chapter10:Microwave Communication Systems

Example 10.1, Page number 486

In [1]:
#calculate radio horizon and the maximum distance of propagation of the TV signal
from math import sqrt

#Variable declaration
ht = 144      #transmitter antenna height(m)
hr = 25       #receiving antenna height(M)

dt = 4*sqrt(ht)
dr = 4*sqrt(hr)
d = dt+dr

print "Radio horizon is",dt,"km"
print "The maximum distance of propagation of the TV signal is",d,"km"
Radio horizon is 48.0 km
The maximum distance of propagation of the TV signal is 68.0 km

Example 10.2, Page number 486

In [2]:
#calculate horizon distance of the transmitter
from fractions import Fraction

#Variable declaration
r = 6370*10**3          #radius of earth(km)
du_dh = -0.05*10**-6    #refractive index of air near ground

k = 1/(1+(r*du_dh))

print "The horizon distance of the transmitter can be modified by replaing r by r' is",round(k,3),"r"
The horizon distance of the transmitter can be modified by replaing r by r' is 1.467 r

Example 10.3, Page number 487

In [3]:
#calculate carrier tansmitted power required
import math 
#Variable declaration
c = 3.*10**8       #velocity of propagation(m/s)
f = 2*10**9       #frequency(Hz)
r = 50*10**3      #repeater spacing(km)
Pr = 20           #carrier power(dBm)
Gt = 34           #antenna gain(dB)
L = 10            #dB
Gr = 34           #dB

lamda = c/f
Pt = -Pr+(10*math.log10(4*math.pi*r**2))-Gt-(10*math.log10(lamda**2/(4*math.pi)))+L-Gr

print "The carrier tansmitted power required is",round(Pt,1),"dBm"
The carrier tansmitted power required is 54.4 dBm

Example 10.4, Page number 487

In [4]:
#calculate Received power
import math

#Variable declaration
f = 6.*10**9     #uplink frequency(Hz)
e = 5            #elevation angle(degrees)
Pt = 1.*10**3     #transmitter power(W)
Gt = 60.         #gain of transmitter(dB)
Gr = 0           #gain of receiver(dB)
d = 36000*10**3  #distance between ground and satellite(m)
c = 3.*10**8     #velocity of propagation(m/s)

Gt1 = 10**(Gt/10)
Gr1 = 10.**(Gr/10)
r = d/(math.sin(math.radians(e)))
lamda = c/f
Pr = (Pt*Gt1*Gr1*lamda**2)/(4*math.pi*r**2*4*math.pi)

print "Received power =",round((Pr/1E-14),1),"*10^-14 W"
Received power = 9.3 *10^-14 W

Example 10.5, Page number 487

In [5]:
#calculate Antenna beam angle
import math

#Variable declaration
r = 6371           #radius of the earth(km)

d = 35855+r        #distance of satellite from center of the earth(km)
b = (math.degrees(math.pi)*r)/d

print "Antenna beam angle =",round(b,2),"degrees"
Antenna beam angle = 27.16 degrees

Example 10.6, Page number 488

In [6]:
#calculate round trip time between earth station and satellite,round trip time for vertical transmission
import math

#Variable declaration
r = 6371         #radius of earth(km)
h = 35855        #height(km) 
phi = 5          #elevation angle(degrees)
c = 3*10**8      #velocity of propagation(m/s)
B = 90           #angle for vertical transmission(degrees)

d = math.sqrt(((r+h)**2)-((r*math.cos(math.radians(phi)))**2))- (r*math.sin(math.radians(phi)))
T = (2*d*10**3)/c
dv = math.sqrt(((r+h)**2)-(r**2))
Tv = (2*(dv-r)*10**3)/c

print "The round trip time between earth station and satellite is",round((T/1E-3)),"msec"
print "The round trip time for vertical transmission is",round((Tv/1E-3)),"msec"
The round trip time between earth station and satellite is 275.0 msec
The round trip time for vertical transmission is 236.0 msec

Example 10.7, Page number 488

In [7]:
#calculate figure of merit for earth station
import math

#Variable declaration
Tant = 25      #effective noise temperature for antenna(K)
Tr = 75        #receiver oise temperature(K)
G = 45         #power gain(dB)

T = Tant+Tr
Tdb = 10*math.log10(T)
M = G - Tdb

print "The figure of merit for earth station is",M,"dB"
The figure of merit for earth station is 25.0 dB

