Chapter 8: Pointers

Example getaddr.c, page no. 261

Note: There is no concept of pointers in Python. Hence, output may not match for some of the examples.

In [4]:
a = 100
b = 200
c = 300

print "Address: %x contains value: %i" %(a, a)
print "Address: %x contains value: %i" %(b, b)
print "Address: %x contains value: %i" %(c, c)
Address: 64 contains value: 100
Address: c8 contains value: 200
Address: 12c contains value: 300

Example 8.1, page no. 263

In [8]:
i = 7
f = 10.5
c = 'A'
print "%d is stored at address %u" %(i, id(i))
print "%f is stored at address %u" %(f, id(f))
print "%c is stored at address %u" %(c, id(c))
7 is stored at address 41297768
10.500000 is stored at address 53588120
A is stored at address 140471220157656

Example 8.2, page no. 263

In [10]:
var1 = 10
var2 = 20
iptr = id(var1)
print "Address and contents of var1 is: %d & %d" %(iptr, var1)
iptr = id(var2)
print "Address and contents of var1 is: %d & %d" %(iptr, var2)
Address and contents of var1 is: 41297696 & 10
Address and contents of var1 is: 41297456 & 20

Example derefer.c, page no. 265

In [13]:
#note: we have used var1 instead of iptr because there is no point of pointer in python. Hence, instead of *iptr 
#we have to refer to the same variable
var1 = 0
iptr = id(var1)
var1 = 25
var1 += 10
print "Variable var1 contains %i " %var1
var2 = var1
print "Variable var2 contains: %i" %var2
iptr = id(var2)
var2 += 20
print "Variable var2 now contains: %i" %var2
Variable var1 contains 35 
Variable var2 contains: 35
Variable var2 now contains: 55

Example 8.3, page no. 267

In [14]:
a = 5
b = 10
ptr = id(a)
print "Initial values of a & b"
print "a = %d" %a
print "b = %d" %b
b = a
print "Changed values of a & b"
print "a = %d" %a
print "b = %d" %b
print "Address of variable is ", id(a)
print "Address of variable is ", id(b)
print "Address assigned to pointer ptr is ", id(ptr)
print "Value pointer ptr access is ", a
Initial values of a & b
a = 5
b = 10
Changed values of a & b
a = 5
b = 5
Address of variable is  41297816
Address of variable is  41297816
Address assigned to pointer ptr is  51460736
Value pointer ptr access is  5

Example 8.4, page no. 268

In [3]:
def swap(d1, d2):
    return d2, d1

print "Enter 2 real numbers:"
data1 = float(raw_input("num1: "))
data2 = float(raw_input("num2: "))

print "Data1 contains: ", data1
print "Data2 contains: ", data2
data1, data2 = swap(data1, data2)
print "After swapping....."
print "Data1 contains: ", data1
print "Data2 contains: ", data2
Enter 2 real numbers:
num1: 23.55
num2: -65.73
Data1 contains:  23.55
Data2 contains:  -65.73
After swapping.....
Data1 contains:  -65.73
Data2 contains:  23.55

Example voidptr.c, page no. 270

In [4]:
i1 = 100
f1 = 200.5
vptr = id(i1)
print "i1 contains ", i1
vptr = id(f1)
print "f1 contians ", f1
i1 contains  100
f1 contians  200.5

Example 8.5, page no. 271

In [5]:
#the way it is given in the textbook is not possible as there is no concept of pointers in Python
a = []
print "Size of array ?"
n = int(raw_input())
print "Array elements ?"
for i in range(n):
small = min(a)
print "The smallest element is ", small
Size of array ?
Array elements ?
The smallest element is  -77

