import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import special
%matplotlib inline
#variable decalration
ib_by_ith1=1.5 #injection current1 > 1.2
ib_by_ith2=1.6 #injection current2
ib_by_ith3=1.7 #injection current3
f = 100.0*10**6 #frequency (hz)
RIN1 = ((ib_by_ith1-1)**-3)/f
RIN2 = ((ib_by_ith2-1)**-3)/f
RIN3 = ((ib_by_ith3-1)**-3)/f
RIN_dB1 = 20*math.log10(RIN1) #noise to signal power ratio1(dB/Hz)
RIN_dB2 = 20*math.log10(RIN2) #noise to signal power ratio2(dB/Hz)
RIN_dB3 = 20*math.log10(RIN3) #noise to signal power ratio3(dB/Hz)
print "Index guided lasers lies between ",round(RIN_dB1,0),"dB/Hz",round(RIN_dB2,0),"dB/Hz",round(RIN_dB3,1),"dB/Hz"
f1=1.0*10**8 # several hundrede MHz
ib_by_ith = arange(0.0, 2.5, 0.1)
RIN12 = ((ib_by_ith-1.0)**-3)/f1
title('Plot of relative intensity. The noise level=100MHz ')
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import special
%matplotlib inline
#variable declaration
T =300.0 #room temperature(kelvin)
kB = 1.38054*10**-23 #boltzmann's constant
m =0.25 #modulation index
RIN_dB = -143
RIN = 10.0**( RIN_dB /10) #relative intensity(db/Hz)
Pc = (10**(0/10) )*10**-3 #power coupled(dB)
R = 0.6 #responsivity(A/w)
Be = 10**6 #bandwidth(hz)
ID = 10**-9 #dark current(nA)
Req = 750 #equialent resistance(ohm)
Ft = 10**(3/10) #(dB)
M = 1 #multiplication factor
q = 1.602*10**-19 #Charge (coulombs)
p = arange(0.0, -20.0, -1.0)
P = (10**(p/10) )*10**-3
C_N_1 = 0.5*((m*R*P)**2) /(4* kB*T*Be*Ft/ Req ) #limit of carrier-to-noise ratio
C_N_3 = 0.5* (m**2)/( RIN *Be)
C_N_2 = 0.5* (m**2)*R*P /(2* q*Be)
print "Decrese in received optical power at 1-db drop of C/N = 1 dB "
print "Receiver thermal noise yields a 2-dB C/N roll off per 1-dB drop in received power at low light levels"
plot(p,10*log10( C_N_1 ))
plot(p,10*log10( C_N_2 ))
plot (p,10*log10( C_N_3-30.6*10**6)*ones(len(p)))
ylabel('Carrier-to-noise ratio(dB)')
xlabel('Received optical power(dBm)')
title('Plot of Carrier-to-noise ratio as a function of receiver optical power level')
text(-10,57,'RIN limit')
text(-17,67,'Quantum noise limit')
text(-17,51,'Receiver noise limit')