Chapter09:Composite Beams

Example 9.9.1, Page No:346

In [1]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
n=20 #Modular Ratio
sigma_wd=8*10**6 #Maximum bending stress in wood in Pa
sigma_st=120*10**6 #Maximum bending stress in steel in Pa

#Cross Sectional Details
Awd=45 #Area of wood in mm^2
y_wd=160 #Neutral Axis of from bottom of the wooden section in mm
Ast=15 #Area of steel in mm^2
y_st=5 #Neutral Axis of the Steel section in mm
ww=150 #width of wooden section in mm
dw=300 #depth of wooden section in mm
ws=75 #width of steel section in mm
ds=10 #depth of steel section in mm

y_bar=(Awd*y_wd+Ast*y_st)*(Ast+Awd)**-1 #Location of Neutral axis from the bottom in mm
#Moment of inertia 
I=(ww*dw**3*12**-1)+(ww*dw*(y_wd-y_bar)**2)+(n*ws*ds**3*12**-1)+(n*ws*ds*(y_bar-y_st)**2) #mm^4
c_top=dw+ds-y_bar #Distance from NA to top fibre in mm
c_bot=y_bar #Distance from NA to bottom fibre in mm

#The solution will be in different order 
M1=sigma_wd*I*10**-12*c_top**-1 #Maximum Bending Moment in N.m
M2=sigma_st*I*10**-12*c_bot**-1 #Maximum Bending Moment in N.m
M=min(M1,M2) #Maximum allowable moment in N.m

print "The Maximum Allowable moment that the beam can support is",round(M,1),"kN.m"
The Maximum Allowable moment that the beam can support is 25.8 kN.m

Example 9.9.2, Page No:351

In [14]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
dw=8 #Depth of wooden section in inches
da=0.4 #Depth og aluminium section in inches 
w=2 #Width of the section in inches
n=40*3**-1 #Modular Ratio
Ewd=1.5*10**6 #Youngs modulus of wood in psi
Eal=10**7 #Youngs Modulus of aluminium in psi
V_max=4000 #Maximum shear in lb
b=24 #Inches
L=72 #Length in inches
P=6000 #Load on the beam in lb

I=w*dw**3*12**-1+2*(n*w*da**3*12**-1+n*da*4.2**2) #Moment of Inertia in in^4

#Part 1
Q=(w*dw*0.5)*2+(n*da)*(dw*0.5+da*0.5) #First Moment in in^3
tau_max=V_max*Q*I**-1*w**-1 #Maximum Shear Stress in psi

#Part 2

print "The maximum shear stress allowable is",round(tau_max),"psi"
print "The deflection at the mid-span is",round(delta_mid,4),"in"
The maximum shear stress allowable is 281.0 psi
The deflection at the mid-span is 0.0968 in

Example 9.9.3, Page No:356

In [23]:
import math
import numpy as np

#Variable Decleration
b=300 #Breadth in mm
d=500 #Depth in mm
Ast=1500 #Area of steel in mm^2
n=8 #Modular Ratio
M=70*10**3 #Bending Moment in N.m

#Let the LHS be C
C=2*n*Ast*b**-1*d**-1 #The LHS computation
#Taking only real root
h=h[1] #mm

sigma_co_max=(2*M)/(b*h*(d-h*3**-1)) #Maximum Compressive Stress in GPa
sigma_st_max=M/((d-h*3**-1)*Ast) #Maximum Stress in Steel in GPa
print "The maximum stress in compression is",round(sigma_co_max*10**3,2),"MPa"
print "The maximum stress in streel is",round(sigma_st_max*10**3,1),"MPa"
The maximum stress in compression is 6.39 MPa
The maximum stress in streel is 104.8 MPa

Example 9.9.4, Page No:356

In [28]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
sigma_co_w=12 #Maximum stress in compression in MPa
sigma_st_w=140 #Maximum stress in steel in MPa
M=90 #Moment in kN.m
n=8 #Modular Ratio 

b=(0.04266/(1.5**2))**0.3333 #Breadth in m 
d=1.5*b #Depth in m
h=0.4068*d #Height in m

#Area of steel
Ast=((M*10**3)/((d-h*3**-1)*sigma_st_w*10**3))*10**3 #Area of steel in mm^2

print "The dimensions of the beam are"
print "b=",round(b*1000),"mm and d=",round(d*1000),"mm"
print "Area of steel=",round(Ast),"mm^2"
The dimensions of the beam are
b= 267.0 mm and d= 400.0 mm
Area of steel= 1859.0 mm^2

Example 9.9.5, Page No:357

In [27]:
import math
import numpy as np

#Variable Decleration
A1=75*10**3 #Area 1 in mm^2
A3=19.20*10**3 #Area 3 in m^2
w=750 #Width in mm
w1=350 #Width in mm
d=444.45 #Depth in mm
sigma_co_w=12*10**6 #Maximum Permissible Bending stress in concrete in Pa
sigma_st_w=140*10**6 #Maximum Permissible Bending stress in steel in Pa
n=8 #Modular Ratio

#After simplfying the equation we get the following 
h=max(H) #Depth of NA in mm
#Moment Of Inertia
I=w*h**3*3**-1-(w1*(h-100)**3*3**-1)+A3*d**2 #Moment of inertia in mm^4

M1=sigma_co_w*I*h**-1*(10**-3)**4*10**3 #Largest Bending Moment in concrete in N.m
M2=sigma_st_w*I*(n*d)**-1*(10**-3)**4*10**3 #Largest Bending Moment in Steel in N.m
M=min(M1,M2) #Largest Bending Moment that can be supported safely in N.m
print "The largest Bending Moment that can be supported is",round(M*10**-3,1),"kN.m"
The largest Bending Moment that can be supported is 185.6 kN.m