Example 8.6, page no. 272

In [7]:
a = 5
b = 10
ptr1 = id(a)
ptr2 = id(b)

c = a + b
d = a/b*7

print "Addresses of variables 'a' and 'b': "
print "a: ", ptr1
print "b: ", ptr2

print "Addresses of pointers 'ptr1' and 'ptr2' hold: "
print "ptr1: ", ptr1
print "ptr2: ", ptr2

print "values of 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd': "
print "a = %2d   b = %2d  c = %2d  d = %2d" %(a,b,c,d)
print "Values accessed by pointers 'ptr1' and 'ptr2': "
print "ptr1: ", ptr1
print "ptr2: ", ptr2
Addresses of variables 'a' and 'b': 
a:  37181336
b:  37181216
Addresses of pointers 'ptr1' and 'ptr2' hold: 
ptr1:  37181336
ptr2:  37181216
values of 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd': 
a =  5   b = 10  c = 15  d =  0
Values accessed by pointers 'ptr1' and 'ptr2': 
ptr1:  37181336
ptr2:  37181216

Example farptr.c, page no. 275

In [8]:
# not possible in Python

Example ptriptr.c, page no. 275

In [9]:
data = 0
iptr = id(data)
ptriptr = id(iptr)
data = 100
print "Variable 'data' contains: ", data
ptriptr = 200
print "Variable 'data' contains: ", data
#value of data won't change as there is no pointer
data = 300
print "ptriptr is pointing to: ", data
Variable 'data' contains:  100
Variable 'data' contains:  100
ptriptr is pointing to:  300

Example on page no. 277

In [11]:
iarray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for i in range(5):
    print id(iarray[i]), iarray[i]
37181432 1
37181408 2
37181384 3
37181360 4
37181336 5

Example on page no. 279

In [26]:
def sort_it(b):
    return sorted(b)

a = []
print "Eneter the number of elements in the array (lessthan 21): "
n = int(raw_input())
print "Enter the elements: "
for i in range(n):
arr = sort_it(a)
print "The sorted array: "
for ele in arr:
    print ele,
Eneter the number of elements in the array (lessthan 21): 
Enter the elements: 
The sorted array: 
-4 0 1 4 7

Example 8.7, page no. 280

In [29]:
def SortByPtrExchange(person):
    return sorted(person)
choice = 'y'
person = []
while choice == 'y':
    print "Enter Name: "
    print "Enter another ? (y/n)"
    choice = raw_input()
print "Unsorted list: "
for per in person:
    print per
person = SortByPtrExchange(person)
print "Sorted List: "
for per in person:
    print per
Enter Name: 
Enter another ? (y/n)
Enter Name: 
Enter another ? (y/n)
Enter Name: 
Enter another ? (y/n)
Enter Name: 
Enter another ? (y/n)
Enter Name: 
Enter another ? (y/n)
Unsorted list: 
Sorted List: 

Example argref.c, page no. 282

In [32]:
def Add10(studentmarks):
    studentmarks += 10
    return studentmarks
Marks = 25
print "Value of Marks = %d" %Marks
Marks = Add10(Marks)
print "Value of Marks after execution = %d" %Marks
Value of Marks = 25
Value of Marks after execution = 35

Example accfunc.c, page no. 283

In [33]:
Max = 5
def Add10(studentmarks):
    global Max
    for i in range(Max):
        studentmarks[i] += 10
    return studentmarks
Marks = [25, 43, 70, 80, 76]
Marks = Add10(Marks)
for j in range(Max):
    print "Marks[%d] = %d" %(j, Marks[j])
Marks[0] = 35
Marks[1] = 53
Marks[2] = 80
Marks[3] = 90
Marks[4] = 86

Example 8.8, page no. 285

In [1]:
def exchange(x, y):
    return y, x
print "Program swaps values of the variables 'a' and 'b'"
print "Values of a & b: "
a = int(raw_input("a: "))
b = int(raw_input("b: "))
print "a: %5d \t b = %5d" %(a, b)
x, y = exchange(a, b)
print "After swapping: "
print "a = %5d \t b = %5d" %(x, y)
Program swaps values of the variables 'a' and 'b'
Values of a & b: 
a: 78
b: 196
a:    78 	 b =   196
After swapping: 
a =   196 	 b =    78

Example on page no. 287

In [36]:
#not possible in Python. Hence, skipping

Example on page no. 288

In [38]:
arr = [1, 2, 3]
ptr = id(arr)
for i in range(3):
    print "%d %d" %(id(i), arr[i])
37181456 1
37181432 2
37181408 3

