from __future__ import division
from scipy.misc import derivative
#First order forward difference
def f(x):
return F
def df(x,h):
return DF
dfactual = derivative(f,1)
h = [0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 ]
print 'h\ty\terr'
for hh in h:
y = df(1,hh)
err = y - dfactual
print hh,'\t',y,'\t',err
from __future__ import division
from scipy.misc import derivative
#Three-Point Formula
def f(x):
F = x**2
return F
def df(x,h):
DF = (f(x+h)-f(x-h))/(2*h)
return DF
dfactual = derivative(f,1)
h = [0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 ]
print 'h\ty\terr'
for hh in h:
y = df(1,hh)
err = y - dfactual
print hh,'\t',y,'\t',err
from __future__ import division
from scipy.misc import derivative
from numpy import arange,sin,cos,sqrt
x = 0.45#
def f(x):
F = sin(x)
return F
def df(x,h):
DF = (f(x+h) - f(x))/h
return DF
dfactual = cos(x)#
h = arange(0.01,0.005+0.04,0.005)
n = len(h)#
print 'h\ty\t\terr'
for hh in h:
y = df(x,hh)
err = y - dfactual
print hh,'\t',y,'\t',err
#using 16 significant digits so the bound for roundoff error is 0.5*10**(-16)
e = 0.5*10**(-16)
M2 = max(sin(x+h))#
hopt = 2*sqrt(e/M2)#
print '\nM2 = %.3e & hopt = %.3e'%(hopt,M2)
from __future__ import division
from numpy import arange,sin,cos,sqrt
#Approximate second derivative
x = 0.75#
h = 0.01#
def f(x):
F = cos(x)
return F
def d2f(x,h):
D2F = ( f(x+h) - 2*f(x) + f(x-h) )/h**2
return D2F
y = d2f(0.75,0.01)#
d2fexact = -cos(0.75)
err = d2fexact - y #
print ' d2fexact = %.3f \n err = %.3e \n y = %.3f '%(d2fexact,err,y)
#Differentiation of tabulated data
T = range(5,10)
s = [10, 14.5, 19.5, 25.5 , 32 ]
h = T[1]-T[0]
n = len(T)
def v(t):
if t in T and T.index(t) == 0:
V = (-3*s[T.index(t) ] + 4*s[T.index(t+h)] - s[T.index(t+2*h) ] ) /(2*h) #Three point forward difference formula
elif t in T and T.index(t) == n-1:
V = ( 3*s[T.index(t)] - 4*s[ T.index(t-h)] + s[T.index(t-2*h) ] )/(2*h) #Backward difference formula
V = ( s[T.index(t+h)] - s[T.index(t-h)] )/(2*h) #Central difference formula
return V
v_5 = v(5)
v_7 = v(7)
v_9 = v(9)
print 'v(5) = ',v_5
print 'v(7) = ',v_7
print 'v(9) = ',v_9
T = range(5,10)
s = [10, 14.5 , 19.5 , 25.5, 32 ]
h = T[1]-T[0]
def a(t):
A = ( s[T.index(t+h) ] - 2*s[ T.index(t) ] + s[T.index(t-h) ] )/h**2
return A
a_7 = a(6)
print 'a(7) = ',a_7
from numpy import mat,divide,linalg
h = 0.25 #
#y''(x) = e**(x**2)
#y(0) = 0 , y(1) = 0
# y''(x) = y(x+h) - 2*y(x) + y(x-h)/h**2 = e**(x**2)
#( y(x + 0.25) - 2*y(x) + y(x-0.25) )/0.0625 = e**(x**2)
#y(x+0.25) - 2*y(x) + y(x - 0.25) = 0.0624*e**(x**2)
#y(0.5) - 2*y(0.25) + y(0) = 0.0665
#y(0.75) - 2*y(0.5) + y(0.25) = 0.0803
#y(1) - 2*y(0.75) + y(0.5) = 0.1097
#given y(0) = y(1) = 0
#0 + y2 - 2y1 = 0.06665
#y3 - 2*y2 + y1 = 0.0803
#-2*y3 + y2 + 0 = 0.1097
A = mat([[0, 1, -2],[1, -2, 1],[-2, 1, 0 ]])
B = mat([[ 0.06665],[0.0803] ,[0.1097 ]])
C = linalg.solve(A,B)
print 'solving the above equations we get \n\n y1 = y(0.25) = %f \n y2 = y(0.5) = %f \n y3 = y(0.75) = %f \n '%(C[2],C[1],C[0])
from numpy import arange,exp
from scipy.misc import derivative
x = arange(-0.5,0.25+1.5,0.25)
h = 0.5 ;
r = 1.0/2 ;
def f(x):
F = exp(x)
return F
def D(x,h):
D = (f(x + h) - f(x-h) )/(2*h)
return D
def df(x,h,r):
Df = (D(x,r*h) - r**2*D(x,h))/(1-r**2)
return Df
df_05 = df(0.5,0.5,1.0/2);
print 'richardsons technique -\n\ndf(0.5) = ',df_05
print 'D(rh) = D(0.25) = ',D(0.5,0.5)
print 'D(0.5) = ',D(0.5,0.25)
dfexact = derivative(f,0.5)
print 'Exact df(0.5) = ',dfexact
print 'The result by richardsons technique is much better than other results'
#r = 2
print 'for r = 2'
print 'df(x) = ',df(0.5,0.5,2)
print 'D(rh) = ',D(0.5,2*0.5)