def starline(): #function declarator
for j in range(25): #function body
print '*',
starline() #call to function
print 'Data type Range'
starline() #call to function
print 'Char -128 to 127'
print 'short -32,768 to 32,767'
print 'int System dependent'
print 'long -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647'
starline() #call to function
#function definition
def starline():
for j in range(25):
print '*',
starline() #call to function
print 'Data type Range'
starline() #call to function
print 'Char -128 to 127'
print 'short -32,768 to 32,767'
print 'int System dependent'
print 'long -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647'
starline() #call to function
def repchar(ch,n): #function declarator
for j in range(n): #function body
print ch,
repchar('-',22) #call to function
print 'Data type Range'
repchar('=',12) #call to function
print 'Char -128 to 127'
print 'short -32,768 to 32,767'
print 'int System dependent'
print 'long -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647'
repchar('-',22) #call to function
def repchar(ch,n): #function declarator
for j in range(n): #function body
print ch,
chin = raw_input("Enter a character: ") #get character from user
nin = input("Enter number of times to repeat it: ") #get repetition
repchar(chin,nin) #call to function
class Distance: #Distance class
feet = None
inches = None
#function for display distance
def engldisp(dd): #parameter dd of type Distance
print dd.feet,'\' -',dd.inches,'\"',
#define two lengths
d1 = Distance()
d2 = Distance()
#get length d1 from user
d1.feet = input("Enter feet: ")
d1.inches = input("Enter inches: ")
#get length d2 from user
d2.feet = input("\nEnter feet: ")
d2.inches = input("Enter inches: ")
print '\nd1 =', #display length 1
print '\nd2 =', #display length 2
from turtle import Turtle,setup,done #importing turtles library
class circle: #defining circle class
xCo = None
yCo = None
radius = None
fillcolor = None
#draw circle
def circ_draw(c):
turtle = Turtle()
#create circles
c1 = circle()
c2 = circle()
c3 = circle()
#initialize the values of each circle
c1.xCo = 15
c1.yCo = 7
c1.radius = 5
c1.fillcolor = "Blue"
c2.xCo = 41
c2.yCo = 12
c2.radius = 7
c2.fillcolor = "Red"
c3.xCo = 65
c3.yCo = 18
c3.radius = 4
c3.fillcolor = "Green"
#draw circle
def lbstokg(pounds): #function for converting pounds to kilograms
kilograms = 0.453592 * pounds
return kilograms
lbs = input("Enter your weight in pounds: ") #get the weight from user
kgs = lbstokg(lbs) #function call
print 'Your weight in kilogram is',kgs,'\n' #display weight from pounds to kilogram
def lbstokg(pounds): #function for converting pounds to kilogram
return 0.453592 * pounds
lbs = input("Enter your weight in pounds: ") #get the weight from user
print 'Your weight in kilogram is',lbstokg(lbs),'\n' #call function an display weight
class Distance: #Distance class
feet = None
inches = None
def addeng1(dd1,dd2): #function for add two lengths
dd3 = Distance() #define a new structure for sum
dd3.inches = dd1.inches + dd2.inches #add the inches
dd3.feet = 0
if dd3.inches>=12.0: #if inches >= 12.0
dd3.inches -= 12.0 #then decrease inches by 12,0
dd3.feet += 1 #and increase feet by 1
dd3.feet += dd1.feet + dd2.feet #add feet
return dd3 #return structure
def engldisp(dd): #display the length
print dd.feet,'\' -',dd.inches,'\"',
#define three lengths
d1 = Distance()
d2 = Distance()
d3 = Distance()
#get length d1 from user
d1.feet = input("Enter feet: ")
d1.inches = input("Enter inches: ")
#get length d2 from user
d2.feet = input("\nEnter feet: ")
d2.inches = input("Enter inches: ")
d3 = addeng1(d1,d2) #d3 is sum of d1 and d2
print '\n', #display all lengths
engldisp(d1); print ' + ',
engldisp(d2); print ' = ',
engldisp(d3); print '\n'
def intfrac(n): #function for finding the integer and fractional part of real number
temp = n
intp = int(temp) #convert to int
