Chapter 3 : Torsion

Example 3.01, Page number 150

In [2]:
import math

#Variable declaration
l=1.5                                                 # length of the cylindrical shaft
Tmax=120                                              # Maximum allowable torque
c1=0.02                                               # Inner radius 
c2=0.03                                               # Outer radius

J=(1/2.0)*(math.pi)*(c2**4-c1**4)                       # Polar moment of inertia 
c=c2                                                  # Letting c equal to c2
T=((J*Tmax*(pow(10,6)))/(c))/(1000.0)                   # Largest Permissible Torque
Tmin=(c1/c2)*(Tmax)                                   # Minimum Shearing Stress

print ('Largest permissible torque that can be applied to the shaft = %lf kN' %T)
print ('Minimum shearing stress that can be applied to the shaft = %lf MPa' %Tmin)
Largest permissible torque that can be applied to the shaft = 4.084070 kN
Minimum shearing stress that can be applied to the shaft = 80.000000 MPa

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.1, Page number 152

In [3]:
import math
from sympy import symbols, solve

#Variable declaration
Din=90/(1000.0)                                                               # Inner diamter of shaft BC(m)                          
Dout=120/(1000.0)                                                             # Outer diamter of shaft BC(m)

#Equations of statics
Tab=solve(6-Tab,Tab)                                                        # Torque in the shaft AB(kN.m)
Tbc=14+6                                                                    # Torque in the shaft BC(kN.m)

#Case(a) Shaft BC
J=((math.pi)/2.0)*((pow(Dout/2,4)-pow(Din/2,4)))                              # Polar moment of inertia(m**4)
# Maximum Shearing Stress
Tmax=((Tbc*(Dout/2))/(J))/(1000.0)                                            # Maximum shearing stress(MPa)
#Minimum Shearing Stress
Tmin=(45/60.0)*86.2                                                           # Minimum shearing stress(MPa) 
#Case(b) Shafts AB and CD
c=((6*4)/(65*(math.pi)))**1/3                                               # Radius of the shafts(m)

print ('Maximum shearing stress in shaft BC = %lf MPa' %Tmax)  
print ('Minimum shearing stress in shaft BC = %lf MPa' %Tmin)
print ('Required diamter of the shafts AB and CD = %lf mm' %(c*2*1000))
Maximum shearing stress in shaft BC = 86.229980 MPa
Minimum shearing stress in shaft BC = 64.650000 MPa
Required diamter of the shafts AB and CD = 78.353203 mm

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.2, Page number 153

In [6]:
import math

#Variable declaration
din=4                                                              # Inner diamter of shaft (in)
dout=6                                                             # Outer diamter of shaft (in)
STRESS=12                                                          # Shearing stress(ksi) 

#Hollow Shaft as Designed.                                         
J=((math.pi)/2.0)*(pow((dout/2),4)-pow((din/2),4))                   # Polar moment of inertia(in**4)
Th=(J*STRESS)/3.0                                                     # Allowable shearing stress(                            

#Solid Shaft of Equal Weight
rad=math.sqrt((dout/2)**2-(din/2)**2)                              # Radius of solid shaft of equal weight(in)
Te=(12*(math.pi)*(pow(rad,3)))/2.0                                   # Maximum allowable torque(

#Hollow Shaft of 8-in. Diameter.
c5=math.sqrt(4**2 + 2**2 -3**2)                                    # Inner radius of hallow shaft(in)
J8=((math.pi)*(4**4-3.317**4))/2.0                                   # Polar moment of inertia(in**4) 

# Result
print ('Case(a):Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft as designed = %lf' %Th)  
print ('Case(b):Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft of equal weight = %lf' %Te)
print ('Case(c):Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the hollow shaft of equal weight and 8 in outer diameter = %lf' %Tor)
Case(a):Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft as designed = 408.407045
Case(b):Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft of equal weight = 210.744442
Case(c):Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the hollow shaft of equal weight and 8 in outer diameter = 636.000000

Example 3.02, Page number 160

In [8]:
import math

#Variable declaration
G=77*(pow(10,9))                                      # Modulus of rigidity(GPa) 
L=1.5                                                 # length of the shaft(m)
TWIST=2                                               # Allowable twist

phy=(2)*((2*(math.pi))/(360))                         # Angle of twist(rad)
J=1.021*(pow(10,-6))                                  # Polar moment of inertia(m**4)
T=(((J*G)/(L))*(phy))/(1000)                          # Torque to be applied to the end of shaft(kN.m)

