Chapter 12: Streams and Files

Example 12.1, Page Number 581

In [1]:
def isFeet(str):             #return true if the string is a correct feet value
    slen = len(str)          #get length
    if slen==0 or slen>5:    #if no input, or too long 
        return False         #not an int
    for j in range(slen):    #check each character
        if (str[j] < '0' or str[j] > '9' ) and str[j] != '-':       #if not digit or minus
            return False     #string is not correct feet
    n = float(str)           #convert to float
    if(n<-999.0 or n>999.0):     #is it out of range
        return False             #if so, not correct feet
    return True             #it is correct feet

class Distance:                      #Distance class
    def __init__(self,ft=0,inc=0):   #constructor
        self.__feet = ft
        self.__inches = inc
    def showdist(self):              #display distance
        print self.__feet , '\' -' , self.__inches , '\"'
    def getdist(self):               #get length from user
        while True:
            self.__feet = raw_input('Enter feet:')       #it will not skip white space
            if(isFeet(self.__feet)):              #is it a correct feet value?
                self.__feet.replace(' ','')       #eat white spaces
                self.__feet = int(self.__feet)    #convert to integer
                break;                            #break out of 'while'
            print 'Feet must be an integer less than 1000'
        while True:                 #cycle untill inches are right
            self.__inches = input('Enter inches:')           #get inches and do not skip white space
            if(self.__inches<12.0 and self.__inches>0.0):
            if(self.__inches>=12.0 or self.__inches<0.0):
                print 'Inches must be between 0.0 and 11.99'
            print 'Incorrect inches input'                
d = Distance()        #make a distance object

while True:
    d.getdist()       #get its value from user
    print 'Distance =',;d.showdist()           #display it
    ans = raw_input("Do another (y/n)? ")
    if ans == 'n':       #cycle untill 'n'
Enter feet:1 2 3
Feet must be an integer less than 1000
Enter feet:9999
Feet must be an integer less than 1000
Enter feet:99
Enter inches:14
Inches must be between 0.0 and 11.99
Incorrect inches input
Enter inches:11
Distance = 99 ' - 11 "
Do another (y/n)? y
Enter feet:-98
Enter inches:12
Inches must be between 0.0 and 11.99
Incorrect inches input
Enter inches:-98
Inches must be between 0.0 and 11.99
Incorrect inches input
Enter inches:11
Distance = -98 ' - 11 "
Do another (y/n)? n

Example 12.2, Page Number 584

In [2]:
ch = "x"
str1 = "Kafka"           #strings without white spaces
str2 = "Proust"

outfile=open("fdata.txt",'w')      #open a file 

outfile.write(ch)         #insert (write) data
outfile.write(' ')        #needed space between numbers and string
outfile.write(' ')        #needed space between strings

print 'File written'
File written

Example 12.3, Page Number 585

In [3]:
infile = open("fdata.txt",'r')    #open the file for reading

ch =               #extract (read) data from it
j =
d =
str1 =
str2 =

print ch,"\n",j,"\n",d,"\n",str1,"\n",str2,"\n",        #display the data

Example 12.4, Page Number 586

In [4]:
outfile = open("TEST.TXT",'w')         #create a file for output

#send text to file
outfile.write("I fear thee, ancient Marner!\n")             
outfile.write("I fear thy skinny hand\n")
outfile.write("And thou art long, and lank, and brown,\n")
outfile.write("As is the ribbed sea sand.\n")

outfile.close()         #close the file

Example 12.5, Page Number 587

In [5]:
MAX = 80                   #size of buffer
buffer = []*MAX            #character buffer

infile = open("TEST.TXT",'r')        #open a file to read

buffer = infile.readline()           #read one line from the file

while buffer:                        #untill buffer has some data in it or untill end-of-file
    print buffer,                    #display buffer
    buffer = infile.readline()       #read a line of text
infile.close()          #close file
I fear thee, ancient Marner!
I fear thy skinny hand
And thou art long, and lank, and brown,
As is the ribbed sea sand.

