#Variable declaration
P_total = 1 # [bar]
T1 = 320.0 # [K]
T_c = 562.2 # [K]
P_c = 48.9 # [bar]
A = -6.983
B = 1.332
C = -2.629
D = -3.333
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
x1 = 1-(T1/T_c)
def f12(P1):
P1 = fsolve(f12,0.01) # [bar]
print"Vapor pressure of benzene at 320 K is",round(P1[0],2),"bar"
M_benzene = 78.0 # [gram/mole]
print"\nSolution 8.1 (a)"
# Solution (a)
# For nitrogen
M_nitrogen = 28.0 # [gram/mole]
# From equation 8.2
Y = P1/(P_total - P1) #[mole C6H6/ mole N2]
Y_s1 = Y*(M_benzene/M_nitrogen) # [gram C6H6/gram N2]
print"Absolute humidity of mixture of benzene and nitrogen is",round(Y_s1[0],2)," gram C6H6/gram N2\n\n"
print"\nSolution 8.1 (b)\n"
# Solution (b)
# For carbon dioxide
M_carbondioxide = 44.0 # [gram/mole]
# From equation 8.2
Y = P1/(P_total - P1) #[mole C6H6/ mole C02]
Y_s2 = Y*(M_benzene/M_carbondioxide) # [gram C6H6/gram CO2]
print"\nAbsolute humidity of mixture of benzene and carbon dioxide is",round(Y_s2[0],3),"gram C6H6/gram CO2\n"
#Variable declaration
# A - water vapor B - air
# REference state is air
T_ref = 273 # [Reference temperature, K]
T = 303 # [K]
P_total = 1 # [atm]
P_A = 4.24 # [Vapor pressure of water at 303K, kPa]
M_A = 18.0 # [gram/mole]
M_B = 29.0 # [gram/mole]
C_A = 1.884 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_B = 1.005 # [kJ/kg.K]
lamda = 2502.3 # [Latent heat of Vaporization at 273K, kJ/kg]
P_total = P_total*101.325 # [kPa]
# From equation 8.2
Y_s = P_A/(P_total - P_A)*(M_A/M_B) #[kg H2O/ kg dry air]
print"Absolute humidity of mixture of water vapor and air is",round(Y_s,3),"kg H2O/kg dry air"
# From equation 8.3
H_s = C_B*(T-T_ref) + Y_s*(C_A*(T-T_ref) + lamda) # [kJ/kg dry air]
print"Enthalpy per unit mass of dry air of a saturated mixture at 303 K and 1 atm is",round(H_s,1),"kJ/kg dry air"
print"\n\nFollowing graph shows the result of similar calculations form 273 to 333 K"
ylabel('$Hs,kJ/kg dry air$')
#Variable declaration
# A - water vapor B - air
T = 328 # [dry bulb temperature, K]
P_total = 1.0 # [atm]
H = 30.0 # [relative humidity, %]
P_vapA = 15.73 # [vapor pressure of water, kPa]
P_total = P_total*101.325 # [kPa]
M_A = 18.0 # [gram/mole]
M_B = 29.0 # [gram/mole]
P_A = (H/100)*P_vapA # [partial pressure of A,kPa]
print"Solution 8.3 (a)"
# At dew point partial pressure is equal to vapor pressure
# Using Antonnie equation we can find dew point temperature
print"Dew point temperature is 304.5 K\n"
# From equation 8.1
Y_s = P_A/(P_total-P_A)*(M_A/M_B)
print"Absolute humidity of air-water mixture at 328 K is",round(Y_s,2),"kg H2O/kg dry air\n\n"
print"\n Solution8.3 (b)"
#soluton (b)
T_ref = 273 # [K]
C_A = 1.884 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_B = 1.005 # [kJ/kg.K]
lamda = 2502.3 # [Latent heat of Vaporization at 273 K, kJ/kg]
# From equation 8.3
H_s = C_B*(T-T_ref) + Y_s*(C_A*(T-T_ref) + lamda)
print"Enthalpy per unit mass of dry air of a saturated mixture relative to 273 K is",round(H_s,1),"kJ/kg dry air"