Example 8.9, page no. 289

In [40]:
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for ele in arr[::-1]:
    print ele,
5 4 3 2 1

Example 8.10, page no. 289

In [42]:
arr = [-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]
p = arr
arr = arr[::-1]
p = p[::-1]
for i in range(len(arr)):
    print arr[i], "\t", p[i]
-5 	-5
-4 	-4
-3 	-3
-2 	-2
-1 	-1

Example on page no. 290

In [44]:
ia = [2, 5, 9]
ptr = ia
for ele in ptr:
    print ele,
2 5 9

Example 8.11, page no. 291

In [47]:
def FindBig(x, y):
    return x if x > y else y
print "Enter two integers: "
a = int(raw_input("int1: "))
b = int(raw_input("int2: "))
big = FindBig(a, b)
print "Variable name \t address of the variable \t value"
print "a \t\t %d \t\t\t %d"%(id(a), a)
print "The bigger of the two integers"
print "big \t\t %d \t\t\t %d" %(id(big), big)
print "The value as botained form pointer: ", big
Enter two integers: 
int1: 5
int2: 7
Variable name 	 address of the variable 	 value
a 		 37181336 			 5
The bigger of the two integers
big 		 37181288 			 7
The value as botained form pointer:  7

Example string1.c, page no. 292

In [53]:
city = "Bangalore"
i = 0
print "Address \t\t\t\t Contents"
for i in range(len(city)):
    print id(city[i]), "\t\t\t ", city[i], city[i], city[i]
Address 				 Contents
140069470495088 			  B B B
140069470360920 			  a a a
140069470570416 			  n n n
140069470363320 			  g g g
140069470360920 			  a a a
140069470363160 			  l l l
140069470363280 			  o o o
140069470569656 			  r r r
140069470571696 			  e e e

Example on page no. 293

In [55]:
chArr = "Pointer and Strings"
chPtr = chArr
print "Contents pointed by the pointer chPtr is: ", chPtr
Contents pointed by the pointer chPtr is:  Pointer and Strings

Example on page no. 293

In [62]:
def usrstrlen(ptr):
    ln = 0
    for ele in ptr:
        ln += 1
    return ln
s1 = "Good"
print "Length of string using standard library function", 
print len(s1)
length = usrstrlen(s1)
print "Length of string using user defined function ", length
Length of string using standard library function 4
Length of string using user defined function  4

Example 8.12, page no. 294

In [63]:
print "Enger the string to find it's length"
string = raw_input()
print "String is: ", string
print "It's length is : ", len(string)
Enger the string to find it's length
Visvesvaraya College
String is:  Visvesvaraya College
It's length is :  20

Example on page no. 294

In [66]:
def usrstrcpy(s):
    s2 = []
    for ele in s:
    s2 = ''.join(s2)
    return s2
s1 = "Good"
s2 = s1
print "Copied string using normal assignment is ", s2
s2 = usrstrcpy(s1)
print "Copied string using user defined function is ", s2
Copied string using normal assignment is  Good
Copied string using user defined function is  Good

Example on page no. 295

In [70]:
def usrstrcat(s2, s1):
    return s1 + s2

s1 = "Good"
s2 = " Morning"
s3 = s1+s2
print "Concatenation using normal Python addition",
print s3
s1 = usrstrcat(s2, s1)
print "concatenation using user defined function is ", s1
Concatenation using normal Python addition Good Morning
concatenation using user defined function is  Good Morning

Example on page no. 296

In [72]:
#only user defined way is possible in Python. Normal way would return either True or False only
s1 = "Good"
s2 = " Morning"
if s1 < s2:
    r = -1
elif s1 > s2:
    r = 1
    r = 0
print "Comparison of strings using user defined way is ", r
Comparison of strings using normal python way is  1

Example on page no. 297

In [76]:
pet = ["lion", "cat"]
for i in range(len(pet)):
    print id(pet[i]), pet[i]
52705200 lion
140069470362560 cat

Example 8.13, page no. 298

In [78]:
st = "hello"
for i in range(len(st)):
    print st[i], "\t", st[i], "\t", st[i], "\t", st[i] 
h 	h 	h 	h
e 	e 	e 	e
l 	l 	l 	l
l 	l 	l 	l
o 	o 	o 	o