Example 12.6, Page Number 588

In [6]:
str = "Time is a great teache, but unfortunately " + "it kills all its puplies.  Berlioz"

outfile = open("Test.txt","w")          #create file for output

for j in range(len(str)):         #for each character
    ch = ""+str[j]
print "File written"
File written

Example 12.7, Page Number 588

In [7]:
infile = open("Test.txt","r")     #open file for read

ch =         #read character
while ch != '':           #read untill EOF
    print ch,             #display it
    ch =   #read character
T i m e   i s   a   g r e a t   t e a c h e ,   b u t   u n f o r t u n a t e l y   i t   k i l l s   a l l   i t s   p u p l i e s .     B e r l i o z

Example 12.8, Page Number 589

In [8]:
infile = open("Test.txt","r")      #open file for read

print          #read whole file and print it
Time is a great teache, but unfortunately it kills all its puplies.  Berlioz

Example 12.9, Page Number 590

In [9]:
MAX = 100                                #size of buffer
buff = [j for j in range(MAX)]           #buffer for integers and fill buffer with data (0, 1, 2, ...)

os = open("edata.txt",'r+b')             #first make edata.txt file

s = ''
for j in range(MAX):             
    s += '%d' %buff[j]  
os.write(s)                   #write to file

for j in range(MAX):          #erase buffer
    buff[j] = 0

#read data from file
for j in range (10):
    buff[j] =
for j in range(10,MAX):
    buff[j] =
for j in range(MAX):            #check data
    if int(buff[j])!=j:
        print "Data is incorrect\n"
if c==0:
    print "Data is correct"
Data is correct

Example 12.10, Page Number 592

In [10]:
from pickle import dump

class person:                  #class person
    def getData(self):         #get person's data = raw_input("Enter name: ")     #person's name
        self.age = input("Enter age: ")           #person's age
pers = person()          #create a person
pers.getData()           #get data for person

outfile = open("PERSON.txt",'wb')       #open file for write obect to it

dump(pers, outfile)              #write object

Enter name: Coleridge
Enter age: 62

Example 12.11, Page Number 593

In [11]:
from pickle import load

class person:
    def showData(self):             #display person's data
        print "Name:",     #person's name
        print "Age:",self.age       #person's age
pers = person()         #create person variable

infile = open("PERSON.txt",'rb')     #open file in binary mode

pers = load(infile)           #read object 
pers.showData()                      #display person
Name: Coleridge
Age: 62

Example 12.12, Page Number 594

In [12]:
from pickle import dump,load

class person:                #class of persons
    def getData(self):       #get person's data
        self._name = raw_input("Enter name: ")
        self._age = input("Enter age: ")
    def showData(self):      #display person's data
        print "   Name:",self._name
        print "   Age:",self._age
pers = person()                   #create person object
file = open("Group.txt",'r+b')    #open file
c=0                               #for total number of objects

while True:    
    print "\nEnter person's data: "
    pers.getData()           #get one person's data
    dump(pers, file)  #wriet to file
    c += 1
    ch = raw_input("Enter another person (y/n)? ")
    if(ch == 'n'):

print ''
for j in range(c):
    print 'person:'
    pers = load(file)     #read person from file
    pers.showData()              #display person
Enter person's data: 
Enter name: Whitney
Enter age: 20
Enter another person (y/n)? y

Enter person's data: 
Enter name: Rainier
Enter age: 21
Enter another person (y/n)? y

Enter person's data: 
Enter name: McKinley
Enter age: 22
Enter another person (y/n)? n

   Name: Whitney
   Age: 20
   Name: Rainier
   Age: 21
   Name: McKinley
   Age: 22