#Variable declaration
# a - water vapor b - air
T_G1 = 356 # [K]
P_total = 101.325 # [kPa]
Y_1 = .03 # [kg water/kg dry air]
C_pa = 1.884 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_pb = 1.005 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_s1 = C_pb + Y_1*C_pa # [kJ/kg.K]
T_1 = 373.15 # [K]
T_c = 647.1 # [K]
M_a = 18.02 # [gram/mole]
M_b = 28.97 # [gram/mole]
lamda_1 = 2256 # [Latent Heat of Vaporizarion at T_1,
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from pylab import *
def f12(T_as):
return(T_as - T_G1 + ((math.exp(16.3872 - (3885.7/(T_as - 42.98)))/(P_total - (math.exp(16.3872 - (3885.7/(T_as - 42.98))))))*(M_a/M_b) - Y_1)*(lamda_1*((1-T_as/T_c)/(1-T_1/T_c))**.38/C_s1))
T_as = fsolve(f12,310) # [K]
print"Adiabatic Saturation Temperature is",round(T_as[0]),"K"
# Now using equation 8.2
P_a = math.exp(16.3872-(3885.7/(T_as-42.98))) # [kPa]
Y_as = P_a/(P_total-P_a)*M_a/M_b # [kg water/kg dry air]
print"Absolute humidity is",round(Y_as,3),"kg water/kg dry air\n"
#Variable declaration
T_w = 320 # [K]
T_g = 340 # [K]
lambda_w = 2413 # [Latent Heat of Vaporization at 320K, kJ/kg]
Y_w1 = 0.073 # [kg water/kg dry air]
A = 0.95 # [For air water system,A, kJ/kg.K]
# here A = hg/ky, psychrometric ratio
# Air-water mixture is saturated at 320K and 1 atm
# Using equation 8.15
Y_w2 = Y_w1 - ((T_g-T_w)*A/lambda_w) # [kg water/kg dry air]
print"Absolute humidity of air-water mixture at 340 K and 1 atm is",round(Y_w2,3)," kg water/kg dry air\n "
#Variable declaration
# a - toluene b - air
T_G1 = 333 # [K]
P_total = 101.325 # [kPa]
Y_1 = 0.05 # [kg vapor/kg dry air]
C_pa = 1.256 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_pb = 1.005 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_s1 = C_pb + Y_1*C_pa
T_1 = 383.8 # [K]
T_c = 591.8 # [K]
M_a = 92 # [gram/mole]
M_b = 28.97 # [gram/mole]
lamda_1 = 33.18*1000/92 # [Latent heat of vaporization at T_1, kJ/kg]
import math
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# Constants of antoine equation
A = 13.9320
B = 3057 # [K]
C = -55.52 # [K]
print "\nSolution 8.6 (a)"
# Solution (a)
def f12(T_as):
return(T_as - T_G1 + ((math.exp(13.9320 - (3057/(T_as - 55.52)))/(P_total - (math.exp(13.9320 - (3057/(T_as - 55.52))))))*(M_a/M_b) - Y_1)*(lamda_1*((1-T_as/T_c)/(1-T_1/T_c))**0.38/C_s1))
T_as = fsolve(f12,273) # [K]
print"Adiabatic Saturation Temperature is",round(T_as),"K"
# Now using equation 8.2
P_a = math.exp(13.9320-(3057/(T_as-55.52))) # [kPa]
Y_as = P_a/(P_total-P_a)*M_a/M_b # [kg vapor/kg dry air]
print"Absolute humidity is",round(Y_as,3),"kg vapor/kg dry air"
print"\nSolution 8.6 (b)"
# Solution (b)
# Thermodynamic properties of mixture of toluene and air
row = 1.06 # [kg/cubic m]
u = 19.5*10**-6 # [P]
Pr = 0.7
Dab = 0.1 #[From Wilke-Lee equation, square cm/s]
Sc = u/(row*Dab*10**-4)
# Using equation 8.16
A_1 = C_s1*(Sc/Pr)**0.567 # [kJ/kg.K]
