#cal of value of numerical constant
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.1, Page:126 \n \n"
t=3600.;# in seconds
F=96500.;# in columbs
# Formula: m=0.0373fMit, Faraday's law: m=(itE)/F
print"The value of numerical constant is =",round(constant,4)
#cal of ion current
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.2, Page:126 \n \n"
# Given:
m1=24*10**-6;# g per day
m2=10**-2;# g per day
i1=10**-6;# in A
#Formula: i1*m2=m1*i2
i=i2/10**-3;# in mA
print"The ion current should be in (mA)=",round(i,4)
#cal of net yield
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.3, Page:126 \n \n"
f=1.0014;# seperation factor
s=4;# series
p=6;# parallel
# Note: The global yield for s stages in series is(f)^s and each parallel stages simply multiplies the yield of the stage, Hence overall yield with p parallel stages (each with s stages in series) will be Y=p*(f)^s
print"The net yield is =",round(Y,4)
#cal of no. of stages
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.14, Page:127 \n \n"
# Given:
import math
f=1.0014;# seperation factor
#Solution: Part (a)
A1=3.5/0.72;# total enrichment
print"\n The no. of stages will be = ",round(n1)
#Solution: Part (b)
A2=90/0.72;# total enrichment
print"\n The no. of stages will be =",round(n2)
#cal of overall seperation factor
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.5, Page:127 \n \n"
# Given:
f=1.01;# seperation factor
n=10;# plates
print"The overall seperation factor is =",round(A,3)
#cal of overall seperation factor
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.6, Page:127 \n \n"
# Given:
f=1.01;# seperation factor
n=16;# plates
print"The overall seperation factor is =",round(A,3)
#cal of enthalpy for the exchange reaction
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.7, Page:128 \n \n"
# Given:
import math
t1=298.;# in K
t2=353.;# in K
R=8.314# Gas constant
# Formula: log(k1/k2)=(H/R)*((t2-t1)t1*t2)
# Solution:
print"The enthalpy for the exchange reaction in (J)=",round(H,3)
#cal of single stage seperation factor
#intiation of all variables
# Chapter 9
print"Example 9.8, Page:128 \n \n"
# Given:
# Solution: Defining the seperation factor f as approximately equal to (a2/a1) where a1, a2 are the relative abundances of the isotope of interest in the initial and final fractions, we have
print"The single stage seperation factor is = ",round(f,2)