Example 8.14, page no. 299

In [80]:
st = "Good Morning"
print st[3:]
d Morning

Example 8.15, page no. 299

In [81]:
#not possible in Python. Skipping

Example strchr.c, page no. 300

In [86]:
string = raw_input("Enter a string: ")
c = raw_input("Enter character to be searched: ")
    i = list(string).index(c)
    print "%c was found in position %d" %(c, i)
Enter a string: House
Enter character to be searched: s
s was found in position 3

Example strcspn.c, page no. 302

In [10]:
string1 = "0123456789"
string2 = "A47DCF8"
c = 0
for ele in string2:
    if ele in string1:
        index = string1.index(ele)

Example strcspn.c, page no.303

In [11]:
string1 = "0123456789"
string2 = "A32DC014"
c = 0
for ele in string1:
    for ele1 in string2:
        if ele == ele1:
            c += 1
print c

Example strpbrk.c, page no. 303

In [1]:
import sys

print "Input two Strings: "
str1 = raw_input("Str1: ")
str2 = raw_input("Str2: ")

for ele in str1:
    if ele in str2:
        print "Character found: ", ele
print "Character not found"
Input two Strings: 
Str1: House
Str2: Sorrow
Character found:  o
An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.

To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.

Example strstr.c, page no. 304

In [2]:
import sys

print "Input two Strings: "
str1 = raw_input("Str1: ")
str2 = raw_input("Str2: ")

if str2 in str1:
    print "String 2 is found at position 6 in string1"
Input two Strings: 
Str1: I saw the cat click the mouse.
Str2: the
String 2 is found at position 6 in string1

Example strtok.c, page no. 305

In [9]:
my_str = raw_input("Input a string, parts separated by , or ;")
print "The tokens found were: "
token = ''
for i in range(len(my_str)):
    if my_str[i] == ',' or my_str[i] == ';':
        if len(token) > 0:
            print token
        token = ''
        token = token + my_str[i]
print token
Input a string, parts separated by , or ;;abc,defgh;;hi,jklmn;op
The tokens found were: 

Example 8.16, pag eno. 307

In [10]:
def func1(i, f):
    print i, f
def func2(s):
    print s
i = 5
f = 5.375
s = "string"
func1(i, f)
5 5.375

Example on page no. 308

In [11]:
def fact(m):
    if m == 1:
        return 1
        return m*fact(m-1)
print "Enter the integer whose factorial is to be found: ",
n = int(raw_input())
ans = fact(n)
print "Factorial of ", n, " is ", ans
Enter the integer whose factorial is to be found: 8
 Factorial of  8  is  40320

Example on page no. 308

In [12]:
def large(b):
    return max(b)
def small(b):
    return min(b)
print "Enter the number of integers: ",
n = int(raw_input())
print "Enter the set of integers: "
a = []
for i in range(n):
print "The largest integer is: ", large(a)
print "The smallest integer is: ", small(a)
Enter the number of integers: 5
 Enter the set of integers: 
The largest integer is:  5
The smallest integer is:  -7

Example 8.17, page no. 311

In [13]:
MAX = 20
def print_array(a):
    print "The elements of the array are: "
    for ele in a:
        print ele,
print "Enter the number of elements: "
n = int(raw_input())
print "Enter the elements: "
a = []
for i in range(n):
if n < 0 or n > MAX:
    print "Invalid number of elements..."
Enter the number of elements: 
Enter the elements: 
The elements of the array are: 
1 2 3 4 5

Example 8.18, page no. 313

In [15]:
def upper(instr):
    return instr.upper()
def lower(instr):
    return instr.lower()
instr = raw_input("Input a string: ")
print "To upper or lower (u/l): "
inchar = raw_input()
if inchar == 'l':
    print "The converted string is \n", lower(instr)
elif inchar == 'u':
    print "The conveerted string is \n", upper(instr)
    print "Ivalid input..."
Input a string: UVCE, Bangalore
To upper or lower (u/l): 
The converted string is 
uvce, bangalore