# Result
print ('Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft as designed = %lf kN.m' %T)  
Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft as designed = 1.829501 kN.m

Example 3.03, Page number 160

In [4]:
import math

#Variable declaration
tmin=70*(pow(10,6))                                   # Shearing stress(Pa) 
G=77*(pow(10,9))*(1.0)                                      # Modulus of rigidity(Pa)
L=1500                                                # ength of arc AA'(mm)
c1=20                                                 # inner radius(mm)

Ymin=tmin/G                                           # shearing strain on the inner surface of the shaft
phy=((L*Ymin)/(c1))*(360/(2*(math.pi)))               # Angle of twist(degrees)

# Result
print ('Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft as designed = %lf degree' %phy)  
Maximum torque that can be transmitted by the shaft as designed = 3.906530 degree

Example 3.04, Page number 163

In [11]:
import math
from sympy import symbols

#Variable declaration
rA=symbols('rA')                                                        # Variable declaration                               
rB=symbols('rB')                                                        # Variable declaration  
Tad=symbols('Tad')                                                      # Variable declaration
T=symbols('T')                                                          # Variable declaration
L=symbols('L')                                                          # Variable declaration 
J=symbols('J')                                                          # Variable declaration
G=symbols('G')                                                          # Variable declaration

rA=2*rB                                                                 # Given relation 
Tad=2*T                                                                 # Given relation 
phya=(Tad*L)/(J*G)                                                      # Angle of rotation phyA of gear A
phyb=(rA/rB)*(phya)                                                     # Angle of rotation phyB of gear B
phyEB=(T*L)/(J*G)                                                       # Angle of rotation phyEB through which end E rotates with respect to end B
phyE=phyb+phyEB                                                         # Angle of rotation of end E

# Result
print ('Angle of rotation of end E')  
print (phyE)  
Angle of rotation of end E

Example 3.05, Page number 164

In [12]:
import math
from sympy import symbols, solve

#Variable declaration
L=10                                                          # Outer Length(in)
r=(7/16.0)                                                      # Outer radius(in)
Li=5                                                          # Internal Length(in)
ri=(5/16.0)                                                     # Inner radius(in)
L1=5                                                          # Equivalent to internal length(in)
L2=5                                                          # Equivalent to internal length(in)
Ta=symbols('Ta')                                              # Torque at a
Tb=symbols('Tb')                                              # Torque at b 
L1=symbols('L1')                                              # Length
L2=symbols('L2')                                              # Length  
J1=symbols('J1')                                              # polar moment of inertia
J2=symbols('J2')                                              # polar moment of inertia
G=symbols('G')                                                # modulus of rigidity of steel.

Tb=solve(((Ta*L1)/(J1*G))-((Tb*L2)/(J2*G)),Tb)                # Internal torque
Tb[0]=Tb[0].subs([ (J1, 57.6*(pow(10,-3))), (J2, 42.6*(pow(10,-3))),(L1, 5), (L2, 5)])  
Ta=solve(90-Tb[0]-Ta,Ta)                                      # Internal torque(lb.ft)
Tb=0.740*Ta[0]                                                # Internal torque(lb.ft) 

# Result
print ('Torque exerted on the shaft by support A. = %lf lb.ft' %Ta[0])
print ('Torque exerted on the shaft by support B. = %lf lb.ft' %Tb)
Torque exerted on the shaft by support A. = 51.736527 lb.ft
Torque exerted on the shaft by support B. = 38.285030 lb.ft

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.3, Page number 165

In [5]:
import math
from sympy import symbols, solve

#Variable declaration
Tab=symbols('Tab')                                            # Torque on shaft AB
Tbc=symbols('Tbc')                                            # Torque on shaft BC 
Tcd=symbols('Tcd')                                            # Torque on shaft CD 

Tab=solve(250-Tab,Tab)                                        # Using the free body shown(N.m)
Tbc=2000+250                                                  # Torque on BC(N.m)
Tcd=Tbc                                                       # Torque on CD(N.m)

#Polar Moments of Inertia
Jab=((math.pi)*((0.015)**4))/2.0                                # Polar moment of inertia AB(m**4) 
Jbc=((math.pi)*((0.030)**4))/2.0                                # Polar moment of inertia BC(m**4)
Jcd=((math.pi)*((0.030)**4-(0.022)**4))/2.0                     # Polar moment of inertia CD(m**4) 

