Chapter 20: Super Conducting Materials

Example 20.2, page no-568

In [1]:
# Critical field

import math
#variable declaration
h0=0.0306                   # critical field
t1=2.0                      # Temperature 
t2=3.7                      # Temperature corresponds to h0


print("The critical field at %d K is %.5f T"%(t1,he))
The critical field at 2 K is 0.02166 T

Example 20.3, page no-569

In [7]:
# Critical current for a wire

import math
#variable declaration
t1=4.2                      # Temperature 
t2=7.18                     # critical Temperature
h0=6.5*10**4                # critical magnetic field


print("The critical current through a wire of lead is %.2f A"%I)
The critical current through a wire of lead is 134.26 A

Example 20.4, page no-570

In [9]:
#critical temperature

import math
#variable declaration
tc1=4.185                 # Critical temperature of lead
m1=199.5                  # isotopic mass 1
m2=203.4                  # isotopic mass 2

tc2=tc1* math.sqrt(m1/m2)

print("The critical temperature for metal with isotopic mass of %.1f is %.3f K"%(m2,tc2))
The critical temperature for metal with isotopic mass of 203.4 is 4.145 K