# here A_1 = hg/ky, psychrometric ratio
# Using equation 8.15
# T_w = T_G1 - (Y_w-Y_1)*lamda_w/(hg/ky)
# where lamda_w = lamda_1*((1-T_w/T_c)/(1-T_1/T_c))**.38
# Y_w = P_a/(P_total-P_a)*M_a/M_b
# P_a = math.exp(A-B/(T+c))
def f15(T_w):
return(T_w - T_G1 + ((math.exp(13.9320 - (3057/(T_w - 55.52)))/(P_total - (math.exp(13.9320 - (3057/(T_w - 55.52))))))*(M_a/M_b) - Y_1)*(lamda_1*((1-T_w/T_c)/(1-T_1/T_c))**.38/A_1))
T_w = fsolve(f15,273) # [K]
print"Wet bulb Temperature is",round(T_w)," K\n"
# Now using equation 8.2
P_a = math.exp(13.9320-(3057/(T_w-55.52))) # [kPa]
Y_w = P_a/(P_total-P_a)*M_a/M_b # [kg vapor/kg dry air]
print"Absolute humidity is",round(Y_w,3),"kg vapor/kg dry air\n"
L_min = 2.27 # [kg/square m.s]
G_min = 2 # [kg/square m.s]
L2_prime = 15 # [kg/s]
Templ2 = 318 # [K]
Tempg1 = 303 # [Entering air dry bulb, K]
Tempw1 = 297 # [ Entering air wet bulb, K]
Kya = 0.90 # [kg/cubic m.s]
import math
from pylab import *
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from numpy import*
H1_prime = 72.5 # [kJ/kg dry air]
Y1_prime = 0.0190 # [kg water/kg dry air]
Templ1 = 302 # [K]
Cal = 4.187 # [kJ/kg]
# Equilibrium Data:
# Data = [Temp.(K),H_star(kJ/kg)]
Data_star =matrix([[302,100],[305.5,114],[308,129.8],[310.5,147],[313,166.8],[315.5,191],[318,216]])
# The operating line for least slope:
H2_star = 210 # [kJ/kg]
Data_minSlope =matrix([[Templ1,H1_prime],[Templ2,H2_star]])
def f14(Gmin):
Gmin = fsolve(f14,2) # [kg/s]
Gs = 1.5*Gmin # [kg/s]
# For the Operating Line:
def f15(H2):
H2 = fsolve(f15,2) # [kJ/kg dry air]
Data_opline =matrix([[Templ1,H1_prime],[Templ2,H2]])
a1=plot(Data_star[:,0],Data_star[:,1],label='$Equilibrium line$')
a2=plot(Data_minSlope[:,0],Data_minSlope[:,1],label='$Minimum Flow Rate Line$')
a3=plot(Data_opline[:,0],Data_opline[:,1],label='$Operating Line$')
legend(loc='upper right')
title('Operating Diagram')
xlabel("$Liquid Temperature, K$")
ylabel("$Enthalphy Of Air Water vapour, kJ / kg dry air$")
# Tower cross section Area:
Al = L2_prime/L_min # [square m]
Ag = Gs/G_min # [square m]
A = min(Al,Ag) # [square m]
print"Cross sectional is",round(A[0],2)," square m\n"
# Data from operating line:
# Data1 = [Temp.(K),H_prime(kJ/kg)]
Data1 =matrix([[302,72.5],[305.5,92],[308,106.5],[310.5,121],[313,135.5],[315.5,149.5],[318,164.2]])
# Driving Force:
Data2 = zeros((7,2))
# Data2 = [Temp[K],driving Force]
for i in range(0,7):
Data2[i][0] = Data1[i,0]
Data2[i,1] = 1/(Data_star[i,1]-Data1[i,1])
# The data for operating line as abcissa is plotted against driving force
Area = 3.28
# From Eqn. 7.54
def f16(Z):
Z = fsolve(f16,2)
print"The height of tower is",round(Z[0],2)
NtoG = 3.28
HtoG = G_min/Kya # [m]
# Make up water
# Assuming the outlet air is essentially saturated:
Y2_prime = 0.048 # [kg water/kg dry air]
H2 = 164.2 # [kJ/kg dry air]
# This corresponds to an exit-air temperature of 312.8 K
# Approximate rate of evaporation
R = Gs*(Y2_prime-Y1_prime)
print"Rate of evaporation is",round(R[0],3),"kg/s\n"
print"Solution8.8 (a)"
#Variable declaration
# a - water vapor b - air
T_L2 = 314 # [inlet water temperature, K]
