Chapter 14 Antennas and Wave Propogation

Example 14.1 page no 544

In [8]:

import math
len1 =(492*0.97)/f
len2 =(492/f)*0.8
len3 =(984/f)*0.73
z1 =120*log(35/2.0)
len4 =234/f
z2  = 73/2.0

print"(a) The length and radiation resistance of the dipole are ",round(len1*10**6,2),"feet and 73 ohm respectively"
print"(b) The length of the folded dipole are ",round(len2*10**6,2),"feet"
print"(c) The length and radiation resistance of the bow tie antenna are ",round(len3*10**6,1),"feet and ",round(z1,1),"ohm respectively"
print"(d) The length and radiation resistance of the groun plane antenna are ",round(len4*10**6,3),"feet and",z2,"ohmrespectively"
(a) The length and radiation resistance of the dipole are  1.54 feet and 73 ohm respectively
(b) The length of the folded dipole are  1.27 feet
(c) The length and radiation resistance of the bow tie antenna are  2.3 feet and  343.5 ohm respectively
(d) The length and radiation resistance of the groun plane antenna are  0.755 feet and 36.5 ohmrespectively

Example 14.2 Page no 553

In [12]:
f =220*10
pin =50
p =0.126

pout =pin*p
line_loss =pin-pout
pwr_ratio = 25.1
ERP = pwr_ratio*pout

print"(a) The transmission line loss is ",line_loss
print"(b) Effective raduated power is ",round(ERP,1),"W"
(a) The transmission line loss is  43.7
(b) Effective raduated power is  158.1 W

Example 14.3 Page no 556

In [13]:
Z0 =50
Zl =172
f =460.0*10**6
VF =0.86

len =(246/f)*VF

print"The length of the impedance matching section needed for the Q section is ",round(len*10**6,2),"feet"
The length of the impedance matching section needed for the Q section is  0.46 feet

Example 14.4 Page no 557

In [14]:
f = 460.0*10**6
VF = 0.66

len = (246/f)*VF

print"The length of impedance matching section is ",round(len*10**6,3),"feet"
The length of impedance matching section is  0.353 feet

Example 14.5 Page no 567

In [16]:
ht =275
hr =60
Gt = 26
Gr = 3.27

D =((2*ht)**0.5+(2*hr)**0.5)*1.61
lamda = 300/f
Pr = (pt*Gt*Gr*lamda**2)/(16*3.14**2*D**2)

print"(a) The maximmum transmitting distance is ",round(D,1),"kilometer"
print"The received power is ",round(Pr*10**15,1),"nW"
(a) The maximmum transmitting distance is  55.4 kilometer
The received power is  31.5 nW