Example 10.8, Page number 488

In [8]:
#calculate carrier to noise ratio
#Variable declaration
EIRP = 55.5   #satellite ESM(dBW)
M = 35        #freespace loss(dB)
Lfs = 245.3   #GT of earth station(dB)

C_No = EIRP + M - Lfs + 228.6

print "The carrier to noise ratio is",round(C_No,2),"dB"
The carrier to noise ratio is 73.8 dB

Example 10.9, Page number 489

In [9]:
#calculate system noise temperature
import math

#Variable declaration
D = 30         #diameter of dish(m)
f = 4*10**9    #downlink frequency(Hz)
M = 20         #G/T ratio of earth station
c = 3.*10**8    #velocity of propagation(m/s)

Ae = (math.pi*D**2)/4
lamda = c/f
G = (4*math.pi*Ae)/lamda**2
Gdb = 10*math.log10(G)
Ts = Gdb - M

print "The system noise temperature is",round(Ts),"dB" 
The system noise temperature is 42.0 dB

Example 10.10, Page number 489

In [10]:
#chapter-10 page 489 example 10.10
#calculate Diameter of the circular mouth of a parabolic antenna, Half Power BeamWidth of the antenna
#For a parabolic antenna
import math
Gp=1500.;#Power gain
w=0.1;#wavelength in m

D=math.sqrt(Gp)*(w/(math.pi));#Diameter of the circular mouth of a parabolic antenna in m
HPBW=58*(w/D);#Half Power BeamWidth of the antenna in deg

print '%s %.4f %s %s %.3f %s'%('\nDiameter of the circular mouth of a parabolic antenna is D=',D,'m','\nHalf Power BeamWidth of the antenna is HPBW=',HPBW,'deg');
Diameter of the circular mouth of a parabolic antenna is D= 1.2328 m 
Half Power BeamWidth of the antenna is HPBW= 4.705 deg

Example 10.11, Page number 490

In [11]:
#chapter-10 page 490 example 10.11
#calculate Overall gain that can be expected, Overall gain of the system
import math
D=1.;#Assume diameter of the parabolic reflectors in the original system in m
w=1.;#Assume wavelength in m

D1=2.*D;#diameter of the parabolic reflectors in the modified system in m
G=6.*(D/w)**2.;#gain in original system
G1=6.*(D1/w)**2.;#gain in modified system
GdB=10.*math.log10(G1/G);#Overall gain that can be expected in dB
GdBo=2.*GdB;#Overall gain of the system(combining the two antennas one at the Tx and other at the Rx) in dB

print '%s %.f %s %s %.f %s' %('\nOverall gain that can be expected is GdB=',GdB,'dB', '\nOverall gain of the system(combining the two antennas one at the Tx and other at the Rx) is GdBo=',GdBo,'dB');

#Note: Check the answer once should be GdB=10log(4)=6 dB and GdBo=12dB
Overall gain that can be expected is GdB= 6 dB 
Overall gain of the system(combining the two antennas one at the Tx and other at the Rx) is GdBo= 12 dB

Example 10.12, Page number 490

In [12]:
#chapter-10 page 490 example 10.12
#calculate a)beamwidth between first nulls
#calculate b)beamwidth between half power points

D=3.##dimension of a paraboloid in m
f=3.*10.**9.##frequency (S band) in Hz
c=3.*10.**8.##Velocity of light in m/sec

w=c/f##wave length in m
BWFN=140.*(w/D)##BeamWidth between First Nulls in deg
BWHP=70.*(w/D)##BeamWidth between HalfPower points in deg
G=6.*(D/w)**2.##Gain of the antenna 

print '%s %.2f %s %s %.2f %s %s %.f' %('BeamWidth between First Nulls is BWFN=',BWFN,'deg','\nBeamWidth between HalfPower points is BWHP=',BWHP,'deg','\nGain of the Antenna is G=',G)#
BeamWidth between First Nulls is BWFN= 4.67 deg 
BeamWidth between HalfPower points is BWHP= 2.33 deg 
Gain of the Antenna is G= 5400

Example 10.13, Page number 490

In [13]:
#calculate power gain of optimum horn antenna
#Variable declaration
A = 5

Gp = 4.5*A**2

print "Power gain of optimum horn antenna =",Gp
Power gain of optimum horn antenna = 112.5