## Calculate frequency and wavelength of radiation
import math
E = 1.64e-18 ## energy difference between two states in J
h= 6.626e-34 ## planks constant
c = 2.998e8 ## speed of light in m/s
print("\n Example 4.1")
nu = E/h
D = c/nu
print'%s %.2e %s'%("\n Frequency of emitted radiation is ",nu," Hz")
print'%s %.2e %s %.2f %s '%("\n Wavelength of emitted radiation is ",D," m \n\t \tor\t\t ",D*1e10," angstrom")## answer in book is 1210 angstrom
## Reconcile the difference of energy
import math
e_a = 713. ## enthalpy of atomization in kJ/mol
e_b = 347. ## bond energy in kJ/mol
a = 4. ## total number of atoms in single crystal structure
b = 2. ## number of atoms in a bond
print("\n Example 4.3")
k = a/b ## effective number of bond per atom
e = k*e_b
print'%s %.2f%s '%("\n ",e," kJ should be the enthalpy of atomization of diamond")
print'%s %.2f%s %.2f%s '%("\n However, ",e," kJ is very close to ",e_a," kJ")
## Calculation of fraction of hydrogen bonds which breaks during ice melting
del_h = 6.02 ## enthalpy of fusion in kJ/mol
n = 2. ## number of hydrogen atom in 1 water atom
del_b = 20.5 ## hydrogen bond energy in kJ/mol
print("\n Example 4.4")
f = del_h/(n*del_b)
print'%s %.2f %s '%("\n Fraction of hydrogen bonds which broken is ",f,"")