#Angle of Twist
AngleA=((1/77.0)*(((250*0.4)/(0.0795))+(((2250)*(0.2))/(1.272))+(((2250)*(0.6))/(0.904))))/((pow(10,-6))*(pow(10,9))*(1.0)) # Angle of twist(rad)
AngleA=AngleA*(360/(2*math.pi))                  # convertiong radian into degree

# Result
print ('Angle of twist at end A = %lf degree' %AngleA)
Angle of twist at end A = 2.310432 degree

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.4, Page number 166

In [14]:
import math
from sympy import symbols 

#Variable declaration
T0=symbols('T0')                                          # Variable declaration
Tab=symbols('Tab')                                        # Variable declaration  
F=symbols('F')                                            # Force
phyB=symbols('phyB')                                      # Variable declaration
phyC=symbols('phyC')                                      # Variable declaration
Smax=8000                                                 # Maximum permissible shearing stress(psi) 
cAB=0.375                                                 # Radius of shaft AB(in)
cCD=0.5                                                   # Radius of shaft CD(in)
rC=2.45                                                   # Radius at C(in)
rB=0.875                                                  # Radius at B(in)  
Tcd=symbols('Tcd')                                        # Variable declaration

# Calculation
# Statics
T0=F *0.875                                               # Equation 1 by Submission of Mb
Tcd=F*2.45                                                # Equation 2 by Submission of Mc
phyB=phyC*(rC/rB)                                         # By noting that the peripheral motions of the gears are equal
#Shaft AB
Tab=T0                                                    # Variable declaration
T0=round((8000)*(1/2.0)*(math.pi)*(0.375)**3)               # Largest torque that must be applied to end A of shaft AB(               
#Shaft CD
T0=symbols('T0')                                          # Variable declaration
Tcd=2.8*T0                                                # Equation 
T0=round((8000*(1/2.0)*(math.pi)*(0.5)**3)/2.8)             # Largest torque that must be applied to end C of shaft CD(
#Angle of Rotation at End A
#Shaft AB
#Shaft CD

print('Case(a): Maximum permissible torque = %.1f' %T0)
print('Case(b): The corresponding angle through which end A of shaft AB rotates = %.1f degrees' %phyA)
Case(a): Maximum permissible torque = 561.0
Case(b): The corresponding angle through which end A of shaft AB rotates = 10.5 degrees

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.5, Page number 167

In [16]:
import math
from sympy import symbols 

#Variable declaration
T0=symbols('T0')                                                # Variable declaration
T1=symbols('T1')                                                # Variable declaration 
T2=symbols('T2')                                                # Variable declaration 
phy1=symbols('phy1')                                            # Variable declaration
phy2=symbols('phy2')                                            # Variable declaration
Ts=120                                                          # Maximum allowable stress in stell(MPa)
Ta=70                                                           # Maximum allowable stress in aluminum(MPa)
Gs=77                                                           # Modulus of regidity for steel(GPa)        
Ga=27                                                           # Modulus of regidity for aluminium(GPa)       
T0=T1+T2                                                        # Equation 
phy1=phy2                                                       # Equation
T2=T1*(77/27)*(0.614/2.003)                                     # Since both the tube and the shaft are connected to the rigid disk
# Shearing Stresses
T1=round(((70*pow(10,6))*(2.003*pow(10,-6)))/(0.038))           # Torque(N.m)
T2=(0.874)*(3690)                                               # Torque(N.m)
tsteel=((3225)*(0.025)*(pow(10,-6)))/(0.614*pow(10,-6))         # Maximum shearing stress in steel shaft(MPa) 
T2=round(((120)*pow(10,6)*(0.614*pow(10,-6)))/(0.025),-1)       # Reobtaining torque as our earlier assumption was wrong(N.m)
T1=round(2950/0.874)                                            # Torque(N.m)   
T0=(T1+T2)/(1000)                                               # maximum torque(N.m) 

print('Case(a): Maximum permissible torque = %.1f' %T0)
Case(a): Maximum permissible torque = 6.3

Example 3.06, Page number 178

In [6]:
import math

#Variable declaration
P=5                                                           # Power(hp)
f=3600                                                        # frequency(rpm) 
Tmax=8500                                                     # Maximum torque(psi)

