Chapter 11: Transducers as Input Elements to Instrumentation Systems


In [3]:
# To find change in resistance
# Modern Electronic Instrumentation And Measurement Techniques
# By Albert D. Helfrick, William D. Cooper
# First Edition Second Impression, 2009
# Dorling Kindersly Pvt. Ltd. India
# Example 11-1 in Page 317

# Given data
K =2 #Gauge factor 
s = 1050 #stress in kg/cm**2
E = 2.1*10**6 #modulus of elasticity of steel in kg/cm**2

strain = s/E #Hooke's law
change_in_resistance = K*strain
percentchange = change_in_resistance * 100

print "The change in resistance = ",round(change_in_resistance,3)
print "The percentage change in resistance = ",round(percentchange,1),"%"

# The change in resistance = 0.001
# The percentage change in resistance = 0.1 % 
The change in resistance =  0.001
The percentage change in resistance =  0.1 %