Zsrc =50
Zld =136
f =5800.0*10**6
Er =2.4
Zq =(Zsrc * Zld)**0.5
Vp =1/(Er)**0.5
lamda = 300/f
len = (lamda/4.0)*38.37*Vp
print"(a) The required impedance is ",round(Zq,2),"ohm"
print"(b) The length of the microstrip ",round(len*10**6,2),"inches"
fco = 300/(2.0*((0.65*2.54)/100.0))
f =1.42*fco
print"(a) The cutoff frequency of the ",round(fco/10**3,3),"GHz"
print"(b) Operating frequency of the wavwguide is ",round(f/10**3,1),"GHz"
#for the above question
print"The c band is approximately 4 to 6 Ghz since a waveguide acts as a high pass filter with cut off of 9.08 Ghz it will not pass c band signal"
lamda1 =5.0
f2 = 15.0*10**9
lamda2 =300/f2
G = (6*(D/lamda2)**2)
B = 70/(D/lamda2)
print"(a) The lowest possible oprerating frequency is ",f1,"MHz"
print"(b) The gain at 15 Ghz is ",G/10**12
print"(c) The beam width at 15Ghz is ",round(B*10**6,2),"degree"
T = 9.2
theta = 20
sin20 = 0.342
D_nautical = T/12.36
D_statute =D_nautical*0.87
A = D_statute*0.342
print"(a) The line of distance to the aircraft in the statute miles ",round(D_statute,3)
print"(b) The altitude of the aircraft is ",A1