Chapter 17 Television

Example 17.1 Page no 882

In [1]:
bw=5*10**6            #bandwidth
t=53.5*10**-6         #time allocated for each visible trace

T=2*bw*t              #increase in horizontal resolution

print"Thus, the total number of vertical lines resolvable is ",T,"lines"
Thus, the total number of vertical lines resolvable is  535.0 lines

Example 17.2 Page no 822

In [2]:
bw=5.0*10**6                    #bandwidth
l=428                           #horizontal resolution

t=l/(bw*2)                      #trace time
x=1/30.0                        #time available for a full picture
y=t+10.0*10**-6                 #assuming that 10us is used for horizontal blanking
n=x/y                           #no. of horizontal traces
c=600*0.7                       #allowing 32 lines for vertical retrace

print"vertical resolution = ",c,"lines"
vertical resolution =  420.0 lines