# Variable declaration
rel = 0.970
n = 5
# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
# Result
print "Riliability of 5 component system: ",round(rel**5,3)
print "Riliability of 10 component system: ",round(rel**10,3)
# Variable declaration
a1 = 0.70
a2 = 0.75
# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
a1 = 1-pow((1-a1),3)
a2 = 1-pow((1-a2),2)
riliability = (0.95)*(0.99)*(a1)*(a2)*(0.90)
# Result
print "Riliability: ",round(riliability,3)
# Variable declaration
n = 50 # Units
r = 10 # Failed units
v = 20 # Degrees of freedom
# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
l = [65,110,380,420,505,580,650,840,910,950]
T = sum(l)+(50-10)*950
U = T/10
X_sq_thr = 31.410 # chi-square theoritical at alpha = 0.05
X_sq_thr1 = 10.851 # chi-square theoritical at alpha = 0.95
# 90% Confidence interval
llim = (2*T)/X_sq_thr
ulim = (2*T)/X_sq_thr1
# Result
print "90% confidence interval(in hours): (",int(round(llim,0)),",",int(round(ulim,0)),") "
# Variable declaration
n = 50 # Units
r = 10 # Failed units
v = 20 # Degrees of freedom
# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
l = [65,110,380,420,505,580,650,840,910,950]
U = 1000/0.4
T_prt = sum(l)+(50-10)*950
X_sq_thr = 31.410 # chi-square theoritical at alpha = 0.05
T_thr = (0.5 * U * X_sq_thr)
# Result
print "Practical T value: ",T_prt
if(T_thr > T_prt):
print "null hypothesis can not be rejected"
print "Failure rate is greater than 0.40 failure per thousand hours."
print "null hypothesis must be rejected"
print "Failure rate is less than 0.40 failure per thousand hours."