Example 12.13, Page Number 599

In [13]:
from pickle import load

class person:          #class of person's
    def getData(self):          #get person's data
        self._name = raw_input("Enter name: ")
        self._age = input("Enter age: ")
    def showData(self):         #dislay person's data
        print "   Name:",self._name
        print "   Age:",self._age
pers = person()         #create person object
infile = open("Group.txt",'r+b')        #create input file and open it
print 'There are',c,'persons in file'   #print number of objects in file

n = input("Enter person number: ")

print ''
for j in range(3):
    pers = load(infile)      #read one person
    if j==n-1:
        pers.showData()         #display the person
There are 3 persons in file
Enter person number: 2

   Name: Rainier
   Age: 21

Example 12.14, Page Number 601

In [14]:
from pickle import dump,load

MAX = 1000
buff = []*1000

for j in range(MAX):        #fill buffer with data

    os = open("edata.txt",'r+b')         #open a file

except IOError:
    print "could not open output file"
print 'Writing...'

    dump(buff, os)       #write buffer to it
except IOError:
    print "could not write ot file"
os.close()             #must close it

for j in range(MAX):   #clear buffer
    is1 = open("edata.txt",'r+b')     #open the same file in read mode

except IOError:
    print "could not open output file"
print 'Reading...'

    buff = load(is1)           #read file data and put it into a buffer
except IOError:
    print "could not read from file"
for j in range(MAX):            #check data
    if int(buff[j])!=j:
        print "Data is incorrect\n"
if c==0:
    print "Data is correct"
Data is correct

Example 12.15, Page Number 603

In [15]:
class error:                   #class error#
    def rdstate(self):         #show the error state
            file = open("GROUP1.txt",'r')
            return 0
        except IOError:
            return 4
    def good(self):            #check no error occur to open the file
            file = open("GROUP1.txt",'r')
            return 1
        except IOError:
            return 0
    def eof(self):            #check end-of-file
            file = open("GROUP1.txt",'r')
            return 1
        except IOError:
            return 0
    def fail(self):           #check any error has come?
            file = open("GROUP1.txt",'r')
            return 0
        except IOError:
            return 4
    def bad(self):            #file can't be open
            file = open("GROUP1.txt",'r')
            return 0
        except IOError:
            return 4

    file = open("GROUP1.txt",'r')
except IOError:
    print "can't open output file"

print 'file =',hex(id(file))

file = error()

print 'Error state =',file.rdstate()
print 'good() =',file.good()
print 'eof() =',file.eof()
print 'fail() =',
print 'bad() =',file.bad()
can't open output file
file = 0x37cd270L
Error state = 4
good() = 0
eof() = 0
fail() = 4
bad() = 4

Example 12.16, Page Number 604

In [16]:
from pickle import dump,load

class person:            #class of persons

    def getData(self):                                #get person's data
        self._name = raw_input("Enter name: ")        #person's name
        self._age = input("Enter age: ")              #person's age
    def showData(self):          #display person's data
        print "   Name:",self._name
        print "   Age:",self._age
    def diskIn(self,pn,c):       #read person number pn from file
        infile = open("PERSFILE.txt",'r+b')  #open file
        for j in range(c):
            self = load(infile)       #read one person
            if j==pn:
                return self;
    def diskOut(self):           #write person to end of file
        outfile = open("PERSFILE.txt",'ab')   #open file
        dump(self, outfile)            #write to it
    def diskCount(self,c):        #return number of persons in file
        return c 
p = person()         #make an empty person
outfile = open("PERSFILE.txt",'wb')        #open file to delete its containt

while True:                                #save person to disk
    print "\nEnter person's data: "
    p.getData()                            #get data 
    p.diskOut()                            #write to disk
    c += 1
    ch = raw_input("Enter another person (y/n)? ")
    if(ch == 'n'):                         #untill user enters 'n'
c = p.diskCount(c)                         #how many persons are in file?

print 'There are',c,'persons in file'

print ''
for j in range(c):            #for each person
    print 'person'
    p = p.diskIn(j,c)         #read person from disk
    p.showData()              #display person
Enter person's data: 
Enter name: Stimson
Enter age: 45
Enter another person (y/n)? y