P=P*(6600)                                                    # Converting power into lb/s
f=(3600)/(60.0)                                                 # Converting frequency into cycles per second
T=(P)/(2*(math.pi)*f)                                         # Torque exerted on the shaft
Ratio=T/Tmax                                                  # Here we are finding the value of J/c
d=2*c                                                         # Diameter of the shaft that should be used

print('Case(a): Size of shaft = %1f' %d)
Case(a): Size of shaft = 0.374342

Example 3.07, Page number 178

In [18]:
import math
from sympy import symbols, solve

#Variable declaration
P=100                                                         # Power(kW)
f=20                                                          # frequency(Hz) 
c2=25                                                         # radius(mm)  
Smax=60                                                       # Shearing stress maximum(MPa)

T=P/(2*(math.pi)*f)                                           # torque exerted on the shaft
Ratio=T/(Tmax*(pow(10,6)))                                    # Here we are finding the value of J/c2
Thickness=c2-(c1[1]*1000)                                     # Thickness that should be used if the shearing stress is not to exceed

print('Case(a): Tube thickness that should be used = %1f' %Thickness)
Case(a): Tube thickness that should be used = 4.414195

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.6, Page number 180

In [19]:
import math

#Variable declaration
D=7.5                                                               # Diameter of the bigger shaft(in)
d=3.75                                                              # Diameter of the smaller shaft(in)
r=0.5625                                                            # Inner radius(in)
k=1.33                                                              # Stress concentration factor

T=round((1/2)*(math.pi)*((1.875)**3)*(8/1.33),1)                    # Maximum torque(ksi)   
f=(900/60)                                                          # Frequency(Hz)
Pa=(2*(math.pi)*15*62.3*pow(10,3))                                  # Power(lb/s)
Pa=round(Pa/6600)                                                   # Power(hp) 
#Final Design
r=15/16                                                             # Radius(in) 
k=1.20                                                              # Stress concentration factor
T=(10.35*(8/1.20))                                                  # Torque(
Pb=(2)*(math.pi)*(15)*(69)*(pow(10,3))                              # Power(lb/s) 
Pb=round(Pb/6600)                                                   # Power(hp)
#Percent Change in Power

print('Case(a): Maximum power that can be transmitted = %1f hp' %Pa)
print('Case(b): Percentage in power = %1f ' %PC)
Case(a): Maximum power that can be transmitted = 890.000000 hp
Case(b): Percentage in power = 11.000000 

Example 3.08, Page number 189

In [20]:
import math
from sympy import symbols, solve

#Variable declaration
l=1.2                                                         # length(m)
d=50                                                          # diameter(mm) 
T=4.60                                                        # torque(kN)  
G=77                                                          # modulus of rigidity(GPa)
ty=150                                                        # torque(MPa)
c=25                                                          # radius(mm)

# Case(a)
J=(1/2)*(math.pi)*(25*(pow(10,-3)))**4                        # Polar moment of inertia(m**4) 
Ty=(J*ty*(pow(10,6)))/(c*(pow(10,-3)))                        # Torque(kN.m)
py=solve((py/c)**3-4+((3*4.60)/(3.68)),py)                    # Radius of elastic core(mm)
# Case(b)
phyY=(Ty*l*(pow(10,3)))/(J*G*(pow(10,9)))                     # Angle of twist at the onset of yield(rad) 
phy=((93.4*(pow(10,-3)))/(0.630))*(360/(2*math.pi))           # Angle of twist(degree)

# Result
print('Case(a): Radius of elastic core = %1f mm' %py[0])
print('Case(b): Angle of twist = %1f degree ' %phy)
Case(a): Radius of elastic core = 15.749013 mm
Case(b): Angle of twist = 8.494327 degree 

Example 3.09, Page number 190

In [21]:
import math

#Variable declaration
T=4.60*(10**3)                                                # Torque(N.m)
L=1.2                                                         # length(m) 
G=77*(10**9)                                                  # modulus of rigidity(Pa)
J=614*(10**-9)                                                # Polar moment of inertia(m**4)
c=25*(10**-3)                                                 # radius(m)

# Case(a)
phyl=((T*L)/(J*G))*(360/(2*(math.pi)))                        # Lateral twist(degree)
phyp=phy-phyl                                                 # Permanent twist(degree)
# Case(b)
Tlmax=((T*c)/(J))/(pow(10,6))                                 # Residual stresses(MPa) 

