import math
#(a) Program to find gold-film surface resistance
t=80*(10**(-10)) #Film Thickness meter
o=4.1*(10**7) #Bulk conductivity in mhos/m
p=570*(10**(-10)) #Electron mean free path meter
of=((3*t*o)/(4*p))*(0.4228 + math.log(p/t)) #the gold-film conductivity is of=(3*t*o/4*p)*(0.4228 + ln(p/t))
Rs=1/(t*of) #the gold-film surface resistance is given by Rs=1/(t*of) in Ohms per square
print"The gold film surface resistance in Ohms per square is=",round(Rs,2),"Ohms/square"
#(b) Program to find the microwave attenuation
Attenuation=40-20*log10(Rs) #Microwave attenuation
print"Microwave Attenuation in db is=",int(Attenuation),"db"
#(c)Light transmittance T
print"The LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE T is estimated to be 75%"
#(d)light reflection loss R
print"The LIGHT REFLECTION LOSS R is about 25%"
import math
#(a) Program to find copper-film surface resistance
t=60*(10**(-10)) #Film Thickness meter
o=5.8*(10**7) #Bulk conductivity in mhos/m
p=420*(10**(-10)) #Electron mean free path in meter
of=((3*t*o)/(4*p))*(0.4228 + math.log(p/t)) #the copper-film conductivity is of=(3*t*o/4*p)*(0.4228 + ln(p/t))
Rs=1/(t*of) #the copper-film surface resistance is given by Rs=1/(t*of) in Ohms per square
print"The copper-film surface resistance in Ohms per square is=",round(Rs,2),"Ohms/square"
#(b) Program to find the microwave attenuation
Attenuation=40-20*log10(Rs) #Microwave attenuation
print"Microwave Attenuation in db is=",int(round(Attenuation)),"db"
#(c)Light transmittance T
print"The LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE T is estimated to be 82%"
#(d)light reflection loss R
print"The LIGHT REFLECTION LOSS R is about 18%"