Chapter 8 :Coherent Optical Communication

Example 8.1 , Page no:148

In [1]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
eta=0.8;  #quantum efficiency of detection
Ps=2e-9;  #received optical power in W
h=6.62*1e-34;  #plancks constant
lambda1=1500*1e-9;  #wavelength in m
c=3*1e8;  #velocity of light in m/s
new=c/lambda1;  #frequency in Hz
B=1e6;  #Signal Bandwidth in Hz

SNR=(eta*Ps)/(2*h*new*B);  #signal to noise ratio
SNRdB=10*math.log10(SNR);  #signal to noise ratio in dB)

print"signal to noise ratio=",round(SNR,5);  #the answer in textbook is wrong
print"signal to noise ratio=",round(SNRdB,5),"dB";  #the answer in textbook is wrong
signal to noise ratio= 6042.29607
signal to noise ratio= 37.81202 dB