Chapter 6: Optical Sources LEDs

Example 1: PgNo-277

In [1]:
import math

# Initialisation of variables
r=125*math.pow(10,-6) # cladding radius in meter
R=8*math.pow(10,-2) # curve of radius in meter
s_p=s*100 # percentage of strain

# Results
print ('%s %.2f %s' %(" The percentage of strain = ",s_p,"%"))
print ("\n If this condition is maintained the fiber will maintain without any break ")
 The percentage of strain =  0.16 %

 If this condition is maintained the fiber will maintain without any break 

Example 2: PgNo-279

In [2]:
import math

# initialisation of variables
w=40*math.pow(10,-3) # cable weighing in kg/m
R=20*math.pow(10,-2) # radius of curvature in meter
n=0.19 # co-efficient of friction
x=(3.14/4) # angle in rad

# calculations
si=42.36   # pulling tension at the entrance in kg
Z=w*R*math.sinh(n*x+Y) # puttling tension at the exit of an optical cable

# Results
print ('%s %.3f %s' %(" The puttling tension at the exit of an optical cable = ",Z,"kg"))
 The puttling tension at the exit of an optical cable =  49.173 kg