Chapter 9 :Direct detection receiver performance considerations

Example 9.1, page 506

In [26]:
import math

#Variable declaration
zm=20.7                               #average number of photons
h=6.626*10**-34                       #plancks constant
f=2.998*10**14                        #frequency in hertz         
n=1                                   #for ideal detector
Bt=10**7                              #bit rate

po=zm*h*f*Bt/(2*n)                     #output power in binary
pod=10*math.log10(po)                  #output power in dBW
pod1=10*math.log10(po*10**3)           #output power in dBm

print'Minimum incident optical power = %.1f dBW'%(pod)
print'                               = %.1f dBm'%(pod1)
Minimum incident optical power = -106.9 dBW
                               = -76.9 dBm

Example 9.2, page 508

In [3]:
import math

#Variable declaration
sn=50/10                            #signal to noise ratio in dB
f=2.998*10**14                      #frequency in hertz
n=1                                  #for an ideal detector
B=5*10**6                            #bandwidth
h=6.626*10**-34                       #plancks constant

po=SN*f*2*h*B/n                        #incident optical power
pdb=10*math.log10(po*10**3)            #incident optical power in dB

print'Incident optical power = %.1f nW '%(po*10**9)
print'                in dB  = %.1f dBm'%(pdb)
Incident optical power = 198.6 nW 
                in dB  = -37.0 dBm

Example 9.3, page 512

In [4]:
import math

#Variable declaration
po=200*10**-9                          #incident optical power in W
e=1.602*10**-19                        #1 electron volt
h=0.9*10**-6                           #operating wavelength
h1=6.626*10**-34                       #plancks constant
c=2.998*10**8                          #speed of light
K=1.38*10**-23                         #boltzman constant
T=293                                  #tempreture in kelvin
n=0.6                                  #quantum efficiency
B=5*10**6                              #post-detection bandwidth  
ib=3*10**-9                            #dark current in ampere
Rl=4*10**3                             #load resistance

ip=n*po*e*h/(h1*c)                     #photocurrent
i2=2*e*B*(ib+ip)                       #total shot noise current
i2rms=math.sqrt(i2)                    #RMS value 
it=4*K*T*B/Rl                          #thermal noise current
itrms=math.sqrt(it)                    #RMS value

print'RMS shot noise current = %.2f x10^-10 A'%(i2rms*10**10)
print'RMS thermal noise current = %.2f x10^-9 A'%(itrms*10**9)
RMS shot noise current = 3.80 x10^-10 A
RMS thermal noise current = 4.50 x10^-9 A

Example 9.4, page 514

In [39]:
import math

#Variable declaration
ip=87.1*10**-9                                  #photocurrent
its=1.44*10**-19                                #rms shot noise current  
it=2.02*10**-17                                  #rms thermal noise current
fd=0.3                                           #frequency in 3 dB

sn=ip**2/(its+(it*f))                            #signal to noise ratio
snr=10*math.log10(sn)                            #signal to noise ratio in dB

print'SNR at output = %.2f dB'%snr
SNR at output = 22.73 dB

Example 9.5, page 516

In [9]:
import math

#Variable declaration
B=8*10**6                                    #post detection bandwidth
Cd=6*10**-12                                #capacitance in farad
Ca=12*10**-12                               #input capacitance in farad

Rl=1/(2*math.pi*Cd*B)                       #maximum load resistance
B1=1/(2*math.pi*Rl*Ca)                      #maximum bandwidth

print'Maximu load resistance = %.2f KΩ'%(Rl*10**-3)
print'Maximum bandwidth = %.1f MHz'%(B1*10**-6)
Maximu load resistance = 3.32 KΩ
Maximum bandwidth = 4.0 MHz

Example 9.6, page 518

In [16]:
import math

#Variable declaration
B=50*10**6                                    #post detection bandwidth
Cd=5*10**-12                                #capacitance in farad
e=1.602*10**-19                             #1 electron volt
K=1.38*10**-23                              #boltzman constant
T=291                                         #tempreture in kelvin
ib=10**-7                                     #photocurrent before gain

Rl=1/(2*math.pi*Cd*B)                            #maximum value of the load resistor
a=2*e*B*ib                                         #shot noise
b=4*K*T*B/Rl                                       #thermal noise
sn=ib**2/(a+b)                                    #SNR, when M = 1,
snd=10*math.log10(sn)                             #SNR in dB
sn1=(Mop**2*ib**2)/((2*e*B*ib*Mop**2.3)+b)         #SNR, when M = Mop,
sdb=10*math.log10(sn1)                             #SNR in dB

print'SNR (M=1) = %.2f dB'%(snd)
print'SNR (M=Mop) = %.1f dB'%(sdb)
SNR (M=1) = 8.99 dB
SNR (M=Mop) = 32.5 dB

Example 9.7, page 520

In [22]:
import math

#Variable declaration
e=1.602*10**-19                            #1 electron volt
K=1.38*10**-23                             #boltzman constant
T=120                                      #tempreture in kelvin
B=10**7                                    #post detection bandwidth
sn=3.5                                     #SNR/10
fn=0.1                                     #noise figure/10
Rl=10**4                                   #load resistance

Ip=(sn1*a/b)**0.75                           #minimum photocurrent
Mop=((4*K*T*fn1)/(e*Ip*1.1*10**3))**0.334    #optimum avalanche multiplication factor

print'Optimum avalanche multiplication factor = %.1f '%(Mop)
Optimum avalanche multiplication factor = 8.9 

Example 9.8, page 528

In [21]:
import math

#Variable declaration
r1=4*10**6                                   #effective input resistance in ohm
r2=8*10**6                                   #resistance in ohm
ct=6*10**-12                                 #total capacitance in farad
K=1.38*10**-23                               #boltzman constant
T=300                                        #tempreture in kelvin
Rf=10**5                                     #feedback resitor
G=400                                        #open loop gain

Rt=(r1**2)/r2                                #total effective load resistance
B=1/(2*math.pi*Rt*ct)                        #maximum bandwidth
i2=4*K*T/Rt                                  #for highimpedance config
B1=G/(2*math.pi*Rf*ct)                       #maximum bandwidth for transimpedance config
it=4*K*T/(Rf)                                #for transimpedance

#transimpedance configuration factor of 20 greater than that obtained high-input-impedance configuration.

print'(a) Maximum bandwidth = %.2f x10^4 Hz'%(B*10**-4)
print'(b) Mean square thermal noise current (high impedance config)= %.2f x10^-27 A^2 Hz^-1'%(i2*10**27)
print'\n(c) Maximum bandwidth for transimpedance = %.2f X 10^6 Hz'%(B1*10**-8)
print'      Mean square thermal noise current (transimpedance config) = %.2f x10^-25 A^2 Hz^-1'%(it*10**25)
print'      Ratio of these noise power = %d dB'%ndb
(a) Maximum bandwidth = 1.33 x10^4 Hz
(b) Mean square thermal noise current (high impedance config)= 8.28 x10^-27 A^2 Hz^-1

(c) Maximum bandwidth for transimpedance = 1.06 X 10^6 Hz
      Mean square thermal noise current (transimpedance config) = 1.66 x10^-25 A^2 Hz^-1
      Ratio of these noise power = 13 dB