Enter person's data: 
Enter name: Hull
Enter age: 58
Enter another person (y/n)? y

Enter person's data: 
Enter name: Acheson
Enter age: 63
Enter another person (y/n)? y

Enter person's data: 
Enter name: Dules
Enter age: 72
Enter another person (y/n)? n
There are 4 persons in file

   Name: Stimson
   Age: 45
   Name: Hull
   Age: 58
   Name: Acheson
   Age: 63
   Name: Dules
   Age: 72

Example 12.17, Page Number 608

In [17]:
from sys import getsizeof
from pickle import dump,load

employee_type = ["tmanager","tscientist","tlaborer"]  
(tmanager,tscientist,tlaborer) = (0,1,2)                 #Atteching the names with number  

LEN = 32                                                 #maximum length of last names
MAXEM = 100                                              #maximum length of employees

class employee:               #employee class
    __name = [None]*LEN       #employee name
    __n = 0                   #current number of employee
    __arrap = []              #array of ptrs to emps
    def getdata(self):                                     #get data from user
        self.__name = raw_input("   Enter last name: ")
        self.__number = input("   Enter number: ")         #employee number
    def putdata(self):                                     #display data
        print '    Name:',self.__name 
        print '    Number:',self.__number
    def get_type(self):                                    #return the type of object
        if getsizeof(self)==getsizeof(manager()):
            return tmanager
        elif getsizeof(self)==getsizeof(scientisit()):
            return tscientist
        elif getsizeof(self)==getsizeof(laborer()):
            return tlaborer
            print 'Bad employee type'
            return tmanager
    def add(self):            #add employee to list in memory
        print "'m' to add manager \n's' to add a scientist\n'l' to add a laborer"
        ch = raw_input("Enter selection: ")
        #create specific employee type
        if ch=='m':
        elif ch=='s':
        elif ch=='l':
            print 'Unknown command'
        employee.__arrap[employee.__n].getdata()        #get employee data from user
        employee.__n += 1                               #increase the number of employee
    def display(self):                    #display all employees
        for j in range(employee.__n):
            print j+1,                    #display number
            #display type
            if employee.__arrap[j].get_type()==tmanager:
                print '. Type: Manager'
            elif employee.__arrap[j].get_type()==tscientist:
                print '. Type: scientist'
            elif employee.__arrap[j].get_type()==tlaborer:
                print '. Type: laborer'
                print '. Unknown type'
            employee.__arrap[j].putdata()       #display employee data
    def write(self):                            #write all current memory object to file
        ouf = open("EMPLOY.txt",'w')
        print 'Writing',employee.__n,'employees.'
            ouf = open("EMPLOY.txt",'ab')       #open file in binary mode
        except IOError:
            print "could not open file"
        for j in range(employee.__n):                  #for every employee objects
            etype = employee.__arrap[j].get_type()     #get its type
            dump(etype, ouf)                    #write type to file
            #find its size
            if etype == tmanager:
                size = getsizeof(manager)
            elif etype == tscientist:
                size = getsizeof(scientist)
            elif etype == tlaborer:
                size = getsizeof(laborer)
                dump(employee.__arrap[j], ouf)       #write employee object to file
            except IOError:
                print "could not write to file"
        ouf.close()        #close the file
    def read(self,c):      #read data for all employee from file into memory
            inf = open("EMPLOY.txt",'rb')           #open file into binary mode
        except IOError:
            print "could not open file"
        employee.__n = 0             #no employee in memeory yet
        for j in range(c):
                etype = load(inf)                   #read type of next employee
            except IOError:
                print "could not read type from file"
            if j==c:
            if etype == tmanager:                               #make new employee of correct type
                employee.__arrap[employee.__n] = manager()
                size = getsizeof(manager)
            elif etype == tscientist:
                employee.__arrap[employee.__n] = scientist()
                size = getsizeof(scientist)
            elif etype == tlaborer:
                employee.__arrap[employee.__n] = laborer()
                size = getsizeof(laborer)
                print 'Unknown type in file'
                employee.__arrap[employee.__n] = load(inf)        #read data from file into it
            except IOError:
                print "could not read type from file"
            employee.__n += 1           #count employee
        print 'Reading',employee.__n,'employees'
class manager(employee):                                       #management class
    __title = [None]*LEN                                       #'vice-president' etc. 
    def getdata(self):
        self.__title = raw_input("   Enter Title: ")
        self.__dues = input("   Enter golf club dues: ")       #golf club dues
    def putdata(self):
        print '    Title:',self.__title
        print '    golf club dues:',self.__dues
class scientist(employee):                                     #scientist class
    def getdata(self):
        self.__pubs = raw_input("   Enter Number of pubs: ")   #number of publication
    def putdata(self):
        print '    Number of publications:',self.__pubs
class laborer(employee):             #labour class

