## Exa16.1 : : Page-672 (2011)
#find 25 mrad
import math
R_d = 25.; ## Radiation dose, milli rad
R_c_gy = 25e-03; ## Dose in centigray
R_Sv = 25*10**-2 ## Dose in milli sieverts
print'%s %.2f %s %.2f %s'%("\n25 mrad = ",R_c_gy,"" and " cGy =",R_Sv," mSv");
## Results
## 25 mrad = 3e-002 cGy = 0.25 mSv
## Exa16.2 : : Page-673 (2011)
#find 100 mega becquerel
import math
BC_conv = 100*1e+009/3.7e+10; ## Becquerel curie conversion, milli curie
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\n100 mega becquerel = ",BC_conv," milli curie ")
## Results
## 100 mega becquerel = 2.7 milli curie
## Exa16.4 : : Page-673 (2011)
#find The requiresd liver dose
import math
A = 80*10**6; ## Activity, becquerel
t_half = 6*3600.; ## Half life, s
N = A*t_half/0.693; ## Number of surviving radionuclei
E_released = 0.9*N*(140e+03)*1.6e-19; ## Energy released, joule
m_l = 1.8; ## Mass of liver of average man, Kg
liv_dose = E_released*10**2/m_l; ## Liver dose, centigray
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nThe requiresd liver dose = ",liv_dose," cGy");
## Result
## The requiresd liver dose = 2.8 cGy