Chapter 11 The Transmission of binary data in communication systems

Example 11.1 Page no 392

In [2]:
bits_word = 12.0

tword= t/No_words
tbit = tword/bits_word
bps =1/tbit

print"(a) The time duration of the word ",tword*10**8,"microsecond"
print"(b) The time duration of the one bit is ",round(tbit*10**8,4),"microseconds"
print"(c) The speed of transmission is ",bps/10**5,"kbps"
(a) The time duration of the word  625.0 microsecond
(b) The time duration of the one bit is  52.0833 microseconds
(c) The speed of transmission is  19.2 kbps

Example 11.2 Page no 400

In [5]:
SN_dB= 25

import math
C_th = 2*B
C =B*3.32*log10(SN+1)
N= 2**(C/(2.0*B))

print"(a) The maximum theorotical data rate is ",C_th/10**3,"kbps"
print"(b) The maximum theorotical capacity of channel is ",round(C/10**3,1),"Kbps"
print"(c) The number of levels needed to acheive maximum speed are ",round(N,2)
(a) The maximum theorotical data rate is  25.0 kbps
(b) The maximum theorotical capacity of channel is  103.8 Kbps
(c) The number of levels needed to acheive maximum speed are  17.78

Example 11.3 Page no 430

In [3]:
block =512
packets =8
BER = 2*10**-4
avg_errors = block*packets*8*BER

print"Average number of errors are ",avg_errors
Average number of errors are  6.5536