Chapter 8: Comparing Two Treatments

Example, page-248

In [1]:
# Variable declaration
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

data = array([[45,204.4,13825.3],[55,130.0,8632.0]])

size = data[0:2,0]
Mean = data[0:2,1]
variance = data[0:2,2]

alpha = 0.05             # level of significance
Z = 1.96                 # z value corresponding to alpha/2

# Calculation

y1 = (Mean[0] - Mean[1]) - ( Z* (sqrt( variance[0]/size[0] + variance[1]/size[1] )) )                          # Lower limit
y2 = (Mean[0] - Mean[1]) + ( Z* (sqrt( float(variance[0])/size[0] + float(variance[1])/size[1] )) )            # upper limit

y1 = round(y1,2)
y2 = round(y2,2)

# Result
print "95% confidence interval(in kWh per month): (",y1,",",y2,")"
95% confidence interval(in kWh per month): ( 32.17 , 116.63 )

Example, Page-249

In [2]:
# Variable declaration
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

Mean = array([0.136,0.083])
size = array([32,32])
variance = array([0.004,0.005])

alpha = 0.05             # level of significance

# Calculation
Z = (Mean[0] - Mean[1] - alpha)/(sqrt( variance[0]**2/size[0] + variance[1]**2/size[1] ))              # Lower limit
Z = round(Z,2)

# Result
    print "Null hypothesis rejected"
    print "The data substantiate the claim"
    print "Null hypothesis accepted"
    print "The data does not substantiate the claim"
Null hypothesis rejected
The data substantiate the claim

Example, page-250

In [3]:
# Variable declaration

alpha = 0.05       #level of significance
n1 = 40            # size of sample-1
n2 = 40            # size of sample-2
std_dev1 = 27      # standard deviation-1
std_dev2 = 31      # standard deviation-2
Mean1 = 1647       # Mean of sample-1 ( in hours) 
Mean2 = 1638       # Mean of sample-2 ( in hours) 

# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

# null hypothesis accepted if z>1.645  else rejected
Z = (Mean1 - Mean2) / (sqrt( square(std_dev1)/float(n1) + square(std_dev2)/float(n2) ))            # Z value
Z = round(Z,2)

# Result

    print "Null hypothesis rejected"
    print "observed difference between two samples is significant"
    print "Null hypothesis accepted"
    print "observed difference between two samples is not significant"
Null hypothesis accepted
observed difference between two samples is not significant

Example, page-251

In [4]:
# Variable declaration

alpha = 0.05       #level of significance
n1 = 40            # size of sample-1
n2 = 40            # size of sample-2
std_dev1 = 27      # standard deviation-1
std_dev2 = 31      # standard deviation-2
Mean1 = 1647       # Mean of sample-1 ( in hours) 
Mean2 = 1638       # Mean of sample-2 ( in hours) 
delta1 = 0
delta2 = 16        # in hours

# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

std_dev = sqrt( square(std_dev1) + square(std_dev2) )

Z = 1.645                                                 # at alpha = 0.05
Z1 = Z + sqrt(n1)*( (delta1 - delta2)/std_dev )       
Z1 = round(Z1,3)

# Probability of Z > -0.817 =0.793 
err_prob = 1 - 0.793                                      # type-2 error probability

# Result
print "type-2 error probability: ",err_prob
type-2 error probability:  0.207

Example, Page-253

In [5]:
# Variable declaration
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

val1 = 0
val2 = 0

Mine1 = array([8260,8130,8350,8070,8340])
Mine2 = array([7950,7890,7900,8140,7920,7840])

alpha = 0.01                        # level of significance
deg = len(Mine1) + len(Mine2) - 2   # Degree of freedom

Mean1 = sum(Mine1)/len(Mine1)
Mean2 = sum(Mine2)/len(Mine2)
# Calculation
for each in Mine1:
    val1 = val1 + (Mean1-each)**2
for each in Mine2:
    val2 = val2 + (Mean2-each)**2

var = (val1 + val2)/(len(Mine1)-1 + len(Mine2)-1)
std_dev = sqrt(var)

t = (Mean1 - Mean2)/(std_dev*(sqrt(1.0/len(Mine1) + 1.0/len(Mine2))))

