Chapter 13 : Thermal and Optical Properties of Materials

Example 13.1 Page No : 417

In [3]:
import math 

# Variables 
alpha = 20*10**(-6);			#linear coefficient of thermal expansion per°C
Sigma = -(172);			#compressive stress MPa
T = 20;			#Temprature at which rod is stress free(in °C)

# Calculation
E = 100*10**3;			#modulus of elasticity (in MPa)
T_f = T-(Sigma/(alpha*E));			#maximum temperature the rod may be heated without exceeding a compressive stress of 172 MPa

# Results
print 'maximum temperature(in °C) the rod may be heated without exceeding a compressive stress of 172 MPa = %.0f °C'%T_f
maximum temperature(in °C) the rod may be heated without exceeding a compressive stress of 172 MPa = 106 °C