Chapter2: Energy Conservation


In [3]:
# Given data:
Hcoal=20.0 # heating value of coal in MJ
W=200.0e3 # weight of coal in kg
E=1.2e6 # Electrical energy generated in MJ
delH=1.6e6 # Heat energy generated in MJ
ne=0.30 # electrical efficiency
nb=0.8 # thermal efficiency

QA=Hcoal*W # total thermal energy input to plant in MJ
nco=(E+delH)/QA # efficiency of cogeneration plant
e=E/(E+delH) # electrical fraction

nc=1/((e/ne)+(1-e)/nb) # overall efficiency

print "The overall efficiency is ",round(nc*100,2),"%"
The overall efficiency is  46.67 %