CHAPTER 9 - Composite Materials Structure, General Properties, and Applications

EXAMPLE 9.1 - PG NO 229

In [2]:
#example 9.1
#page no. 229
# Given that
x=0.2# Area fraction of the fibre in the composite 
Ef= 300. # Elastic modulus of the fibre in GPa
Em= 100. # Elastic modulus of the matrix in GPa

# Sample Problem on page no. 229

print("\n # application of reinforced plastics # \n")

Ec = x*Ef + (1.-x)*Em
print'%s %d %s' %("\n\n The Elastic Modulus of the composite is = ",Ec,"GPa")

#Let Pf/Pm be r
#Let Pc/Pf be R
R=1.+(1./r) # from the relation  Pc = Pf + Pm
print'%s %.6f %s' %("\n\n The Fraction of load supported by Fibre is =",P,"%")
# Answer in the book is approximated to 43 %
 # application of reinforced plastics # 

 The Elastic Modulus of the composite is =  140 GPa

 The Fraction of load supported by Fibre is = 42.857143 %