T_L1 = 303 # [outlet water temperature, K]
T_d = 306 # [dry bulb temperature ,K]
T_w1 = 298 # [wet bulb temperature, K]
Z = 3 # [packed tower depth, m]
G_x = 3 # [mass velocity, kg/square m.s]
G_s =2.7 # [mass velocity, kg/square m.s]
import math
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
T_o = 273 # [reference temperature, K]
C_al = 4.187 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_pb = 1.005 # [kJ/kg.K]
C_pa = 1.884 # [kJ/kg.K]
P_total = 101.325 # [kPa]
lamda_0 = 2502.3 # [kJ/kg]
M_a = 18.02 # [gram/mole]
M_b = 28.97 # [gram/mole]
# Equilibrium Data:
# Data = [Temp.(K),H_eqm(kJ/kg)],[H_eqm - Equilibrium gas enthalpy]
Data_eqm =matrix([[273,9.48],[283,29.36],[293,57.8],[303,99.75],[313,166.79],[323,275.58],[333,461.5]])
a1=plot(Data_eqm[:,0],Data_eqm[:,1],label='$Equilibrium line$')
legend(loc='upper right')
xlabel("Liquid Temperature, K")
ylabel("Enthalphy Of Air Water vapour, kJ / kg dry air")
P_a = math.exp(16.3872-(3885.7/(T_w1-42.98))) # [kPa]
Y_m1 = P_a/(P_total-P_a)*(M_a/M_b) # [kg water/kg dry air]
H_g1 = C_pb*(T_w1-T_o) + Y_m1*(C_pa*(T_w1-T_o)+lamda_0) # [Enthalpy of saturated mixture, kJ/kg dry air]
# From overall energy balance
H_g2 = H_g1 + G_x*C_al*(T_L2-T_L1)/G_s # [Enthalpy of exit air, kJ/kg]
# For calculation of mass transfer unit, Ntog
# Data1 = [T_L1 H_g1,.....,T_L2 H_g2]
deltaT = (T_L2-T_L1)/9
# Data for enthalpy of exit air at different temperature varying from T_L1 to T_L2, operating line
# Data of equilibrium gas enthalpy at different temperature varying from T_L1 to T_L2 from the above equilibrium graph
# Driving force
Data3 = zeros((10,3))
# Data3 =[Equilibrium gas enthalpy, driving force]
for i in range(0,10):
Data3[i][0] = Data1[i,1]
Data3[i][1] = 1/(Data2[i,1]-Data1[i,1])
# The data for Equilibrium gas enthalpy as abcissa is plotted against driving force
Area = 1.642
N_tog = 1.642
H_tog = Z/N_tog # [m]
# Overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient, K_ya
K_ya = G_s/H_tog
print"Overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient is",K_ya,"kg/cubic m.s\n\n"
print"\nSolution (b)"
#Illustration 8.8 (b)
T_w2 = 288 # [New entering-air wet-bulb temperature, K]
P_a2 = math.exp(16.3872-(3885.7/(T_w2-42.98))) # [kPa]
Y_m2 = P_a2/(P_total-P_a2)*(M_a/M_b) # [kg water/kg dry air]
H_g11 = C_pb*(T_w2-T_o) + Y_m2*(C_pa*(T_w2-T_o)+lamda_0) # [Enthalpy of saturated mixture, kJ/kg dry air]
# the change in water temperature through the tower must remain the same as in part (a), namely T_L2b-T_L1b = 11K
# Since N_tog is a function of both water temperatures(T_L1',T_L2'), this provides the second relation needed to calculate the values of T_L2b and T_L1b
# The two equations are solved simultaneously by trial and error method, from above we get T_L1'= 297K
T_L1b = 297 # [K]
T_L2b = T_L1b + 11 #[K]
S = T_L1b - T_w2 # [wet bulb temperature approach, K]
print"The outlet water temperature and wet bulb temperature approach is",T_L1b," K and ",S," K respectively "