculation and result
class person (object) :
def __init__(self, name = None, age = 0):
self.name = 0
self.age = 0
data = [person() for i in range (5)]
fp = open('12.10.dat','w')
for i in range (0, 5) :
data[i].name = raw_input('\nEnter name : ')
data[i].age = int(raw_input('Enter age : '))
for i in range (0, 5) :
fp.write('%s %d \n' % (data[i].name, data[i].age))
print ('\n...Records are written to a file...')
print ('...Displaying records from a file...')
for i in range (0, 5) :
print ('\nName : %s ' % data[i].name)
print ('Age : %d ' % data[i].age)
# Calculation and result
class record (object) :
def __init__(self, name = None, age = 0) :
self.name = 0
self.age = 0
def record_write (data, filename) :
filep = open(filename, 'ab')
data.name = raw_input('Enter name : ')
data.age = int(raw_input('Enter age : '))
filep.write('%s %d\n' % (data.name, data.age))
def record_readall (filename) :
with open (filename) as filep :
for line in filep :
print line
data = record ()
filename = '12.11.dat'
condition = True
while condition :
enter = raw_input('\nAdd record (y/n) ? ')
if enter == 'y' or enter == 'Y' :
record_write (data, filename)
else :
condition = False
record_readall (filename)
# Calculation and result
fp = open('12.12.txt','r')
fp.seek(0, 0)
line = fp.readline()
print ('Read Line: %s ' % line)
fp.seek(17, 0)
line = fp.readline()
print ('Read Line: %s ' % line)
import os
# Calculation and result
statinfo = os.stat('12.13.txt')
print ('Filesize of "12.13.txt" is %d bytes ' % statinfo.st_size)
# Calculation and result
nc = nlines = 0
filename = raw_input('Enter file name: ')
with open(filename, 'r') as fp :
for line in fp :
nlines += 1
nc += len(line)
print ('There are %d characters in %s ' % (nc, filename))
print ('There are %d lines ' % nlines)
# Calculation and result
linecount = 0
filename = raw_input('Enter file name: ')
fp = open(filename, 'r')
for line in fp :
print line
linecount += 1
if linecount % 20 == 0 :
raw_input("[Press Return to continue, Q to quit]")
if raw_input() == 'Q' :
# Calculation and result
fname1 = raw_input('Enter source file: ')
fname2 = raw_input('Enter destination file: ')
with open(fname1) as fp1 :
with open(fname2,'w') as fp2 :
for line in fp1 :
print ('Files successfully copied ')
# Calculation and result
total = count = 0
filenameIn = raw_input('Please enter an input filename: ')
filenameOut = raw_input('Please enter an output filename: ')
print ('Opening %s for reading is OK.' % filenameIn)
print ('Opening %s for writing is OK.' % filenameOut)
print ('Calculate the total...')
for i in open(filenameIn) :
count += 1
total += int(i.strip())
print ('Calculate the average...')
fileptrOut = open(filenameOut,'w')
fileptrOut.write('Average of %d numbers = %f ' % (count, (total/count)))
print ('Check also your %s file content ' % filenameOut)
print ('"%s" closed successfully ' % filenameIn)
print ('"%s" closed successfully ' % filenameOut)
# Structure declaration
class STUDENT (object) :
def __init__(self, fname=None, lname=None, id=None, quiz1=None, quiz2=None, quiz3=None, quiz4=None, exam=None) :
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname
self.id = id
self.quiz1 = quiz1
self.quiz2 = quiz2
self.quiz3 = quiz3
self.quiz4 = quiz4
self.exam = exam
def findLow (students, x, c) :
if x == 0 :
small = students[0].quiz1
for i in range (1, c) :
if small >= students[i].quiz1 and students[i].quiz1 > 0 :
small = students[i].quiz1
return small
elif x == 1 :
small = students[0].quiz2
for i in range (1, c) :
if small >= students[i].quiz2 and students[i].quiz2 > 0 :
small = students[i].quiz2
return small
elif x == 2 :
small = students[0].quiz3
for i in range (1, c) :
if small >= students[i].quiz3 and students[i].quiz3 > 0 :
small = students[i].quiz3
return small
elif x == 3 :
small = students[0].quiz4
for i in range (1, c) :
if small >= students[i].quiz4 and students[i].quiz4 > 0 :
small = students[i].quiz4
return small
elif x == 4 :
small = students[0].exam
for i in range (1, c) :
if small >= students[i].exam and students[i].exam > 0 :
small = students[i].exam
return small
return 0
def findHigh (students, x, c) :
if x == 0 :
big = students[0].quiz1
for i in range (1, c) :
if big <= students[i].quiz1 :
big = students[i].quiz1
return big
elif x == 1 :
big = students[0].quiz2
for i in range (1, c) :
if big <= students[i].quiz2 :