# Result
    print "Null hypothesis rejected"
    print "Average heat producing capacity is not same"
    print "Null hypothesis accepted"
    print "Average heat producing capacity is same"
Null hypothesis rejected
Average heat producing capacity is not same

Example, page-254

In [9]:
# Variable declaration
f1 = []       #list for sample-1
f2 = []       #list for sample-2
n1 = 58       # sample-1 size
n2 = 27       # sample-2 size
t = 1.99      # t value corresponding to alpha/2

# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

f1 = array([66.4,67.7,68.0,68.0,68.3,68.4,68.6,68.8,68.9,

Mean1 = mean(f1)
Mean1 = round(Mean1,2)
std_dev1 = std(f1)
std_dev1 = round(std_dev1,1) 

f2 = array([71.2,71.8,72.6,72.8,73.4,73.7,73.9,74.4,74.9,75.5,75.9,

Mean2 = mean(f2)
Mean2 = round(Mean2,2)
std_dev2 = std(f2)
std_dev2 = round(std_dev2,1)

y1 = (Mean1 - Mean2) - t*sqrt( ( (n1-1)*pow(std_dev1,2) + (n2-1)*pow(std_dev2,2) ) / (n1+n2-2) ) * sqrt( 1.0/n1 + 1.0/n2 )     # lower limit
y1 = round(y1,1)
y2 = (Mean1 - Mean2) + t*sqrt( ( (n1-1)*pow(std_dev1,2) + (n2-1)*pow(std_dev2,2) ) / (n1+n2-2) ) * sqrt( 1.0/n1 + 1.0/n2 )     # upper limit
y2 = round(y2,1)
if abs(y1)>abs(y2):
# Result
print "95% large sample confidence interval(in thousand pounds per square): (",m1,",",m2,")"
95% large sample confidence interval(in thousand pounds per square): ( 4.5 , 6.4 )

Example, page-255

In [10]:
# Variable declaration
f1 = []       #list for sample-1
f2 = []       #list for sample-2
n1 = 58       # sample-1 size
n2 = 27       # sample-2 size
Z = 1.96      # Z value corresponding to alpha/2

# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

f1 = [66.4,67.7,68.0,68.0,68.3,68.4,68.6,68.8,68.9,

Mean1 = mean(f1)
Mean1 = round(Mean1,2)
std_dev1 = std(f1)
std_dev1 = round(std_dev1,1) 

f2 = [71.2,71.8,72.6,72.8,73.4,73.7,73.9,

Mean2 = mean(f2)
Mean2 = round(Mean2,2)
std_dev2 = std(f2)
std_dev2 = round(std_dev2,1)

y1 = (Mean1 - Mean2) - Z*sqrt( pow(std_dev1,2)/n1 + pow(std_dev2,2)/n2 )    # lower limit
y1 = round(y1,2)
y1 = round(y1,1)
y2 = (Mean1 - Mean2) + Z*sqrt( pow(std_dev1,2)/n1 + pow(std_dev2,2)/n2 )    # upper limit
y2 = round(y2,1)
if abs(y1)>abs(y2):

# Result
print "95% large sample confidence interval(in thousand pounds per square): (",m1,",",m2,")"
95% large sample confidence interval(in thousand pounds per square): ( 4.4 , 6.5 )

Example, Page-256

In [11]:
# Variable declaration
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

val1 = 0
val2 = 0

data1 = array([0.63,2.64,1.85,1.68,1.09,1.67,0.73,1.04,0.68])
data2 = array([3.71,4.09,4.11,3.75,3.49,3.27,3.72,3.49,4.26])
n1 = len(data1)
n2 = len(data2)

alpha = 0.05                        # level of significance
Mean1 = sum(data1)/len(data1)
Mean2 = sum(data2)/len(data2)

# Calculation

for each in data1:
    val1 = val1 + (Mean1-each)**2
for each in data2:
    val2 = val2 + (Mean2-each)**2
val1 = val1/(n1-1)
val2 = val2/(n2-1)

var = (val1 + val2)/(len(Mine1)-1 + len(Mine2)-1)

deg = pow((val1/n1 + val2/n2),2)/(pow(val1/n1,2)/(n1-1) + pow(val2/n2,2)/(n2-1))      
deg = round(deg,0)

t = (Mean1 - Mean2)/ sqrt( val1/n1 + val2/n2 )    # upper limit
t = round(t,2)

