Many Electron Atoms

Example 8.1 Page 248

In [1]:
#initiation of variable
hc=1240.0*10**-9;Rinfi=1.097*10**7;Z=11;  #for sodium atom;and other constants in MeV

delE=3*hc*Rinfi*(Z-1)**2/4.0              #change in energy

print"The energy of the Ka x-ray of the sodium atom in",round(delE/10**3,3);
The energy of the Ka x-ray of the sodium atom in 1.02

Example 8.2 Page 249

In [2]:
#initiation of variable
EKa=21.990;EKb=25.145;EK=25.514                                      #all the values are in KeV


print"The enrgy of La of X-ray in",round(ELo,3);             #Energy of La X-ray


print"Hence the binding energy of the L electon in",round(EL,3); # for electron L electron
The enrgy of La of X-ray in 3.155
Hence the binding energy of the L electon in -3.524

Example 8.3 Page 250

In [5]:
#initiation of variable

s=1.0/2; Smax=s+s;Smin=s-s;

print"Value of L ranges from",Lmin," to",Lmax," i.e",Lmin,1,Lmax;
print"Values of S are maxi,min",Smax,Smin;
Value of L ranges from 0.0  to 2.0  i.e 0.0 1 2.0
Values of S are maxi,min 1.0 0.0

Example 8.4 Page 250

In [6]:
#initiation of variable

s=1.0/2; Smax=s+s;Smin=s-s;

print"Considering any two electrons,Value of L2e ranges from",Lmin," to",Lmax," i.e",Lmin,1,Lmax;
print"Adding the angular momentum of the third electron to L2emax gives the maximum  whole angular momentum as 2+1=3; and subtracting it from L2e=1 gives 0"
print"Values of S are maxi,min",Smax,Smin;
print"Adding and subtracting the spin of third to S2e=1 and S2e=0 respectively gives the spins 3/2 and 1/2 for the 3 electron system.";
Considering any two electrons,Value of L2e ranges from 0.0  to 2.0  i.e 0.0 1 2.0
Adding the angular momentum of the third electron to L2emax gives the maximum  whole angular momentum as 2+1=3; and subtracting it from L2e=1 gives 0
Values of S are maxi,min 1.0 0.0
Adding and subtracting the spin of third to S2e=1 and S2e=0 respectively gives the spins 3/2 and 1/2 for the 3 electron system.