z = 0
while True:
    print "\n'a' --to add data for an employee \n'd' --display data for all employees\n'w' --write all employee data to file"
    print "'r' --read all employee data to file\n'x' --exit"
    ch = raw_input("Enter selection: ")
    if ch == 'a':                  #add an employee to list
        z += 1
    elif ch == 'd':                #display all employess
    elif ch == 'w':                #write employee to file
    elif ch == 'r':                #read all employee from file
    elif ch == 'x':                #exit program
        print 'Unknown command'
'a' --to add data for an employee 
'd' --display data for all employees
'w' --write all employee data to file
'r' --read all employee data to file
'x' --exit
Enter selection: a
'm' to add manager 
's' to add a scientist
'l' to add a laborer
Enter selection: m
   Enter last name: Johnson
   Enter number: 1111
   Enter Title: President
   Enter golf club dues: 20000

'a' --to add data for an employee 
'd' --display data for all employees
'w' --write all employee data to file
'r' --read all employee data to file
'x' --exit
Enter selection: a
'm' to add manager 
's' to add a scientist
'l' to add a laborer
Enter selection: s
   Enter last name: Faraday
   Enter number: 2222
   Enter Number of pubs: 99

'a' --to add data for an employee 
'd' --display data for all employees
'w' --write all employee data to file
'r' --read all employee data to file
'x' --exit
Enter selection: a
'm' to add manager 
's' to add a scientist
'l' to add a laborer
Enter selection: l
   Enter last name: Smith
   Enter number: 3333

'a' --to add data for an employee 
'd' --display data for all employees
'w' --write all employee data to file
'r' --read all employee data to file
'x' --exit
Enter selection: w
Writing 3 employees.

'a' --to add data for an employee 
'd' --display data for all employees
'w' --write all employee data to file
'r' --read all employee data to file
'x' --exit
Enter selection: r
Reading 3 employees

'a' --to add data for an employee 
'd' --display data for all employees
'w' --write all employee data to file
'r' --read all employee data to file
'x' --exit
Enter selection: d
1 . Type: Manager
    Name: Johnson
    Number: 1111
    Title: President
    golf club dues: 20000
2 . Type: Manager
    Name: Faraday
    Number: 2222
    Number of publications: 99
3 . Type: Manager
    Name: Smith
    Number: 3333

'a' --to add data for an employee 
'd' --display data for all employees
'w' --write all employee data to file
'r' --read all employee data to file
'x' --exit
Enter selection: x

Example 12.18, Page Number 616

In [18]:
class Distance:                      #Distance class
    def __init__(self,ft=0,inc=0):   #constructor 
        self.__feet = ft
        self.__inches = inc
def gd(d):               #get length from user  (friend function)
    d._Distance__feet = input('\nEnter feet:')
    d._Distance__inches = input('Enter inches:')
def sd(d):              #display distance  (friend function)
    print d._Distance__feet , '\' -' , d._Distance__inches , '\"'
#define distances
dist1 = Distance()
dist2 = Distance()

