Chapter 9: Specialixed IC Applications

Example 9.1

In [1]:
#Example 9.1
#The FLT-U2 is to be used as a second order inverting Butterworth low pass filter
#with a dc gain of 5,cutoff frequency of 2 kHz and Q=10. Determine the values
#of the external components.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
f1=2*10**3          # Cutoff freq in Hz
Q=10                # Figure of merit

R2=(316*10**3)/10    #Resistance R2
R6=1.8*10**3        # Assumption

print "Resistance R2 is",round(R2/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R3 is",round(R3/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R1 is Open"
print "Resistance R4 is",round(R4/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R5 is",round(R5/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R6 is",round(R6/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R7 is",round(R7/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R8 is",round(R8/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
Resistance R2 is 31.6 kilo ohm
Resistance R3 is 3.27 kilo ohm
Resistance R1 is Open
Resistance R4 is 25.15 kilo ohm
Resistance R5 is 25.15 kilo ohm
Resistance R6 is 1.8 kilo ohm
Resistance R7 is 9.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R8 is 1.5 kilo ohm

Example 9.2

In [2]:
#Example 9.2
#Using the FLT-U2, design a second order inverting Butterworth bandpass filter
#with centre frequency f1=5 kHz and Q=10.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
f1=5*10**3   # Center freq in Hz
Q=10         # Figure of merit
R2=100*10**3 # Constant for band-pass filter


print "Resistance R2 is",round(R2/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R3 is",round(R3/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R1 is Open","ohm"
print "Resistance R4 is",round(R4/10**3),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R5 is",round(R5/10**3),"kilo ohm"
Resistance R2 is 100.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R3 is 2.96 kilo ohm
Resistance R1 is Open ohm
Resistance R4 is 10.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R5 is 10.0 kilo ohm

Example 9.3

In [3]:
#Example 9.3
#Using the FLT-U2, design a notch filter with 5 kHz notch out frequency and

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
f1=5*10**3   # Center freq in Hz
Q=10         # Figure of merit
R2=100*10**3 # Constant for band-pass filter

R6=10*10**3                        #Assumption
R9=(R6*R7*R8)/(R6*R7+R6*R8+R7*R8)  #Since R6||R7||R8

print "Resistance R2 is",round(R2/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R3 is",round(R3/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R1 is Open","ohm"
print "Resistance R4 is",round(R4/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R5 is",round(R5/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R6 is",round(R6/10**3),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R7 is",round(R7/10**3),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R8 is",round(R8/10**3),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R9 is",round(R9/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
Resistance R2 is 100.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R3 is 2.96 kilo ohm
Resistance R1 is Open ohm
Resistance R4 is 10.06 kilo ohm
Resistance R5 is 10.06 kilo ohm
Resistance R6 is 10.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R7 is 10.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R8 is 10.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R9 is 3.33 kilo ohm

Example 9.4

In [4]:
#Example 9.4
#Using the MF5,design a second order Butterworth lowpass filter with a cutoff
#frequency of 500Hz and a passband gain of -2. Assume that a 5,-5 V power supply
#and a CMOS clock are used.
from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
f1=500       #Cut-off freq in Hz
Holp=-2      #Passband gain
R1=10*10**3  #Assumption
Q=0.707      #Figure of merit Q is fixed for second order butterworth LPF

R2=-R1*Holp  #Using Holp=-R2/R1;
R3=Q*R2      #Using Q=R3/R2

print "Resistance R2 is",round(R2/10**3),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R3 is",round(R3/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
Resistance R2 is 20.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R3 is 14.14 kilo ohm

Example 9.5

In [5]:
#Example 9.5
#In the circuit of figure 9-16(a), Ra=10 Kilo ohm, the output pulse width
#tp=10 ms. Determine the value of C.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
Ra=10*10**3   #Resistance in ohm
tp=10*10**-3  #Output pulse width


print "Capacitance C is",round(C*10**6),"micro Farad"
Capacitance C is 1.0 micro Farad

Example 9.6

In [6]:
#Example 9.6
#The circuit of figure 9-16 (a) is to be used as a divide-by-2 network.
#The frequency of the input trigger signal is 2 kHz.If the value of C=0.01 uF
#What should be the value of Ra.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
f=2*10**3                           #Freq of input trigger signal in Hz


print "Resistance Ra is",round(Ra/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
Resistance Ra is 54.55 kilo ohm