big = students[i].quiz2
return big
elif x == 2 :
big = students[0].quiz3
for i in range (1, c) :
if big <= students[i].quiz3 :
big = students[i].quiz3
return big
elif x == 3 :
big = students[0].quiz4
for i in range (1, c) :
if big <= students[i].quiz4 :
big = students[i].quiz4
return big
elif x == 4 :
big = students[0].exam
for i in range (1, c) :
if big <= students[i].exam :
big = students[i].exam
return big
return 0
students = [STUDENT() for i in range (5)]
summ = avg = low = high = [0] * 5
cnt = 0
print ('--- CLASS INFO --- \n')
print ('Name\t\t Id\tQuiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Quiz4 Exam \n')
with open('12.18.txt') as fpr :
for line in fpr :
i = 0
students[i].fname, students[i].lname, students[i].id, students[i].quiz1, students[i].quiz2, students[i].quiz3, students[i].quiz4, students[i].exam = line.split()
students[i].id = int(students[i].id)
students[i].quiz1 = int(students[i].quiz1)
students[i].quiz2 = int(students[i].quiz2)
students[i].quiz3 = int(students[i].quiz3)
students[i].quiz4 = int(students[i].quiz4)
students[i].exam = int(students[i].exam)
print ('%-s %-s\t %-4d %-3d %-3d %-3d %-3d %-3d' % (students[i].fname, students[i].lname, students[i].id, students[i].quiz1, students[i].quiz2, students[i].quiz3, students[i].quiz4, students[i].exam))
summ[0] += int(students[i].quiz1)
summ[1] += int(students[i].quiz2)
summ[2] += int(students[i].quiz3)
summ[3] += int(students[i].quiz4)
summ[4] += int(students[i].exam)
i = i+1
cnt = cnt+1
print ('\nSTATISTICS')
print ('\t\tQuiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Quiz4 Exam\n')
print ('Average:\t'),
for i in range (0, 5) :
avg[i] = float(summ[i])/cnt
print ('%-5.1f \t' % avg[i]),
print ('Lowest:\t\t'),
for i in range (0, 5) :
low[i] = findLow (students, i, cnt)
high[i] = findHigh (students, i, cnt)
for i in range (0, 5) :
print ('%-5d \t' % low[i]),
print ('Highest:\t'),
for i in range (0, 5) :
print ('%-5d \t' % high[i]),
print ('\n --- END OF REPORT --- \n')
import sys
# Structure declaration
class Employee (object) :
def __init__(self, fname=None, lname=None, sub_taken=None, last_edu=None, join_date=None, id=None, age=None, bsal=None) :
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname
self.sub_taken = sub_taken
self.last_edu = last_edu
self.join_date = join_date
self.id = id
self.age = age
self.bsal = bsal
emp = Employee ()
fp = open('12.19.dat','ab+')
recsize = sys.getsizeof(emp)
condition = True
while condition :
print ('\n1.Add Records \
\n2.Delete Records \
\n3.Modify Records \
\n4.List Records \
choice = int(raw_input('\nEnter your choice: '))
if choice == 1 :
another = 'Y'
while another == 'Y' or another == 'y' :
fp = open('12.19.dat','ab+')
emp.fname = raw_input('Enter the first name: ')
emp.lname = raw_input('Enter the last name: ')
emp.age = int(raw_input('Enter the age: '))
emp.bsal = int(raw_input('Enter the basic salary: '))
emp.join_date = int(raw_input('Enter joining date: '))
emp.id = int(raw_input('Enter the employee id: '))
emp.last_edu = raw_input('Enter the last education: ')
emp.sub_taken = raw_input('Enter the subject taken: ')
fp.write('%d %s %s %d %d %s %s %s \n' % (emp.id, emp.fname, emp.lname, emp.age, emp.bsal, emp.join_date, emp.last_edu, emp.sub_taken))
another = raw_input('Add another record (Y/N) ? ')
elif choice == 2 :
another = 'Y'
while another == 'Y' or another == 'y' :
fp = open('12.19.dat','r')
lines = fp.readlines()
lines = lines[:-1]
print ('\nRecord deleted ')
another = raw_input('Delete another record (Y/N) ? ')
elif choice == 3 :
fp = open('12.19.dat','w')
another = 'Y'
while another == 'Y' or another == 'y' :
emp.fname = raw_input('Enter the first name: ')
emp.lname = raw_input('Enter the last name: ')
emp.age = int(raw_input('Enter the age: '))
emp.bsal = int(raw_input('Enter the basic salary: '))
emp.join_date = int(raw_input('Enter joining date: '))
emp.id = int(raw_input('Enter the employee id: '))
emp.last_edu = raw_input('Enter the last education: ')
emp.sub_taken = raw_input('Enter the subject taken: ')
fp.write('%d %s %s %d %d %s %s %s \n' % (emp.id, emp.fname, emp.lname, emp.age, emp.bsal, emp.join_date, emp.last_edu, emp.sub_taken))
another = raw_input('Modify another record (Y/N) ? ')
elif choice == 4 :
with open ('12.19.dat','r') as fp :
for line in fp :
print line
elif choice == 5 :
condition = False