fracp = n - intp #subtract integer part to get fractional part
return intp,fracp
while True:
number = input("Enter a real number: ") #get number from user
intpart,fracpart = intfrac(number) #function call
if number == 0.0: #exit loop when number is 0.0
print 'Integer part is',intpart,', fraction part is',fracpart,'\n' #print integer and fractional part
def order(numb1,numb2): #orders of two numbers
if numb1>numb2: #if 1st larger than 2nd
temp = numb1 #swap them
numb1 = numb2
numb2 = temp
return numb1,numb2
n1 = 99 #this pair not ordered
n2 = 11
n3 = 22 #this pair ordered
n4 = 88
n1,n2 = order(n1,n2) #order each pair of numbers
n3,n4 = order(n3,n4)
print 'n1 =',n1 #print out all numbers
print 'n2 =',n2
print 'n3 =',n3
print 'n4 =',n4
class Distance: #class Distance
feet = None
inches = None
def scale(dd,factor): #Scales value of type Distance by factor
inches = (dd.feet*12 + dd.inches) * factor
dd.feet = int(inches/12)
dd.inches = inches - dd.feet * 12
return dd
def engldisp(dd): #dispaly length
print dd.feet,'\' -',dd.inches,'\"'
d1 = Distance() #initialize d1
d1.feet = 12
d1.inches = 6.5
d2 = Distance() #initialize d2
d2.feet = 10
d2.inches = 5.5
print 'd1 =', ; engldisp(d1) #display old d1 and d2
print 'd2 =', ; engldisp(d2)
d1 = scale(d1,0.5) #scale d1 and d2
d2 = scale(d2,0.25)
print 'd1 =', ; engldisp(d1) #display new d1 and d2
print 'd2 =', ; engldisp(d2)
def repchar(ch=None,n=None): #display specified character
if ch == None:
for j in range(45): #display 45 asterisks
print '*',
print ''
elif n == None:
for j in range(45): #display 45 specified character
print ch,
print ''
for j in range(n): #display specified number of copies of specified character
print ch,
print ''
repchar() #call functions
class Distance: #Distance class
feet = None
inches = None
#function overloading
def engldisp(dd):
if isinstance(dd,float): #if dd is float type
feet = int(dd/12)
inches = dd - feet*12
print feet,'\' -',inches,'\"',
else: #if parameter dd of type Distance
print dd.feet,'\' -',dd.inches,'\"',
d1 = Distance() #distance of type Distance
d1.feet = input("Enter feet: ") #get d1 from user
d1.inches = input("Enter inches: ")
d2 = input("\nEnter entire distance in inches: ") #distance of type float
print '\nd1 =', #display length d1
print '\nd2 =', #display length d2
def factfunc(n): #calls itself to calculate factorials
if n>1:
return n * factfunc(n-1)
return 1
n = input("Enter an integer: ") #get number from user
fact = factfunc(n) #function call for factorial
print 'Factorial of',n,'is',fact,'\n' #dsplay factorial
#inline function
lbstokg = lambda pounds: 0.453592 * pounds #converts pounds to kilogram
lbs = input("Enter your weight in pounds: ") #get weight from user
print 'Your weight in kilogram is',lbstokg(lbs) #convert it and display
def repchar(ch='*',n=45): #function with default arguments
for j in range(n): #loops n times
print ch, #print ch
repchar() #prints 45 asterisks
repchar('=') #prints 45 equal sign
repchar('+',30) #prints 30 plus sign
ch = 'a'
def getachar(): #function for accesses text line
global ch
ch = raw_input()
def putachar(): #function for display text line
global ch
print ch
getachar() #functions call
total = 0 #works as static variables
count = 0
def getavg(newdata): #function for finds average of old and new data
global total
global count
count += 1 #increment count
total += newdata #add new data to total
return total / count #return the new average
data = 1
while(data != 0):
data = input("Enter a number: ") #get data from user
avg = getavg(data) #find out average each time
print 'new average is',avg #print average
x = None #global variable
def setx(): #returns the value to be modified
global x
return x
x = 92 #set x to a value
print 'x =',setx() #and print x using functon call
def aFunc(a,b): #functon for modify the arguments
a = 107
b = 111
return a,b
alpha = 7
beta = 11
alpha,beta = aFunc(alpha,beta) #function call