Example 9.7

In [7]:
#Example 9.7
#In the astable multivibrator of figure 9-21(a), Ra=2.2 kilo ohm, Rb=3.9 kilo ohm
#and C=0.1 uF. Determine the pulse width tc, negative pulse width td and free
#running frequency fo.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
Ra=2.2*10**3       # Resistance in ohm
Rb=3.9*10**3       # Resistance in ohm
C=0.1*10**-6       # capacitance in farad

tc=0.69*(Ra+Rb)*C  # Charging time of the capacitor
td=0.69*Rb*C       # Discharging time of the capacitor
fo=1/T             # Freq of oscillation

print "Charging time of the capacitor is",round(tc*10**3,2),"ms"
print "Discharging time of the capacitor is",round(td*10**3,2),"ms"
print "Freq of oscillation is",round(fo/10**3,1),"kHz"
Charging time of the capacitor is 0.42 ms
Discharging time of the capacitor is 0.27 ms
Freq of oscillation is 1.4 kHz

Example 9.8

In [8]:
#Example 9.8
#Referring to the circuit of figure 9-24(a),determine the frequency of the free-
#running ramp generator if R is set at 10 kHz.
#Assume that Vbe=Vd1=0.7 V.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
R=10*10**3       #Resistance in ohm
Vcc=5            #Supply voltage in volt
Vbe=0.7          #Base to emitter voltage in volt
C=0.05*10**-6    #Capacitance in farad

Ic=(Vcc-Vbe)/R   #Collector current in ampere

print "Freq of free running ramp generator is",round(fo/10**3,2),"kHz"
Freq of free running ramp generator is 5.16 kHz

Example 9.9

In [9]:
#Example 9.9
#Referring to the circuit of figure 9-33(a),determine the free-running frequency
#fout, the lock range fl and the capture range fc.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
R1=12*10**3     # Resistance in ohm
V_plus=10       # Supply voltage in volt
V_minus=-10     # Supply voltage in volt
C1=0.01*10**-6  # Capacitance in farad
C2=10*10**-6    # Capacitance in farad


print "Free running frequency of VCO is",round(fout/10**3,1),"kHz"
print "Lock range frequency of VCO is",round(fl/10**3),"kHz"
print "Capture range frequency of VCO is",round(fc,2),"Hz"
Free running frequency of VCO is 2.5 kHz
Lock range frequency of VCO is 1.0 kHz
Capture range frequency of VCO is 66.49 Hz

Example 9.10

In [10]:
#Example 9.10
#Using the 7805C voltage regulator , design a current source that will deliver
#a 0.25 A current to a 48 ohm, 10 W load.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
Vr=5           #Voltage in volt
Il=0.25        #Load current in ampere
Rl=48          #Load resistance in ohm
dropout_volt=2 #Constant for IC7805C

R=Vr/Il        #Approximate result sice Iq is negligible in the eq. Il=(Vr/Il)+Iq where Iq is quiescent current

print "Resistance R is",R,"ohm"
print "Output voltage Vo is",Vo,"Volt"
print "Min input voltage Vin is",Vin,"Volt"
Resistance R is 20.0 ohm
Output voltage Vo is 17.0 Volt
Min input voltage Vin is 19.0 Volt

Example 9.11

In [11]:
#Example 9.11
#Design an adjustable  voltage regulator to satisfy the following specifications
#Output voltage Vo= 5 to 12 V
#Output current Io= 1 A.
#Voltage regulator is LM317.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
Vo_min=5          #Min output voltage in volt
Vo_max=12         #Max output voltage in volt
Vref=1.25         #Reference voltage in volt
Iadj=100*10**-6   #Adjustment pin current in ampere
R1=240            #Assumption
C2=1*10**-6       #Added to the circuit to improve transient response
C3=1*10**-6       #Added to the circuit to obtain high ripple rejection ratios

R2_min=R1*(Vo_min-Vref)/(Vref+Iadj*R1) #Using Vo_min=Vref*(1+R2/R1)+Iadj*R2
R2_max=R1*(Vo_max-Vref)/(Vref+Iadj*R1) #Using Vo_max=Vref*(1+R2/R1)+Iadj*R2

print "Resistance R2_min is",round(R2_min/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R2_max is",round(R2_max/10**3,2),"kilo ohm"
print "Therefore resistance should be varied from R2_min to R2_max values"
print "To do this we take R2 as 3kohm potentiometer"
Resistance R2_min is 0.71 kilo ohm
Resistance R2_max is 2.03 kilo ohm
Therefore resistance should be varied from R2_min to R2_max values
To do this we take R2 as 3kohm potentiometer

