Chapter 5: The Schrodinger Equation

Example 5.2 Page 150

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#initiation of variable
from math import pi, sin
import math
from scipy import integrate
h=1.05*10**-34;m=9.11*10**-31;L=10.0**-10;      # all the values are taken in SI units
E1=h**2*pi**2/(2*m*L**2); E2=4*E1;            #Energies are calculated
delE=(E2-E1)/(1.6*10**-19);                  #Difference in energy is converted to eV

print "Energy to be supplied in eV. is ",round(delE,3);

x1=0.09*10**-10;x2=0.11*10**-10                 #limits of the given region
def integrand(x,L):
    return 2.0/L*(sin(pi*x/L))**2


print "The percentage probability of finding an electron in the ground state is \n",round(probGnd[0]*100,3);

def integrand(k,L):
    return 2.0/L*(sin(2*pi*k/L))**2


print "The probability of finding an electron in the excited state is",round(probExc[0],3);
 Energy to be supplied in eV. is  111.978
The percentage probablility of finding an electron in the ground state is 
The probablility of finding an electron in the excited state is 0.25
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