#initialisation of variables
sw= 62.3 #lbf/ft**3
d= 288. #ft
p= 1. #lbf/in**2
P= sw*d/144.
D= p*144./sw
print 'pressure at a depth of 288 ft= %.1f lbf/in**2'%(P)
print 'depth= %.2f ft'%(D)
#initialisation of variables
w= 62.3 #lbf/ft**3
d= 11.5 #ft
p= w*d/144.
print 'pressure required to bubble air slowly through the tank= %.f lbf/in**2 guage'%(p)
#initialisation of variables
w= 62.3 #lbf/ft**3
d= 23.1 #ft
dp= w*d/144.
print ' pressure guage= %.f lbf/in**2'%(dp)
#initialisation of variables
import math
d= 1. #ft
s= 0.8
h= 2. #ft
w= 62.3 #lbf/ft**3
d1= 5. #ft
F= (math.pi/4)*d**2*s*w*(d/2)
F1= (math.pi/4)*d**2*s*w*(d1/2)
print 'Force= %.2f lbf'%(F)
print 'Force= %.f lbf'%(F1)
#initialisation of variables
F= 100. #tonf
p= 2000. #lbf/in**2
x= 12. #in
x1= 48. #in
p1= 40. #lbf/in**2
A3= (F/p)*2240.
A2= A3*x/x1
A1= A2*p/p1
print 'Piston area= %.f in**2'%(A2)
print 'Ram area= %.f in**2'%(A1)
#initialisation of variables
Va= 100. #ft**3
h= 10. #ft
V1= 60. #ft**3
Pabyw= 34. #ft
h1= 4. #ft
H= Pabyw*((Va/V1)-1)-(h-h1)
h2= H+h
Va1= (1+(h2/Pabyw))*Va
V= Va1-Va
print 'depth of the river= %.1f ft'%(h2)
print 'volume to be pumped= %.f ft**3'%(V)
#initialisation of variables
import math
w= 62.3 #lbf/ft**3
dg= 4. #ft
d= 1. #ft
h= 2. #ft
HP= 1.0156 #ft
F= w*dg*d**2*(math.pi/4.)
F1= F*HP/h
print ' Minimum force= %.1f lbf'%(F1)
#initialisation of variables
import math
s= 1.03
w= 64.3 #lbf/ft**3
dg= 14. #ft
A= 40. #ft**2
b= 5. #ft
d= 8. #ft
b1= 2.5 #ft
y= 10. #ft
x= 3. #ft
z= 4. #ft
F= w*dg*A*16.05/36000
r= ((b*d**3./12)/(A*dg))
F3= F*b1/b
F1= (F*(x-r)-(F/2)*x)/(y-z)
F2= F-(F1+F3)
print ' force F3 = %.3f tonf'%(F3)
print ' force F2 = %.2f tonf'%(F2)
#initialisation of variables
import math
w= 62.4 #lb/ft**3
H1= 15. #ft
B= 10. #ft
H2= 5. #ft
r= math.sqrt(19.)/10.
l= 16. #ft
F= 0.5*w*(H1**2-H2**2)*B/2240
N= F*0.5/r
h= H2*(1-(H2/H1)**3)/(1-(H2/H1)**2)
R1= N*h/l
R2= N-R1
print 'Resultant water force on one gate : %.1f tonf'%F
print ' Normal reaction = %.2f tonf'%(N)
print ' reaction forces on the finges= %.1f tonf'%(R2)
#initialisation of variables
import math
w= 62.3 #lb/ft**3
b= 1. #ft
s= 42. #ft
d= 170. #ft
l= 15.75
a= 170/3.
W= 2*w*b*s*d/3.
F= w*b*d**2/2.
L= l+a*(F/W)
print ' distance= %.f ft from O'%(L)
#initialisation of variables
import math
d= 2. #ft
a= 30. #degrees
p= 200. #ft
w= 62.3 #lbf/ft**3
T= (math.pi/4)*(d**2/2240)*w*p*math.sqrt(2*(1-math.cos(math.radians(a))))
print ' Resultant static thrust= %.2f tonf'%(T)