Example 9.12

In [12]:
#Example 9.12
#Design a step down switching regulator according to the following
#Input voltage Vin= 12 V dc.
#Output voltage Vo= 5V at 500 m A maximum.
#Output ripple voltage Vripple= 50 mV or 1% of Vo
#Switching regulator :uA78S40.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
Iomax=500*10**-3   # Max output current in ampere
Vo=5               # Output voltage in volt
Vd=1.25            # Voltage drop across the power diode in volt
Vin=12             # Input voltage in volt
Vs=1.1             # Output saturation voltage in volt
Vripple=50*10**-3  # Output ripple voltage in volt
Vref=1.245         # Reference voltage in volt
Vr2=1.2            # Voltage across resistance R2 in volt

Ipk=2*Iomax                         # Sense current in ampere
Rsc=0.33/Ipk                        # Sense resistance in ohm
K=(Vo+Vd)/(Vin-Vs-Vo)               # K= ton/toff
f=20*10**3                          # Assuming operating freq in Hz
toff=T/2.06                         # Using ton+toff=T and substituting for ton
Ct=45*10**-5*toff                   # Oscillator timing capacitance in farad
L=((Vo+Vd)/Ipk)*toff                # Inductance in henry
Co=Ipk*((ton+toff)/(8*Vripple))     # Output capacitance in farad
I2=0.1*10**-3                       # Assuming the current through R2
R2=Vref/I2                          # Resistance R2 in ohm
R2=12*10**3                         # Taking approximate value
R1=(R2*(Vo-Vr2))/Vr2                # Using Vr2=(R1*Vo)/R1+R2, voltage divider rule

print "Sense current,Ipk is",Ipk,"A"
print "Sense resistance,Rsc is",Rsc,"ohm"
print "Constant K is",round(K,2)
print "i.e, ton is K times of toff"
print "OFF time period,toff is",round(toff*10**6,2),"us"
print "ON time period,ton is",round(ton*10**6,2),"us"
print "Inductance,L is",round(L*10**6,2),"uH"
print "Output capacitance,Co is",round(Co*10**6,3),"uF"
print "Resistance R2 is",R2/10**3,"kilo ohm"
print "Resistance R1 is",R1/10**3,"kilo ohm"
print "efficiency is",efficiency
Sense current,Ipk is 1.0 A
Sense resistance,Rsc is 0.33 ohm
Constant K is 1.06
i.e, ton is K times of toff
OFF time period,toff is 24.27 us
ON time period,ton is 25.73 us
Inductance,L is 151.7 uH
Output capacitance,Co is 125.0 uF
Resistance R2 is 12.0 kilo ohm
Resistance R1 is 38.0 kilo ohm
efficiency is 81.0

Example 9.13

In [13]:
#Example 9.13
#Upgrade the switching regulator in Example 9-12 to provide +5V at 3A.
#Use the same specifications given in example 9-12,except the output ratings.

from __future__ import division     #to perform decimal division
import math

#Variable declaration
Iomax=3                 #Max output current in ampere
Vo=5                    #Output voltage in volt
Vd=1.25                 #Voltage drop across the power diode in volt
Vin=12                  #Input voltage in volt
Vs=1.1                  #Output saturation voltage in volt
Vripple=50*10**-3       #Output ripple voltage in volt
Vref=1.245              #Reference voltage in volt
Vr2=1.2                 #Voltage across resistance R2 in volt

Ipk=2*Iomax                     #Sense current in ampere
Rsc=0.33/Ipk                    #Sense resistance in ohm
K=(Vo+Vd)/(Vin-Vs-Vo)           #K= ton/toff
f=20*10**3                      #Assuming operating freq in Hz
toff=T/2.06                     #Using ton+toff=T and substituting for ton
Ct=45*10**-5*toff               #Oscillator timing capacitance in farad
L=((Vo+Vd)/Ipk)*toff            #Inductance in henry
Co=Ipk*((ton+toff)/(8*Vripple)) #Output capacitance in farad

print "Sense current,Ipk is",Ipk,"A"
print "Sense resistance,Rsc is",Rsc,"ohm"
print "Constant K",round(K,2)
print "i.e, ton is K times of toff"
print "OFF time period,toff is",round(toff*10**6,2),"us"
print "ON time period,ton is",round(ton*10**6,2),"us"
print "Oscillator timing capacitance,Ct is",round(Ct*10**9,1),"nF"
print "Inductance,L is = %.8f H",round(L*10**6,2),"uH"
print "Output capacitance,Co is = %.7f F",round(Co*10**3,5),"milli Farad"
Sense current,Ipk is 6 A
Sense resistance,Rsc is 0.055 ohm
Constant K 1.06
i.e, ton is K times of toff
OFF time period,toff is 24.27 us
ON time period,ton is 25.73 us
Oscillator timing capacitance,Ct is 10.9 nF
Inductance,L is = %.8f H 25.28 uH
Output capacitance,Co is = %.7f F 0.75 milli Farad