CHAPTER 28 - Solid State Welding Processes

EXAMPLE 28.1 - PG NO 805

In [1]:
#example 28.1
#page no. 805

# Given that
t=1.#in mm thickness of chip
I=5000.#in Ampere current
T=0.1#in sec
d=5.#in mm diameter of electrode

# Sample Problem on page no. 805

print("\n # Heat Generated in Spot Welding # \n")

#It is assumed in the book that effective restiance = 200 micro ohm

print'%s %d %s' %("\n\n Heat Generated =",H,"J")

# It is assumed in the book that 
V=30.#in mm3 volume
D=0.008#in g/mm3 density
#Heat required to melt 1 g of steel is about 1400J
print'%s %d %s' %("\n\n Heat Required to melt weld nugget =",m1," J")

print'%s %d %s' %("\n\n Heat Dissipitated into the metal surrounding the nugget =",m2," J")
 # Heat Generated in Spot Welding # 

 Heat Generated = 500 J

 Heat Required to melt weld nugget = 336  J

 Heat Dissipitated into the metal surrounding the nugget = 164  J