# Result
print('Case(a): Permanent twist = %1f degree' %phyp)
print('Case(b): Residual stress = %1f MPa ' %Tlmax)
Case(a): Permanent twist = 1.810362 degree
Case(b): Residual stress = 187.296417 MPa 

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.7, Page number 192

In [23]:
import math
from sympy import integrate, symbols

#Variable declaration
G=(11.2*pow(10,6))                                                       # Modulus of rigidity(GPa)
ty=21                                                                    # Stress(ksi) 
#Geometric properties
c1=(1/2)*(1.5)                                                           # Radius(in)
c2=(1/2)*(2.25)                                                          # Radius(in) 
J=round((1/2)*(math.pi)*(c2**4-c1**4),2)                                 # Polar moment of inertia(in**4)
#Case(a) Onset of yield
Ty=round(((21)*(2.02))/1.125,1)                                          # Torque at y(
phyY=((21*(10**3))*(60))/(1.125*11.2*pow(10,6))                          # Onset of yield(rad)
#Case(b) Fully Plastic Deformation
Tp=round(2*math.pi*21*integrate(p**2, (p, c1, c2)),1)                    # Torque( 
phyF=round((21*pow(10,3)*60)/(0.75*11.2*pow(10,6)),4)                    # Fully plastic deformation(rad)  

# Result
print('Case(a): Magnitude of T when yield first occurs = %1f degree' %phyY)
print('Case(b): Angle of twist when the deformation has become fully plastic.= %1f MPa ' %phyF)
Case(a): Magnitude of T when yield first occurs = 5.730000 degree
Case(b): Angle of twist when the deformation has become fully plastic.= 8.590000 MPa 

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.8, Page number 193

In [26]:
import math

#Variable declaration

# Calculation
# Elastic Unloading

# Result
print('Case(a): Residual stress = %1f' %(0))
print('Case(b): Permanent angle of twist= %1f degree ' %(phy))
Case(a): Residual stress = 0.000000
Case(b): Permanent angle of twist= 1.890000 degree 

Example 3.10, Page number 202

In [28]:
import math

#Variable declaration
t=0.160                                               # thickness(in)
T=24                                                  # Torque( 

# Case(a)
Area=3.84*2.34                                        # Area bounded by centre line(in**2) 
t=(T)/(2*t*Area)                                      # shearing stress in wall(ksi) 
# Case(b)
tAB=(T)/(2*tABAC*Area)                                # shearing stress in wall(ksi)
tBD=(T)/(2*tBDCD*Area)                                # shearing stress in wall(ksi)

# Result
print('Case(a): Shearing stress in each wall = %1f ksi' %t)
print('Case(b): Shearing stress in wall AB and AC= %1f ksi ' %tAB)
print('Case(b): Shearing stress in wall BD and CD= %1f ksi ' %tCD)
Case(a): Shearing stress in each wall = 8.346688 ksi
Case(b): Shearing stress in wall AB and AC= 11.128917 ksi 
Case(b): Shearing stress in wall BD and CD= 6.677350 ksi 

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.9, Page number 203

In [30]:
import math

#Bar with Square Cross Section
#Variable declaration
tALL=40                                                                  # Stress(MPa)

# Bar with square cross section
a=0.040                                                                  # Length(m) 
b=0.040                                                                  # Length(m)
c1=0.208                                                                 # Coefficient
tmax=tALL                                                                # Maximum stress(MPa)
T1=(40)*(pow(10,6))*(0.208)*(pow(0.040,3))                                           # Torque(N.m)

# Bar with Rectangular Cross Section.
a=0.064                                                                  # Length(m)
b=0.025                                                                  # Length(m)
T2=(40)*(pow(10,6))*(0.259)*(0.064)*(pow(0.025,2))                                   # Torque(N.m)

#Square Tube
A=(0.034)*(0.034)                                                        # Area bounded by the center line of the cross section(m**2)
T3=round((40)*(pow(10,6))*(2)*(0.006)*(1.156)*(pow(10,-3)),0)            # Torque(N.m)

# Result
print('Largest torque on bar with square cross section = %1f N.m' %T1)
print('Largest torque on bar with rectangular cross section = %1f N.m' %T2)
print('Largest torque on square tube = %1f N.m' %T3)
Largest torque on bar with square cross section = 532.480000 N.m
Largest torque on bar with rectangular cross section = 414.400000 N.m
Largest torque on square tube = 555.000000 N.m