#define and initialize dist3
dist3 = Distance(11,6.25)

#get dist1 and dist2 from user
print 'Enter two Distance value:',

#display all lengths
print '\ndist1 = ',;sd(dist1)
print 'dist2 = ',;sd(dist2)
print 'dist3 = ',;sd(dist3)
Enter two Distance value:
Enter feet:10
Enter inches:3.5

Enter feet:12
Enter inches:6
dist1 =  10 ' - 3.5 "
dist2 =  12 ' - 6 "
dist3 =  11 ' - 6.25 "

Example 12.19, Page Number 618

In [19]:
from pickle import dump,load

class Distance:                      #Distance class
    def __init__(self,ft=0,inc=0):   #constructor 
        self.__feet = ft
        self.__inches = inc
def gd(d):               #get length from user  (friend function)
    d._Distance__feet,dummy,dummy,d._Distance__inches,dummy = input(),raw_input(),raw_input(),input(),raw_input()
def sd(d):              #display distance  (friend function)
    print d._Distance__feet , '\' -' , d._Distance__inches , '\"'
dist1 = Distance()
ofile = open('Dist.txt','w')           #create and open a file

while True:
    print 'Enter Distance:'
    gd(dist1)                    #get distance from user
    dump(dist1,ofile)     #write it to file
    z += 1
    ch = raw_input("Enter another person (y/n)? ")
    if(ch == 'n'):
ofile.close()          #close file

ifile = open('Dist.txt','r')        #open same file in read mode

print '\nContents of disk file is:'
for j in range(z):
    dist1 = load(ifile)      #read dist from stream
    print 'Distance =',;sd(dist1)   #display dist
Enter Distance:
Enter another person (y/n)? y
Enter Distance:
Enter another person (y/n)? y
Enter Distance:
Enter another person (y/n)? n

Contents of disk file is:
Distance = 3 ' - 4.5 "
Distance = 7 ' - 11.25 "
Distance = 11 ' - 6 "

Example 12.20, Page Number 621

In [20]:
                        #test data
ch = 'x'
str1 = "Kafka"
str2 = "Freud"

                        #print data
print 'ch =',ch
print 'j =',j
print 'd = %.2f' %d
print 'str1 =',str1
print 'str2 =',str2
ch = x
j = 77
d = 67890.12
str1 = Kafka
str2 = Freud

Example 12.21, Page Number 622

In [21]:
from sys import argv

print 'argc =',len(argv)          #number of arguments

for j in range(len(argv)):        #display arguments
    print 'Argument',j,'=',argv[j]  
argc = 8
Argument 0 = -c
Argument 1 = -f
Argument 2 = C:\Users\Aman Jain\.ipython\profile_default\security\kernel-08538966-3f5b-48ea-8e02-714bd8abf473.json
Argument 3 = --IPKernelApp.parent_appname='ipython-notebook'
Argument 4 = --profile-dir
Argument 5 = C:\Users\Aman Jain\.ipython\profile_default
Argument 6 = --interrupt=1980
Argument 7 = --parent=1976

Example 12.22, Page Number 623

In [22]:
from sys import argv
if not(len(argv)==2):             
    print "Format: otype filename"
                                #Open a file

                                #In case file cannot open
        print "Cannot open file."
                                #Read file
        print ch
Format: otype filename

Example 12.23, Page Number 625

In [23]:
s1 = "\nToday's winning number is "
n1 = "17982"

outfile = open("PRN1.txt",'w')     #open the file

                        #send data to file


Example 12.24, Page Number 625

In [24]:
from sys import argv
if not(len(argv)==2):
    print "Format: otype filename"
                                #Open a file

                                #In case file cannot open
        print "Cannot open file."
        outfile = open("PRN1.txt")
        print ch
Format: otype filename
In [ ]: