Chapter 14:Elementary Particles

Example 14.2, Page 451

In [2]:
#initiation of variable
mvo=1116.0;mp=938.0;mpi=140.0;    #mass of various particles

Q=(mvo-mp-mpi);            #Q value of energy
Pp=100.0;Ppi=100;            #momentum of various particles
Kp=5.0;Kpi=38-Kp;            #kinetic energy of particles

print "The kinetic energy of the particles Kp and Kpi are", Kp," MeV and",Kpi," MeV respectively"
 The kinetic energy of the particles Kp and Kpi are 5.0  MeV and 33.0  MeV respectively

Example 14.3, Page 453

In [3]:
#initiation of variable
Q=105.2                    # The Q value for the given decay
Muc2=105.80344         #mass energy

Ke= Q**2/(2*Muc2);       #Ke=Ee-mec2;

print "The maximum kinetic energy in MeV is",round(Ke,3);
The maximum kinetic energy in MeV is 52.3

Example 14.4, Page 455

In [17]:
#initiation of variable
from __future__ import division
from sympy.solvers import solve
from sympy import Symbol
from sympy import *
from math import sqrt
mkc2=494.0; mpic2=135.0;mec2=0.5;# mass of various particles

Q1=mkc2-mpic2-mec2;       #Q of reaction
# the neutrino has negligible energy
x = symbols('x')
k=solve((x**2+135.0**2)**(0.5)+x-494,x);# assigning the Q to sum of energies and simplifying

print "The value of maximum kinetic enrgy for pi-meson  and positron are",266,"MeV &",k," MeV";
 The value of maximum kinetic enrgy for pi-meson  and positron are 266 MeV & [228.553643724696]  MeV

Example 14.5, Page 457

In [19]:
#initiation of variable
mpi_=140;mp=938;mKo=498;mLo=1116; #mass of various particles

Q1= mpi_+mp-mKo-mLo;          #Q value of reaction 1
Q2=mK_+mp-mLo-mpio;         #Q value of reaction 2

print"The Q values of reactions 1 and 2 are", Q1," MeV and",Q2,"MeV";
The Q values of reactions 1 and 2 are -536  MeV and 181.0 MeV

Example 14.6, Page 459

In [20]:
#initiation of variable
mpic2=135.0;        #mass energy of pi particle

Kth=(-Q)*((4*mp)+mpi)/(2*(mp));  #threshold energy

print"The threshold kinetic energy in MeV is",round(Kth,3);
The threshold kinetic energy in MeV is 279.715

Example 14.7, Page 460

In [21]:
#initiation of variable
mpc2=938.0;   #rest energy of proton

Q=mpc2+mpc2-(4*mpc2);        #Q value of reaction 
Kth=(-Q)*(6*mpc2/(2*mpc2));       # thershold kinetic energy

print "The threshold kinetic energy in MeV is",round(Kth,3);
The threshold kinetic energy in MeV is 5628.0