# Result
    print "Null hypothesis rejected"
    print "Mean product volume are different"
    print "Null hypothesis accepted"
    print "Mean product volume are same"
Null hypothesis rejected
Mean product volume are different

Example, Page-257

In [12]:
# Variable declaration
from scipy import *
from pylab import *

val1 = 0
val2 = 0

data1 = array([0.63,2.64,1.85,1.68,1.09,1.67,0.73,1.04,0.68])
data2 = array([3.71,4.09,4.11,3.75,3.49,3.27,3.72,3.49,4.26])
n1 = len(data1)
n2 = len(data2)

alpha = 0.05                        # level of significance
Mean1 = sum(data1)/len(data1)
Mean2 = sum(data2)/len(data2)

# Calculation

for each in data1:
    val1 = val1 + (Mean1-each)**2
for each in data2:
    val2 = val2 + (Mean2-each)**2
val1 = val1/(n1-1)
val2 = val2/(n2-1)

var = (val1 + val2)/(len(Mine1)-1 + len(Mine2)-1)

deg = pow((val1/n1 + val2/n2),2)/(pow(val1/n1,2)/(n1-1) + pow(val2/n2,2)/(n2-1))      
deg = round(deg,0)

t = 2.201   # t-value for 11 degree of freedom

y1 = (Mean1 - Mean2 - t*(sqrt(val1/n1 + val2/n2)))    # Lower limit
y2 = (Mean1 - Mean2 + t*(sqrt(val1/n1 + val2/n2)))    # Lower limit

y1 = round(y1,3)
y2 = round(y2,3)

# Result
print "95% confidence interval(in gallons): (",y1,",",y2,")"
95% confidence interval(in gallons): ( -2.982 , -1.88 )

Example, page-259

In [13]:
# Variable declaration
n = 10

# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
l = array([[45,36],[73,60],[46,44],[124,119],[33,35],[57,51],[83,77],[34,29],[26,24],[17,11]])
l1 = l[:,0]
l2 = l[:,1]
diff = l1 - l2       # diffrence in values
Mean = mean(diff)
std_dev = 4.08

# null hypothesis is rejected if t > 1.833 for v = 9 degrees of freedom
t = (Mean - 0) / (std_dev / sqrt(n))     # t value
t = round(t,2)

# Result
if(t > 1.833):
    print "null hypothesis is rejected"
    print "Industrial safety program is effective"
    print "null hypothesis is accepted"
    print "Industrial safety program is effective"
null hypothesis is rejected
Industrial safety program is effective

Example, Page-260

In [15]:
# Variable declaration
n = 10

# Calculation
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
l = array([[45,36],[73,60],[46,44],[124,119],[33,35],[57,51],[83,77],[34,29],[26,24],[17,11]])
l1 = l[:,0]
l2 = l[:,1]
diff = l1 - l2       # diffrence in values
Mean = mean(diff)
std_dev = 4.08

t = 1.833

y1 = (Mean - t*std_dev/sqrt(n))    # Lower limit
y2 = (Mean + t*std_dev/sqrt(n))   # Lower limit

y1 = round(y1,1)
y2 = round(y2,1)

# Result
print "95% confidence interval(in gallons): (",y1,",",y2,")"
95% confidence interval(in gallons): ( 2.8 , 7.6 )

Example, Page-261

In [16]:
# Variable declaration
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline

val = 0
data1 = array([27,23,64,44,30,75,26,124,54,30,14])
data2 = array([15,13,22,29,31,64,30,64,56,20,21])
y = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1.1,1]
d = []

alpha = 0.05                        # level of significance
for i in range(0,11):

n = len(d)    
Mean = sum(d)/float(len(d))

# Calculation
for each in d:
    val = val + (Mean-each)**2
val = val/float(n-1) 
deg = n-1

t = 2.228         # t-value for 10 degree of freedom

y1 = (Mean - t*(sqrt(val/n)))      # Lower limit
y2 = (Mean + t*(sqrt(val/n)))      # upper limit

y1 = round(y1,2)
y2 = round(y2,2)

# Result
print "95% confidence interval: (",y1,",",y2,")"
title("Dot Diagram")
95% confidence interval: ( -0.47 , 27.02 )
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x83da0b8>